Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Tables 2-6 and 2-6M: U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico by Transportation Mode

Trade with Canada and Mexico has grown rapidly over the past decade. Trucks carry almost two-thirds of the value of goods traded with these countries. The value of goods carried by truck increased by about 50 percent between 1997 and 2005. By weight, the water and truck modes carry the largest share of goods traded.

Table 2-6 (standard units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Mode 1998
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of short tons)
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of short tons)
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of short tons)
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of short tons)
Truck 350 NA 429 NA 453 NA 491 191
Rail 68 NA 94 NA 108 NA 116 141
Air 30 <1 45 1 32 <1 33 <1
Water 21 183 33 194 46 244 58 256
Pipeline 11 NA 24 NA 39 NA 52 86
Other 23 NA 29 NA 34 NA 39 5
Total 503 NA 653 526 712 NA 790 679

Key: NA = not available.

12005 data are from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, North American Freight Transportation (Washington, DC: 2003), tables A-1 and A-2, available at as of August 12, 2006.

Notes: Individual modal totals may not sum to exact totals due to rounding. 1 short ton = 2,000 lbs. For value, "Other" is the difference between the total and the sum of the individual modes.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Freight Data, August 2006.

Table 2-6M (metric units)
Table in Excel format | Historical data

Mode 1998
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of metric tonnes)
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of metric tonnes)
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of metric tonnes)
Value ($ billions)
Weight (millions of metric tonnes)
Truck 350 NA 429 NA 453 NA 491 173
Rail 68 NA 94 NA 108 NA 116 128
Air 30 <1 45 <1 32 <1 33 <1
Water 21 166 33 176 46 222 58 232
Pipeline 11 NA 24 NA 39 NA 52 78
Other 23 NA 29 NA 34 NA 39 5
Total 503 NA 653 477 712 NA 790 616

Key: NA = not available.

12005 data are from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, North American Freight Transportation (Washington, DC: 2003), tables A-1 and A-2, available at as of August 12, 2006.

Notes: Individual modal totals may not sum to exact totals due to rounding. 1 ton = 0.91 metric tonne. For value, “Other” is the difference between the total and the sum of the individual modes.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Freight Data, August 2006.

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  Last modified: May 4, 2022  
Office of Operations