Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Congestion Relief Grant Program Awards (FY 2022 – FY 2024)


Applicant States

Applicants by State


Applicant Name
Project Title
Project Location
Project Description
New Interstate Tolling
City of Phoenix Project EASE (Effective Access Solutions for Easing Congestion) in the City of Phoenix Phoenix This project will utilize, expand, and reevaluate the city's microtransit program and commuter bus program to assess congestion levels. The projects aims to also discover means of decreasing congestion in specific city zones. n/a $12.9
California Department of Transportation Caltrans Sustainable Mobility Wallet Project Los Angeles;
San Diego
This project will implement account based financial systems in the form of mobility wallets and will distribute financial incentives that reward travelers for choosing carpooling and nonhighway travel modes during peak periods of congestion. n/a $14.5
Illinois Department of Transportation CTA Forest Park Branch Track Improvements Chicago The project will complete the necessary investigations and design documents for a complete track modernization of the CTA Forest Park Branch, restoring service reliability and speed and as well as providing greater environmental resilience.  The transit line will serve as an alternative to the congested interstate corridor that it parallels. n/a $15.8
Massachusetts Department of Transportation Leveraging Innovative Networks to Keep Urban Pathways Uncongested (LINKUP) in Greater Boston Boston This project will bolster public transit, expand bike availability, establish cohesive access to the network, and implement transit incentives through "LINKUP Greater Boston" to combat congestion by encouraging alternate modes of transportation and reducing automobile usage. n/a $21.6
New York City Department of Transportation Integrating ITS Systems and Video Analytics for Arterial Traffic Management in Northern Manhattan New York This project will upgrade traffic signal controls to make real-time adjustments based on existing conditions and implement a video-analytics system to aid operational improvements. This will apply to arterial corridors in northern Manhattan. n/a $11.6
New York City Department of Transportation Sustainable Mobility Wallet and Incentives Project New York This project will encourage the use of bikeshare, shared e-scooter, and carshare services through its Mobility Wallet program. The program will provide training and incentive programs for low and middle income residents of disadvantaged communities to address congestion problems in the city and encourage the use of various transportation modes. n/a $16.9
Utah Department of Transportation I-15 Coordinated Adaptive Ramp Metering: I-80 to Point of the Mountain Salt Lake City The project will implement coordinated adaptive ramp metering by constructing five freeway-to-freeway ramp meters entering Interstate 15 in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area to optimize the flow of traffic in this corridor. No $39.6

Congestion Relief Program Applicants (FY 2022 – FY 2024)

Congestion Relief Program Applicants (FY 2022 – FY 2024) Map - 55 applications from 11 states plus DC

Applicants by State

Arizona (1)

  • City of Phoenix

California (2)

  • California Department of Transportation (x2)

Colorado (1)

  • Colorado Department of Transportation

District of Columbia (1)

  • District Department of Transportation

Illinois (2)

  • Illinois Department of Transportation (x2)

Massachusetts (1)

  • Massachusetts Department of Transportation

North Carolina (1)

  • North Carolina Department of Transportation

New York (2)

  • New York City Department of Transportation (x2)

Pennsylvania (1)

  • City of Philadelphia

Rhode Island (1)

  • Rhode Island Department of Transportation

Tennessee (1)

  • Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County

Utah (1)

  • Utah Department of Transportation

Congestion Relief Program Interstate Tolling Projects

The Program allows for the tolling of existing interstate system capacity as a means toward achieving Congestion Relief Program goals under an awarded project, provided all Program requirements for interstate tolling are met.

The Program statute [under 23 U.S.C. 129(d)] limits the approval to use tolls on the Interstate System under this Program to no more than 10 of the eligible urbanized areas.

Following the announcement of these awards (FY 2022 – FY 2024), all 10 urbanized area ‘slots’ are still available.