Federal Highway Administration National Dialogue on Highway Automation: October 24-25, 2018 Operations Workshop Summary
Key Takeaways
AVs May Encounter Challenging Operational Scenarios and Must Navigate These Safely
There is an array of environments and situations in which AVs will be expected to operate. Complex urban areas, work zones, special events, and severe weather and road conditions represent some of the use cases that will pose operational challenges for AVs. Not only will AVs need to be able to maneuver these situations safely and efficiently, but they must also be able to adapt to the unpredictability of human drivers in such scenarios and during a period of mixed fleet operations.
Infrastructure Owners and Operators (IOOs) Seek Guidance on How to Prepare for AV Operations on Public Roads
Workshop participants expressed an interest in seeing the establishment of a broader vision or plan for the safe integration of AVs onto public roads. This could include a clear set of milestones, activities, roles, and guidance to IOOs as they prepare for AVs. As part of this discussion, the concept of readiness emerged as it relates to the preparation of the roadway infrastructure, transportation agencies, workforce, and policies to address operations-related issues for AVs. Some suggested that FHWA expand its efforts to engage with its partners, stakeholders, and the public about the challenges and opportunities of AVs to potentially inform development of future guidance.
Developing Objective and Accurate Information for Stakeholders and the Public is Critical for Safe and Efficient AV Operations
Misinformation around AVs and their capabilities is creating confusion among the public and within the transportation community. Workshop participants pointed to a need for objective and credible information about AV technology, its opportunities and risks, as well as realistic and tempered expectations about AV capabilities. Some suggested the development of a consistent outreach strategy, which could include the development of a harmonized lexicon and terminology around AVs. This could ultimately reduce confusion and facilitate effective collaboration between stakeholders.
Public Safety Officials Require Clear Standard Operating Procedures for Interacting with AVs
Law enforcement, emergency responders, and the public safety community seek instruction on how to safely engage with AVs, especially since AVs are currently being tested on public roads and are operating with other road users. Workshop participants identified multiple instances where interactions with public safety officials or other roadway operators take place, including work zones and at the scene of an incident. Traffic simulation can assist with scenario planning and use case testing needed to understand these complex environments. Not every situation is predictable though. Participants identified the need for better understanding of the interaction of AVs with incident management processes and systems.