4Ts | Tolling, Transit, Telecommuting, and Technology |
APC | Automatic passenger counter |
ATM | Active traffic management |
AVL | Automatic vehicle location |
BRT | Bus rapid transit |
CBD | Central Business District |
CBA | Cost and benefit analysis |
CRD | Congestion Reduction Demonstration |
CVO | Commercial vehicle operator |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
FTA | Federal Transit Administration |
HC | Hydrocarbon(s) |
HOT | High-occupancy tolling |
HOV | High-occupancy vehicle |
ITS | Intelligent transportation systems |
ITS-OTMC | Intelligent Transportation Systems-Operational Testing to Mitigate Congestion |
MARQ2 | Marquette and Second Avenue (downtown Minneapolis) |
Mn/DOT | Minnesota Department of Transportation |
MVTAMVTA | Measure of effectiveness |
MVTA | Minnesota Valley Transit Authority |
NEF | National Evaluation Framework |
NEP | National Evaluation Plan |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NTOC | National Transportation Operations Coalition |
O&M | Operation and maintenance |
OTMC | Operational Testing to Mitigate Congestion |
PDSL | Priced dynamic shoulder lane |
RITA | Research and Innovative Technology Administration |
ROG | Reactive organic gas(es) |
ROWE | Results Only Work Environment |
SOV | Single-occupant vehicle |
TDM | Travel demand management |
TMO | Traffic management operations |
UPA | Urban Partnership Agreement |
U.S. DOT | U.S. Department of Transportation |
VII | Vehicle Infrastructure Integration |
VMT | Vehicle miles traveled |
VOC | Vehicle operating cost or Volatile organic compound |
VT | Vehicle trips |