National Coalition on Truck Parking: Funding, Finance, and Regulations Working Group Meeting 3 - May 8, 2018
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Contact Information: Freight Feedback at
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

May 08, 2018
A recording of this meeting is available upon request.
- Lisa Mullings (NATSO)
- Tiffany Wlazlowski-Neuman (NATSO)
- Tiffany Julien, FHWA
- Jeff Purdy, FHWA
- Jordan Wainer, Volpe
Welcome and Introductions
Jordan welcomed the group to the meeting and provided an overview of the phone settings and webroom. She also stated that the meeting is being recorded for those who cannot attend and that the link to the recording will be distributed via email later. Jordan then turned the meeting over to the group Champion, Tiffany Wlazlowski-Neuman.
Summary of Previous Working Group Meetings
Tiffany stated that the purpose of today's meeting is to provide feedback on the draft products for the Working Group. She reminded the group that Jordan and FHWA sent around a link to a document that the Working Group members could use to submit examples to include in the products.
Tiffany then asked Jordan to lead the group in discussing the draft products. Jordan provided a summary of the past Working Group meetings and the meetings that Volpe and FHWA have had with the Champions.
Working Group Products Discussion
Jordan then introduced each of the products and asked the Working Group to provide their comments or concerns about each. The Working Group discussed each product one by one. The Working Group products created are:
- Truck Parking Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) – Examples and Considerations
- CMAQ Fact Sheet
- Brochure/pamphlet on capital and operating costs of truck parking (not available yet)
State-constructed public truck parking adjacent to or in close proximity to truck stops
Fernley, Nevada
- Jordan asked the Working Group whether the photo used in this example is an accurate representation of the site, following up on a comment that Tiffany had made in the document that perhaps this was not the correct site. Tiffany offered to reach out to Pilot to confirm that the image is correct. Jordan stated that Volpe plans to confirm all of the examples having to do with the States before finalizing the products. Volpe will also confirm that the lot is gavel, and if it is, will add that to the description of the site.
- Tiffany stated that she attended a recent call related to truck parking during which participants discussed the Weed, California municipal parking lot that allows truck parking and thought it fit in well in this document. Jordan said that Volpe will add the Weed, CA example to this document.
Wamsutter, Wyoming
- Jeff Purdy stated that he has information about this example. Jeff said that the location was funded through a Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) truck parking grant. Jeff stated that the Wamsutter location is not immediately adjacent to the truck stop, but is within walking distance. Volpe will confirm these details with Wyoming and add the information into the description of the site. Jeff will provide an aerial photo of the location.
Brainerd Lakes Area Welcome Center, US Highway 371, Brainerd, Minnesota
- Volpe stated that it found the information about this site through an online search. Tiffany wrote the following comment about this example:
"Although this is not on the Interstate, and therefore legal under current federal law, private entities would take a similar view of this as a commercial rest area and would be unlikely to establish a location near this type of operation. It would be important to take a look at how many truck parking spaces this provides and how that compares to the number that a private entity would have put in. The nearest truckstop is approximately 60 miles away."
- A Working Group member responded to the comment by saying that the size and scale of the facility is not oriented toward commerce, but is smaller in scale. The site has bathrooms, several computers, and cold food options. It is used to pick up maps and vacation brochures. The Working Group member said that further up the highway there are facilities used by trucks. For example, there is a Mills Street Farm truck stop. Volpe said that it will edit the document to clarify that this site is distinct from the previous two examples since it isn't intended to provide commercial-scale truck parking.
- A Working Group member said that the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is seeking places to install truck stop electrification and anti-idling projects. Volpe said that it will reach out to NCTCOG for information about that effort.
- A Working Group member asked whether there is a minimum distance between the trucks that can park at the Fernley, Nevada site. Volpe will see if it can find that out.
- A Working Group member posted the following information in the Chat Pod of the webroom:
"Just want to make 100% sure everyone on the call knows about this May 16 FHWA Talking Freight webinar: Best Practices in Industry and Government Coordination for Developing Truck Parking Solutions. See"
- The Working Group member also added information from an email she received about truck stop electrification projects:
"Potential Funding Assistance - Interest for Electrified Parking Spaces To North Texas Distribution Centers, Terminal Facilities, Warehouses, Trucking Companies, and Other Stakeholders in the Freight Industry, The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is considering a grant proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program to request approximately $2.5 million for a project to fund electrification technologies at freight distribution centers and terminals in the ozone nonattainment area. Through our proposal, we hope to receive EPA funds to provide financial assistance to facilities and/or trucking companies. If successful in receiving funds, this type of project would be funded up to 30 percent of the total cost of labor and equipment. The company would need to cover the remaining 70 percent of the project cost. Project completion is required by December 31. NCTCOG is reaching out to identify levels of interest in having electrified parking spaces constructed in order to power Transport Refrigeration Units (TRU) and/or trucks to reduce engine idling. If awarded, NCTCOG would hold an open, competitive Call for Projects to make these funds available to facilities and/or trucking companies to install electrified parking in the North Texas area."
- A Working Group member said that New Jersey has a similar program to NCTCOG, but already has partners identified. The project will fund electrified parking spots and fund hybrid Trailer Refrigeration Units (TRUs). In New Jersey there are several ports close by, so the Working Group member thinks that it's very important to help trucks reduce idling. The Working Group member said that there's a portion of the money that's competitive. Volpe said it will follow up with stakeholders in the project if additional details are needed.
- A Working Group member said that the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection is using funding to fund electric TRUs also. The Working Group member also said that the Ozone Transportation Commission's Mobile Source Committee has made truck idle reduction a priority. One way to do that is to provide ShorePower for trailer refrigeration units.
Existing P3 Opportunities
Virginia Rest Area Sponsorship
- Jordan asked the Working Group whether it had additional information about this project. The Working Group said that it did not. Working Group members said that they have not been to any of the rest areas sponsored by GEICO. Tiffany said that she thought that GEICO was the sponsor of the facility in Virginia but maybe it's possible that the location doesn't provide vending services. A Working Group member said that the vending is operated by CRH Catering as of 2012. The Working Group member said that they will send a link to the article that provides this information.
- Volpe asked whether the Working Group was aware of companies sponsoring truck parking areas in similar ways in in other States. The Working Group was not aware of any examples.
Interstate Oasis Program (IOP)
- Volpe stated that the Interstate Oasis Program was created under SAFETEA-LU. Volpe asked whether the Working Group had a contact at the Utah Department of Transportation that Volpe could reach out to for more information about how the IOP works there. Tiffany said that she will send her contact to Volpe.
Assessment District or Business Improvement District
- Volpe stated that it located information concerning assessment districts and business improvement districts in Massachusetts and California, but the examples didn't have to do with truck parking. Tiffany suggested that this example be transitioned to the Parking Capacity Working Group. Tiffany reminded the Working Group that originally, one of the priorities of the Parking Capacity Working Group was to explore flexible funding opportunities. Working Group members also stated that this example might fall under the purview of the State, Regional, and Local Government Coordination Working Group as well.
- Jordan asked that anyone with additional comments or examples send them to her.
- Jordan concluded the discussion of this product and then gave an overview of how the review process will work. She said that Volpe will reach out to confirm each of the examples and format the products to make them more attractive.
What is the CMAQ Program?
- Jordan introduced the CMAQ Fact Sheet document, noting that the description of the CMAQ program was taken from the website. She asked whether anyone had any feedback on the description section and, hearing none, she moved onto the next section.
Examples of CMAQ Eligible Projects and Programs Related to Trucks
- The Working Group said that Volpe should add diesel engine replacements to this list.
Idle Reduction Technology (IRT)
- Jordan asked for feedback on the IRT section of the document. The Working Group said to include a link to the SmartWay verification page that explains the different types of technology. Volpe said that it will expand the product more to include this.
- A Working Group member stated that perhaps instead of discussing the NCTCOG and New Jersey efforts at truck stop electrification in the "Truck Parking Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) – Examples and Considerations" product, they could be included here, after the IRT section. They could represent examples of implementation of the technologies. A Working Group member said that they could provide all of the information about the New Jersey effort to Volpe and FHWA.
- A Working Group member added information to the Chat Pod of the webroom:
"SmartWay verified IR technology for trucks webpage:"
Types of IRTs for Trucks
- A Working Group member suggested adding a cab air service to the list. The member said that this is a pedestal but also has hoses. Volpe will confirm that cab air service of this kind is still in operation. A Working Group member said that if it is, it would be listed under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay list. A Working Group member said that IdleAir has developed a mobile unit that doesn't require big trusses to operate and that this new equipment might be good to include in the document, but it might also be too new to include. Volpe said it will leave a placeholder for this. A Working Group member said that they will provide a link to this information.
Common Types of Truck Stop Electrification (TSE)
- Volpe asked whether the Working Group had any comments about the Common Types of TSE section of the product. The Working Group said that this section looks good and that it will work to get a current list of CMAQ awards to provide to Volpe, so that this list can be confirmed as up to date. A Working Group member noted that there is a typo in the Tennessee 2005 example. This example should list Watt Road as the location, not Wyatt Road.
- Volpe asked the Working Group whether there was anything else that should be included in this CMAQ fact sheet. The Working Group asked whether this product's scope should be expanded beyond CMAQ to include funding sources other than USDOT. FHWA said that funding sources other than those provided by USDOT can be included. The Working Group provided information in chat pod about other funding programs.
"Here's a place you can find out what truck parking no-idle infrastructure EPA DERA funds have paid for under our National program, if you do want to include DERA as a source of funding: (in the search pod, type "parking"). In addition, States have used their allotments of DERA funding to pay for truck parking projects as well, but there's no easily sortable list of those. EPA could get into our DERA database and poll our States to provide more info if you want."
- FHWA stated that the list in this document should be understood as not comprehensive. The purpose of the product is to highlight successes.
- Jordan asked whether the document should include program contacts. The Working Group said yes.
- The Working Group also suggested that Volpe confirm that all of the sites listed are still operational. Some of the ones that are included have removed the equipment from their facility.
- A Working Group member said that the document should consider including a link to the Volkswagen program. The document should also include the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) program, which compiles a list that would be good to point people to. Volpe said that it will add that to the document.
- The draft of this product has not been developed.
Next Steps
- Volpe will follow up with people who offered to provide additional resources or information.
- Jordan asked whether Working Group members had anything else they would like to say about the draft products. A Working Group member said that California has some programs that might be applicable to the CMAQ Fact Sheet document. The Working Group member noted that the California program is divided into air quality districts, and each district runs programs within their areas. Jordan stated that Volpe will include a link to some overarching pages in the document.
- Jordan thanked everyone for their feedback and looks forward to creating some great products for the group. Tiffany said that if anyone comes up with any examples they think should be included in the products, please email them to FHWA, Volpe, and the Champions.
- Jordan shared that there will be another Working Group meeting in the summer, during which more final versions of the products will be shared and the Working Group will be asked to provide feedback again.
- Jordan turned the meeting over to FHWA for final thoughts. FHWA thanked everyone for participating on the call, and then Jordan adjourned the meeting.