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Enhancing Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) with Advanced and Emerging Technologies and Data SourcesChapter 4. Planning and Organizational ConsiderationsPlanning for an active transportation and demand management (ATDM) implementation is a complex process and involves advanced planning. Because ATDM expects new solutions involving emerging data sources and technologies, it may bring with it new planning steps and modified organizational approaches to deploying agencies. This chapter includes the following sections:
An excellent reference across all the above-mentioned topics is FHWA's Organizing and Planning for Operations website.1 4.1 Organizational CapabilityATDM is a more integrated approach toward real-time operations and rests on a foundation of robust systems management and requires a degree of organizational maturity to be successful. To adjust to ATDM solutions, organizations are required to proactively manage transportation systems. Figure 19 illustrates a stair-stepped approach towards increased active management: static management, responsive management, followed by proactive management. Agencies with a very low level of capability in systems management and operations are probably not ready for ATDM deployment, lacking the adequate business processes, supporting technology, and required workforce to be effective. ![]() This diagram depicts increasing active management operations through three steps: Static Management, Responsive Management, and Proactive management. Static Management and responsive management are labeled as low risk and proven. Responsive management and proactive management are labeled as high complexity, high reward, and emerging. The static management step is the lowest on the active management scale and includes information and tasks of time of day, set-it and forget it, and will work when there is limited availability. The responsive management step is intermediate on the active management scale and includes information and tasks of respond to current conditions, account for traffic impacts due to conditions, and reduce time of degraded operation. The proactive management step is highest on the active management scale and includes information and tasks of respond to predicted changes in supply and demand, and ability to delay or eliminate breakdowns. Figure 19. Diagram. Steps for actively managing operations. Source: FHWA (29) FHWA has developed a Traffic Management Organizational Capability Maturity Model (TM CMM) to aid in assessing an organization and a set of tools that can assist transportation agency managers with self-assessments of their organization's development.(61) Four dimensions that are most relevant to ATDM implementation are: (a) staffing, (b) education, (c) organizational changes, and (d) new business processes. These tools can be used by agencies to address the non-technological challenges involved in ATDM. The levels of organizational maturity defined by the FHWA TM CMM, as shown in figure 20, move from level 1 with some programs mostly information and champion driven, to level 2 with some developed processes, to level 3 where performance is measured and programs are formally budgeted, to level 4 where formal partnerships exist and performance-based improvements are the norm. ![]() Figure 20. Diagram. Levels of organization maturity. Source: FHWA The FHWA Traffic Management Capability Maturity Framework (TM CMF) is structured around these four levels of organizational maturity. Based on the level at which an agency resides for each dimension, a list of actions that the agency can undertake to advance its capabilities to the next level is provided. The four factors of organizational capability (staffing, education, organizational changes, and new business processes) can be used to help agencies identify the current state of their operations programs and provide guidance for improved levels of program effectiveness. StaffingImprovements to transportation management functions and traffic management center (TMC) operations are not only brought about through new physical components, hardware, and software but also through people—their training, skills, and core competencies. The following staffing questions serve to prepare the staff for ATDM:
EducationThe challenges of maintaining a skilled workforce equally apply to ATDM operations, which will likely require a greater number of skilled staff, specifically at the TMC. Dynamic operations, which are likely to be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, can require more staffing and skills an agency may not have. Also, the technologies supporting these solutions may be more complex than traditional intelligent transportation system (ITS) deployments. Comprehensive training is needed for agency staff to become familiar with the functionalities of new systems before deploying new ATDM solutions. The following questions focusing on education aid an agency planning for ATDM:
Organizational ChangesAgency culture is important in promoting ATDM throughout an organization. A new role as an active operator of a system or network to improve throughput, reduce congestion, and increase travel time reliability requires leadership vision, communications, and changes in the organizational structure. ATDM deployments benefit from support from the respective agency decision makers, and constant engagement and communication are essential to promote ATDM as a core operating philosophy. Increased education and outreach to policy makers and decision makers within the agency can help to facilitate this cultural transition. New Business ProcessesScoping, planning, evaluating, and budgeting processes are key business process elements to examine. Given the broad range of operational strategies and the experimental nature of ATDM solutions, agencies may need to address and modify business process elements for greater consideration and adoption of ATDM solutions. Business processes that drive the scoping, planning, evaluating, and budgeting processes are key elements to examine. Evidenced from the various statewide operations plans and ITS strategic plans, the role of operations strategies is increasingly becoming clear. With the emphasis on planning for operations, leading State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are developing robust practices to include operations strategies in planning, programming, and prioritizing. As defined in the FHWA TM CMF, the optimized organization has formalized processes, programs, partnerships, and a demonstrated record of performance-based improvements, ready for ATDM.(68) 4.2 Planning for Modified Active Transportation and Demand Management OperationsPlanning for ATDM operations benefits from leveraging of ongoing efforts and institutional partnerships in a region. These partnerships serve as the foundation for such efforts as freeway management and operations, regional traffic incident management, and arterial traffic management and operations. Planning for operations is structured around an objective-driven, performance-based approach, as illustrated in figure 21. The rationale for this approach is to link planning and operations to improve transportation decisions to effectively enhance the overall network by ensuring investments work to meet regional goals and objectives. ![]() Figure 21. Diagram. Object-driven, performance-based approach to planning for operations. Source: FHWA As a result, a program plan that incorporates ATDM solutions will typically go beyond traditional infrastructure and deployment needs and identify how agencies and regions can address ATDM project planning, lifecycle costing of equipment and other infrastructure investments, and operations and maintenance (O&M) of the ATDM solutions. Specific aspects of planning for ATDM operations can include scenario planning, new data uses, new technology uses/expertise, training, and information technology (IT) considerations. Scenario PlanningScenario planning can be helpful in the development of ATDM solutions. Scenarios can vary by specific environmental or background characteristics, such as deploying ATDM solutions during planned events (work zones or special demand generator) and in response to incident or emergency conditions (closed lanes or inclement weather). Preferably, agencies should describe ATDM operational scenarios from a user perspective, inclusive of typical day-to-day operations. A predetermined ATDM operational plan can detail how normal, or recurrent, ATDM operations would function in addition to specific scenarios that would necessitate change or unique application. For example, if dynamic shoulder use is to be deployed along a facility, the operating agency should determine how that shoulder will be managed in the event of an incident.(36) Potential scenarios could include (a) opening the shoulder to traffic if not already operational to help alleviate congestion caused by the incident, or (b) closing the shoulder to traffic if already open to accommodate emergency response personnel to access the incident. In either scenario or some other variation, the operating agency needs to determine how the strategy will be deployed, for what purpose, and for what duration, and identify other stakeholders and that partners need to be incorporated into the decision to implement the scenario. Planning elements that may be included within an ATDM scenario plan are agency roles and responsibilities, traveler information needs specific to the dynamic nature of the ATDM solutions, system interoperability (how different components of the ATDM solutions interact and communicate with other ITS infrastructure in place and any legacy systems), stakeholder roles, and risk allocation. Simulation exercises can help agencies assess various ATDM scenarios and operational strategies by evaluating the impact of specific components or the inclusion of select user groups. New Data UsesThe use of data for planning ATDM solutions principally involves collecting accurate and reliable data. Overall, data needs are linked to monitoring and modeling needs. Data enhance an agency's ability to determine the extent and duration of congestion and system performance and to estimate potential performance benefits on the network of an ATDM strategy. For operational purposes, data often require detailed granularity that can allow analysts to examine the potential for incremental changes at specific locations. Longitudinal data are necessary for seasonal and year-to-year comparisons. Data needs are typically driven by the establishment of performance metrics, as defined by the regional needs and goals of the project or program. Sources for data can vary. Data for ATDM may originate from regular data collection programs or special studies, usually in conjunction with implementing a new ATDM strategy. A range of entities can provide data on a continual or regular basis and may include internal agency groups or private third parties. Examples include travel demand models, TMC data, transit ridership records, crash records, third-party mobility data, or citation data. More agencies are relying on private entities to provide data, particularly for measuring mobility and congestion. Agency coordination is important in the planning phase to facilitate data sharing, help determine ATDM solutions to implement and prioritize corridors and areas for those solutions. As ATDM solutions are incorporated into the planning process, agencies should ensure that data are identified and collected to support the performance measures used in that process. New Technology Uses and ExpertiseNew technology uses and expertise consider how agencies are responding to the upgrading, replacement, and integration of systems in the world of rapidly changing technologies. Nationally, operations agency personnel and management have a basic, but growing, understanding of the systems approach, architecture use, and standardization, especially for ITS projects that are Federally funded and, thereby, require the use of systems engineering. While some operational strategies have become fairly standard and commonplace, the ongoing maintenance, management, replacement, and upgrading of systems is a challenge to most organizations, and these challenges will most likely also apply to ATDM solutions, which involve new technology that is unfamiliar to many agencies. Additionally, the dynamic nature of ATDM solutions involves significant sensor and communications investment that increases the complexity of the ITS infrastructure needed to operate the systems. Thus, agencies may want to ensure that the capabilities are in place to support these complex systems and ensure reliable operations to optimize performance. TrainingDifferent areas of staff education and training should also be considered, which impacts costs. Active traffic management (ATM) solutions generally involve more complex ITSs that may be unfamiliar to agency planners, designers, construction personnel, and TMC operators. The following are specific training efforts that an agency might consider:
4.3 Setting Objectives and Performance MeasuresPerformance measures and system performance monitoring are crucial components of planning for operations.(28) Performance measures are indicators of how well the transportation system is performing and are used in several ways in the objectives-driven, performance-based approach to planning for operations:
Performance measures are inextricably tied to operations objectives. ATM solutions usually need more regular monitoring and maintenance of performance, given the significance of overall program goals and scrutiny of newly implemented solutions. The importance of the quantitative nature of performance measures cannot be understated, as is clearly explained in chapter 4 of FHWA's Freeway Management and Operations Handbook.(22) Setting Objectives and Performance Measures for Active Transportation and Demand ManagementPerformance measures for ATDM solutions should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound), should clearly relate to agency goals and objectives, and shall be driven by the capability to collect the data and conduct analyses. Key groups of measures include travel time reliability, congestion management, safety, and sustainability and livability. In particular, the Active Traffic Management (ATM) Implementation and Operations Guide. Report FHWA-HOP-17-056 identifies multiple performance measures used in Europe for ATM deployments: (17, 37)
The Highway Capacity Manual contains a chapter on ATDM that recommends four measures of effectiveness for evaluating ATDM-related objectives: (9)
In addition to these measures, the Guide for Highway Capacity and Operations Analysis of Active Transportation and Demand Management Strategies recommends: (23)
Recurring Congestion — Objectives & Performance MeasuresTravel time reliability — A key aspect of performance that symbolizes the larger effect of day-today variation in travel conditions. Traditional measures related to travel speed and delay do not capture the dimension of reliability, therefore, other metrics are typically used. Specific characteristics help guide the selection of travel time reliability performance measures, as defined by specific goals, availability and quality of data, and geographic scope and intent of the program. The buffer index (BI) is a measure of travel reliability that can account for the varied distribution of travel times. The PTI represents how much total time a traveler should allow for ensuring on-time arrival, as opposed to more time represented from the BI. PTI is useful because it can be compared to the travel time index. Example objectives and performance measures related to travel time reliability include:
Congestion Management — Beyond travel reliability, multiple dimensions of mobility should be assessed within an ATDM performance measurement program. Commonly, an appropriate characterization of performance should include the extent of congestion, or the size of the population and user groups impacted by degraded conditions. Example objectives and performance measures related to congestion management include:
Non-Recurring Congestion — Objectives and Performance MeasuresNon-recurring sources of congestion, such as work zones, special events, and adverse weather, share a common set of objectives and with them corresponding performance measures. Many non-recurring events can be expected and, with preparation, bring specialized opportunities to measure and respond. Example objectives and performance measures related to non-recurring congestion include: (32)
Safety — Objectives and Performance MeasuresSafety is an important goal that often justifies the purpose and funding of implementing an ATDM strategy. Compared to mobility and congestion, assessing safety-related performance usually requires years to collect enough baseline data to justify a statistical sound evaluation process that supports valid conclusions. The selection of specific metrics is related to the overall safety goals for the program, the availability and quality of data, and the type of geography for the assessed ATDM strategy. Example objectives and performance measures related to safety include:
Livability — Objectives ad Performance MeasuresPerformance related to livability may be tied to metrics that assess environmental characteristics. Oftentimes within an ATDM context, environmental measures include elements that entail emission of volatile compounds and local impacts on noise. An assessment of air quality entails quantifying the change in ozone precursors over time, specifically nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. Energy and fuel use, as measured by gallons of gasoline, is another metric that can be associated with assessing environmental impact. Example objectives and performance measures related to livability include:
4.4 Analysis, Modeling and SimulationFHWA and its State and local agency partners have relied on analysis, modeling, and simulation (AMS) to support investment decisions for the transportation system. As the transportation system environment grows in complexity, increasing pressure is placed on agencies to identify more innovative and efficient solutions to a wide range of issues. These solutions include leveraging emerging technologies, data sources, and alternative (non-traditional) strategies. AMS tools will continue to play a critical role in evaluating these solutions. In fact, section 1430 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Public Law 114-94) includes the sense of Congress that the Department of Transportation utilize AMS tools "to the fullest and most economically feasible extent practicable" to analyze highway and public transportation projects2.(46) As transportation solutions become more sophisticated and complex, corresponding AMS tools will need to evolve; AMS tools must be able to effectively and fully quantify the benefits of proposed solutions. Traffic analysts depend on software and analytical tools and methodologies to investigate the performance of present transportation facilities and predict the possible improvement from future implementations. The objectives for using these tools is to facilitate the decision-making process, evaluate and prioritize planning and operational alternatives, improve evaluation time, reduce cost, reduce traffic disruption, present transportation strategies to road users or stakeholders, and monitor roadway performance. Dozens of AMS tools and methodologies designed for conducting analysis of one or more ATDM solutions have been identified to date. These tools and methods can generally be segmented into three broad categories:
Table 5 shows the appropriate geographic scope and resources required for each of the three types of AMS tools. These two factors are critical in selecting appropriate methods/tools for use.
A recent FHWA effort was dedicated to developing AMS testbeds for the dynamic mobility applications (DMA) and ATDM programs3. The primary objective of this project is to develop multiple simulation testbeds/transportation models to evaluate the impacts of DMA connected vehicle applications and ATDM solutions. The objective of this study was to analyze the approaches and requirements for forecasting transportation conditions and predicting system performance to support real-time performance-based management. The concept is for the TMCs to have a comprehensive view of the transportation system in real-time and use that view to predict how the system will behave (i.e., the performance of the transportation system) within the next 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour. If the predicted performance over that time does not meet the desired performance target, the TMC operator/manager can proactively implement operational solutions or actions to influence and alter the future performance in a favorable manner to align with the performance objectives/goals. These actions may include providing real-time information about the predicted conditions to travelers, implementing operational strategies such as congestion pricing, parking information/restrictions, hard shoulder use, speed harmonization, ramp metering and control, optimizing traffic signal timing, changing transit frequency, adjusting the mix of transit services, etc. Through this project, six virtual testbeds were developed and used for DMA and ATDM evaluation. The testbeds are diverse in terms of their geographic scope, modeling tools, modeled applications, and solutions, and answered research questions and produced over 24 deliverables to the U.S. Department of Transportation. FHWA also published a Primer to help public agencies understand how the portfolio of products developed under this project can be useful in conducting their own ATDM analysis. Additionally, the Traffic Analysis Tools Program was formulated by FHWA in an attempt to strike a balance between efforts to develop new, improved tools in support of traffic operations analysis and efforts to facilitate the deployment and use of existing tools. The FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox has many useful guidance documents. Through the FHWA Traffic Analysis Tools Program, agency partners and customers will expand their use of analysis tools and innovative analysis approaches that consider a system-level approach and will enhance mobility. They will gain insight on recommended/best practices and lessons learned in operational analysis. They will gain a high level of confidence in utilizing the analysis tools for their local needs. The proactive role from FHWA will enable analytical tools and DSSs to reach their full potential to support a viable transportation community in a manner sufficient to make a significant contribution to evolving traffic congestion and management problems. 4.5 Programming and BudgetingPartnerships and collaborations are often essential to implementing ATDM, particularly through the programming and budgeting process. Securing funding for transportation projects is highly competitive given the nature of limited and constrained resources. Federal policy mandates and guides many components of planning, programming, and funding projects. ATDM solutions can be included within an improvement or long-range plan once an agency or project sponsor determines that it can complement or improve upon Statewide, regional, or local goals. However, ATDM solutions will have to compete with other projects to gain approval for funding. The processes that make up the programming elements of planning will differ from State to State and will entail the steps that agencies must undergo to select projects for funding. Project sponsors often develop a decision-based framework with financial considerations for implementation. States and regions, as represented by metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), coordinate their efforts through the development of the long-range transportation plan, taking into consideration changes in overall demand and improvements to the transportation system. MPOs are required to develop short-range transportation improvement programs (TIPs) that can include select ATDM solutions if those projects are estimated to have a high priority4.(40) States are also required to develop similar short-range plans, commonly known as a Statewide transportation improvement program (STIP)5.(42) In developing full lifecycle budgets for ATDM, agencies considerations cannot be limited to acquisition costs. Instead, the programming and budgeting process must consider the costs:
1 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Organizing and Planning for Operations. https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/plan4ops/active_trans.htm. [ Return to note 1. ] 2 https://highways.dot.gov/operations/analysis-modeling-and-simulation/analysis-modeling-and-simulation-overview. [ Return to note 2. ] 3 https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/atdm/research/index.htm. [ Return to note 3. ] 4 23 USC 134(j). [ Return to note 4. ] 5 23 U.S.C. 135(a)(1). [ Return to note 5. ] |
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |