Tables 3-1 and 3-1M: Miles and Kilometers of Infrastructure by Mode
Freight is carried via an extensive network of roads, railroad, waterways, and pipelines. Road infrastructure has increased slowly over the past two decades despite a large increase in the volume of traffic. Between 1980 and 2002, route miles of public roads increased by 3 percent compared with a 101 percent increase in vehicle miles traveled. Miles of railroad dropped by more than 20 percent over this same period, while rail shipments (measured in ton-miles) increased by 64 percent.
Table 3-1 (standard units)
Table in Excel format
1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2002 | Percent change, 1980-2002 |
Public roads, route miles | 3,859,837 | 3,866,926 | 3,951,099 | 3,981,671 | 3.2 |
National Highway System (NHS) | N | N | 161,189 | 161,537 | N |
Interstates | 41,120 | 45,074 | 46,675 | 46,747 | 13.7 |
Other NHS | N | N | 114,514 | 114,790 | N |
Freight Intermodal connectors1 | N | N | N | 1,791 | NA |
Other | N | N | 3,789,910 | 3,820,134 | N |
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) | N | N | 62,066 | 62,792 | N |
Interstate | N | N | 46,675 | 46,747 | N |
Non-Interstate | N | N | 15,389 | 16,045 | N |
Railroad | 183,0772 | 175,909 | 170,512 | 141,391 | -22.8 |
Class I | NA | 133,189 | 120,597 | 99,943 | NA |
Regional | NA | 18,375 | 20,978 | 15,048 | NA |
Local | NA | 24,337 | 28,937 | 26,400 | NA |
Inland waterways | |||||
Navigable channels | 11,000 | 11,000 | 11,000 | 11,000 | 0.0 |
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway | 2,342 | 2,342 | 2,342 | 2,342 | 0.0 |
Pipelines | |||||
Oil | 218,393 | 208,752 | 176,996 | NA | NA |
Gas | 1,051,774 | 1,206,894 | 1,379,500 | 1,432,700 | 36.2 |
1Excludes intermodal connectors serving intercity bus, Amtrak, and public transit facilities.
2Excludes Class III railroads.
Table 3-1M (metric units)
Table in Excel format
1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2002 | Percent change, 1980-2002 |
Public roads, route kilometers | 6,211,806 | 6,223,214 | 6,358,677 | 6,407,878 | 3.2 |
National Highway System (NHS) | N | N | 259,409 | 259,969 | N |
Interstates | 66,176 | 72,540 | 75,116 | 75,232 | 13.7 |
Other NHS | N | N | 184,292 | 184,737 | N |
Freight Intermodal connectors1 | N | N | N | 2,882 | NA |
Other | N | N | 6,099,269 | 6,147,910 | N |
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) | N | N | 99,886 | 101,054 | N |
Interstate | N | N | 75,116 | 75,232 | N |
Non-Interstate | N | N | 24,766 | 25,822 | N |
Railroad | 294,6342 | 283,098 | 274,412 | 227,547 | 24.3 |
Class I | NA | 214,347 | 194,082 | 160,843 | NA |
Regional | NA | 29,572 | 33,761 | 24,217 | NA |
Local | NA | 39,167 | 46,570 | 42,487 | NA |
Inland waterways | |||||
Navigable channels | 17,703 | 17,703 | 17,703 | 17,703 | 0.0 |
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway | 3,769 | 3,769 | 3,769 | 3,769 | 0.0 |
Pipelines | |||||
Oil | 351,469 | 335,954 | 284,847 | NA | NA |
Gas | 1,692,666 | 1,942,308 | 2,220,090 | 2,305,707 | 36.2 |
Key: N = not applicable; NA = not available.
1Excludes intermodal connectors serving intercity bus, Amtrak, and public transit facilities.
2Excludes Class III railroads.
Note: 1 mile = 1.61 kilometers.
Sources: Public roads: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, (Washington, DC: Annual issues).
Intermodal connectors: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Planning, National Highway System Intermodal Connectors, available at as of August 24, 2004.
Rail: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: various issues)
Navigable channels: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway: Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System, "Seaway Facts," available at as of May 11, 2004.
Oil Pipelines: Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc., Transportation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002)
Gas Pipelines: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA: Annual issues).