8.1 Purpose and Approach
This telephone survey would be conducted of users of I-35W South. MnPASS users and transit riders and carpoolers are targeted in the surveys discussed previously. This survey will focus on travelers in the I-35W general-purpose freeway lanes, carpoolers using the MnPASS HOT lanes, and obtaining additional information. The survey would use the same approach Mn/DOT uses in the Perception Tracking and Omnibus surveys, but would focus specifically on the I-35W South corridor. This section outlines a modified sampling protocol and the preliminary questionnaire. The sampling plan and questionnaire will be finalized based on additional discussions among Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, and the Battelle team.
8.2 I-35W South Corridor Interview Protocol
The methodology for this survey would be similar to the methodology employed by Mn/DOT for the Perception Tracking Study, with suggested modifications to address the needs of the national evaluation related to targeting specific user groups in the I-35W South corridor. The following methods are recommended for selecting the sample for the I-35W South telephone interview.
- Utilize a two-stage interview approach, with an initial short interview (2-3 questions) to screen potential respondents for travel in the I-35W South corridor. These questions will be used to target travelers who carpool in the HOT lanes and those using the general-purpose freeway lanes. Individuals will need to have traveled in the corridor before the UPA improvements and currently use the corridor. The focus of this initial screening interview would be to ascertain eligibility for the extended interview (i.e., traveled on the corridor), as well as to capture 1-2 demographic characteristics that can be used to assess and mitigate any sampling bias (i.e., race/ethnicity, number of household vehicles, etc.). The extended interview would only be conducted with candidates that have been determined to be eligible based upon the screener interview.
- Utilize an address-based sample to increase the chances of reaching persons that are most likely to utilize the I-35W South corridor. With this sampling methodology, the survey methodologist can stratify the sample based upon geographic information and historical travel pattern information to target households that are likely to use the corridors of interest. Conversely, Random Digit Dial (RDD) surveys, even those that are “list-assisted,” are increasingly suffering from the portability of telephone numbers and the increasing number of households that are cell-only households. In short, the ability to target specific geographic areas using the area code or exchange information in the telephone number is becoming more and more challenging as a greater percentage of the population has “ported” or moved outside their original telephone coverage area, but have retained their telephone number. The use of an address-based sampling methodology does not preclude the use of telephone interviews to collect information from respondents as 85 percent of address samples can be reverse-matched to a name and 60 percent can be reversed-matched to a landline telephone number.
- Employ a multi-mode survey. Recent research has found that multi-modal surveys are effective in reaching populations that cannot be otherwise reached through traditional landline telephone surveys. In particular, technology-savvy young adults are increasingly moving towards a cell-only household. Incorporating these respondents in the survey is important as they typically are technology users, and may be more prone to changing travel behavior as a result of technology deployments. A mail-out/mail-back questionnaire is recommended together with the telephone interviews to capture this group of people as well as households where a landline telephone number cannot be reversed matched.
8.3 Interview Questions
The following questions are recommended for inclusion in the telephone interviews. Many of the questions are the same as those included in the MnPASS user surveys, the on-board ridership survey, and the carpool survey. The final wording, sequencing of questions, and format for the interviews will be determined by the market research firm, in consultation with Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, and Battelle team representatives.
# |
Question |
1. |
Do you currently:
_____ Travel in the I-35W South general-purpose freeway lanes
_____ Carpool in the I-35W MnPASS lanes
_____ Ride the bus in the I-35W corridor
_____ Use the I-35W MnPASS lanes as a toll paying MnPASS customer
2. |
How long have you traveled as noted above?
_____ less than 6 months
_____ 6 months to a year
_____ one to two years
_____ over two years (______ years)
Questions for users of the I-35W South general-purpose freeway lanes.
# |
Question |
3. |
Approximately how many total one-way trips per week do you take on I-35W, including trips taken on the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes?
_____ None
_____ Less than one trip per week
_____ One or two trips per week
_____ Three trips per week
_____ Four trips per week
_____ Five trips per week
_____ Six trips per week
_____ More than six trips per week
4. |
Approximately how many one-way trips per week do you take on just the I-35W general purpose freeway lanes?
_____ None
_____ Less than one trip per week
_____ One or two trips per week
_____ Three trips per week
_____ Four trips per week
_____ Five trips per week
_____ Six trips per week
_____ More than Six trips per week
5. |
Do you use the I-35W general-purpose freeway lanes primarily for (check all that apply):
_____ Work trips
_____ School trips
_____ Personal business
_____ Work appointments
_____ Recreational
_____ Medical
_____ Other (please specify ________________________________________________)
6. |
What segments of the I-35W general-purpose freeway lanes do you normally use (check all that apply).
_____ Highway 13 to I-494
_____ Highway 13 to downtown Minneapolis
_____ I-494 to Highway 13
_____ Other
7. |
Which factors influence your use of the I-35W general-purpose freeway lanes rather than the MnPASS lanes, riding the bus, or carpooling? (check all that apply):
_____ Need car for work trips
_____ Need to drop off/pick up other family member
_____ MnPASS too expensive
_____ Traffic congestion is not bad enough to use other modes
_____ No current bus service
_____ Other (Please specific________________________________________________)
8. |
Do you ever ride the bus in the I-35W corridor?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, how frequently do you ride the bus?
_____ Once a week
_____ Once or twice a month
_____ Once or twice a year
_____ Others (Please specify _______________________________________________)
9. |
Do you ever carpool in the I-35W MnPASS HOT lane from ____?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, how frequently do you carpool?
_____ Once a week
_____ Once or twice a month
_____ Once or twice a year
_____ Others (Please specify _______________________________________________)
10. |
10. Do you ever use the I-35W MnPASS HOT lanes as a toll paying customer?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, how frequently do you use the MnPASS HOT lanes as a toll paying customer?
_____ Once a week
_____ Once or twice a month
_____ Once or twice a year
_____ Others (Please specify _______________________________________________)
Questions for carpoolers.
# |
Question |
11. |
How long have you been carpooling on I-35W?
_____ Less than 1 month
_____ 1 to 3 months
_____ 3 to 6 months
_____ 6 months to 1 year
_____ 1 to 2 years
_____ 2 to 3 years
_____ Over 3 years
12. |
How often do you carpool for free on the I-35W MnPASS toll lane?
_____ Once a week
_____ 2 times a week
_____ 5 times a week
_____ Once or twice a month
13. |
Who do you carpool with?
_____ Family members
_____ Neighbors
_____ Co-workers
_____ Co-students
_____ Others (Please specify _______________________________________________)
14. |
What is the purpose of your trip?
_____ Work
_____ School
_____ Personal business
_____ Social/entertainment
_____ Medical
_____ Other (please specify ________________________________________________)
15. |
What segments of the I-35W MnPASS lanes do you normally use when carpooling? (check all that apply)
_____ Northbound/Southbound from Highway 13 to Highway 62
_____ Northbound from Highway 62 to downtown Minneapolis
_____ Northbound from 42nd Street to downtown Minneapolis
_____ Northbound from I-494 to Highway 13
16. |
How did you make this trip before you started carpooling on I-35W?
_____ Drove alone in I-35W general-purpose freeway lanes
_____ Drove alone on another freeway or roadway
_____ Carpooled in the I-35W HOV lanes
_____ Rode the bus on I-35W or other roadway
_____ Drove alone in the I-35W HOV lanes
_____ Did not make the trip
_____ Other (please specify ________________________________________________)
17. |
What motivated you to begin carpooling?
18. |
Which factors influence you to carpool in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes? (check all that apply)
_____ Congestion levels in freeway lanes
_____ Faster travel time
_____ Improved trip-time reliability
_____ Other (Please specific________________________________________________)
19. |
In your opinion, what are the best things about carpooling in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes?
20. |
About how much time do you think you save per one-way trip during morning rush hour when you carpool in the I-35W MnPASS toll lane?
_____ Minutes
21. |
About how much time do you think you save per one-way trip during the afternoon rush hour when you carpool in the I-35W MnPASS toll lane?
_____ Minutes
22. |
Are you a MnPASS toll customer with an active toll transponder?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, how frequently do you use the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes as a solo driver?
_____ One day per week
_____ Two or three days per week
_____ More than three days per week
_____ One or two days per month
23. |
Do you ever ride the bus on I-35W?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, how frequently do you ride the bus on I-35W?
_____ One day per week
_____ Two or three days per week
_____ More than three days per week
_____ One or two days per month
24. |
Do you ever drive alone in the general-purpose freeway lanes?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, how frequently do you ride the bus on I-35W?
_____ One day per week
_____ Two or three days per week
_____ More than three days per week
_____ One or two days per month
Questions for both general-purpose freeway lanes travelers and carpoolers.
# |
Question |
25. |
In general, do you think travel on I-35W is:
_____ Easier and less congested than one-year ago
_____ About the same as one-year ago
_____ More congested than one-year ago
26. |
Have you noticed the signs along I-35W displaying real-time transit and traffic information?
_____ Yes
_____ No
27. |
Is the information easy to understand?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Don't look at the signs
28. |
Do you think the travel times presented are accurate?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Don't look at the signs
29. |
Did the information on the signs influence you to start riding the bus?
_____ Yes
_____ No
30. |
Were you aware of the park-and-ride lots and bus services in the corridor prior to installation of the signs?
_____ Yes
_____ No
31. |
Do you have any suggestions on how the signs could be improved?
32. |
What is the zip code that you are leaving from?
33. |
What is the zip code that you are traveling to?
34. |
Are you:
______ Male
______ Female
35. |
Approximately what was your family's total income last year?
_____ Less than 10,000
_____ $10,000 to $19,999
_____ $20,000 to $29,999
_____ $30,000 to $39,999
_____ $40,000 to $49,999
_____ $50,000 to $59,999
_____ $60,000 to $69,999
_____ $70,000 to $79,999
_____ $80,000 to $89,999
_____ $90,000 to $99,999
_____ $100,000 or more
36. |
What is your age?
_____ Under 18
_____ 18-24
_____ 25-34
_____ 35-44
_____ 44-54
_____ 55-64
_____ 65 or over
37. |
Which best describes your racial or ethnic background?
_____ African American/Black
_____American Indian
_____ Asian
_____ Caucasian/White
_____ Hispanic/Latino
_____ Other
38. |
How many working automobiles do you have available for your use?
8.4 Analysis Methods
The Battelle Evaluation Team would utilize this survey to determine if there has been a shift among the traveling public regarding the use of carpooling and to determine why people travel in the general-purpose freeway lanes rather than using the HOT lanes, carpooling, or riding the bus. In particular, the analysis will be conducted to characterize the extent of any shift and to statistically test whether the UPA deployment has resulted in a 5 percent increase in new car poolers (from general purpose lanes) among the population of travelers utilizing these corridors. Additional analyses will be conducted to characterize the extent and reasons for (or not) changes in carpooling in the MPASS lanes. Finally, statistical analysis will be conducted to estimate whether a significant percentage of the traveling population in the I-35W corridor perceives that there has been positive change (benefit) in traffic conditions from pre-deployment experiences.
Statistical estimation and hypothesis testing will be conducted using weighted survey responses to reduce sampling bias associated with the survey process or non-response. However, because the actual size of the population of travelers in the corridor is not known exactly, the survey weights will be constructed so that they help to mitigate these biases, but sum to the sample totals. This will be performed by creating expansion factors by population characteristics in the geographic areas targeted for the survey including age, race/ethnicity, number of household vehicles, etc. using population totals from the American Community Survey (ACS)3, and then pro-rated back to the original sample by dividing by the average weight. Statistical analysis will be performed in SAS, SUDAAN, WesVar, or another comparable statistical analysis software package that can account for the survey design. Statistical tests will be conducted using normal theory tests (t-test, F-tests, etc.) at 95 percent confidence levels.
A sample size of 1,000 completed surveys is recommended to be targeted for this survey effort, which is consistent with the industry standard for most public opinion surveys4. Table 8-1 summarizes the anticipated statistic power5 or precision associated with estimating a characteristic of interest in the sample group (e.g., percentage of respondents reporting a particular reason for not carpooling) for three different sample sizes.
Table 8-1. Anticipated Power for Hypothesis Tests and Width of 95 Percent Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis/Characteristic |
Effective Sample Size n=500 |
Effective Sample Size n=1,000 |
Effective Sample Size n=1,500 |
There has been a 5% increase in new carpoolersa |
53% power |
80% power |
91% power |
A majority (> 50%) of the population will report a perceived benefit in traffic conditions following the UPA deploymentb |
72% power |
94% power |
99% power |
Percentage of the population with the characteristic of interest |
± 4% width of 95% confidence interval |
± 3% width of 95% confidence interval |
± 2.5% width of 95% confidence interval |
a. Assuming a change in carpoolers from 30 percent to 35 percent.
b. Assuming the true percentage of the population perceiving a benefit is 50 percent.
8.5 Schedule and Responsibilities
It is recommended that the I-35W South user telephone interviews be conducted in September 2011, one year after all of the Minnesota UPA projects, including the HOT lanes in the Crosstown Commons section, are completed and in operation. This schedule will allow for one full year of operation with the full segment of the HOT lanes on I-35W South. Mn/DOT or the Metropolitan Council would be responsible for conducting the interviews. It is anticipated that a market research firm would be used to conduct the interviews. This firm would finalize the sample methodology and survey instrument, in consultation with Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, and the Battelle team. The firm would also conduct the interviews and provide a report on the results and an electronic file with the complete results. Members of the Battelle team will analyze the results and will incorporate the results into the final report.