MINNESOTA: Interstate 94 Managed Lanes
This project represents Phase II of the I-94 Managed Lanes project. The goal of this study is to develop concepts for the reconstruction and reconfiguration of the Interstate 94/Trunk Highway 280 interchange to facilitate a managed lane being carried through that interchange. Also included in this work are the developments of concepts for direct connections to and from downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul to the managed lane. The tasks associated with this contract will be project management, public outreach, traffic forecasts, concept development, operational analysis, and cost estimates.
Implementation Funds Awarded
The original work (Phase I) on this study was completed in 2010 and concluded that several significant issues surround this project that may inhibit successful implementation of MnPASS lanes in the corridor. The VPPP funds awarded to this project were used exclusively in Phase II to address design and operations issues identified in the original work.
April – June 2017 Update
In anticipation of managed lane accommodations on I-94, MnDOT has already rehabilitated the inside and outside shoulders, resurfaced the in-place roadway, upgraded the in-place drainage system, and installed lane control signals. These projects are consistent with the minor rehabilitation and the implementation of active traffic management technology already completed as a result of recommendations from Phase I of the I-94 Managed Lane Study completed in January of 2010.
Under Phase II of this project the consultant team has completed the analysis of design alternatives for the Highway 280 – Interstate 94 interchange and the direct connections to downtown St. Paul and to downtown Minneapolis along with cost estimates for each design element. Major conclusions of this work are that the westbound managed lane on I-94 provides limited throughput advantage in the AM peak period although there is a stronger advantage in the PM peak period. Additionally, in the eastbound direction the managed lane is unlikely to be effective without additional capacity through I-35E commons.
A Phase III study is underway and is considering asset preservation and the utility of various designs proposed in Phase II. This will be accomplished through additional modeling and through a robust outreach process in which MnDOT will seek to re-establish trust in management and development of solutions for the corridor that will not further divide the community. This work will be accomplished over the next two years.
For More Information Contact
Kenneth R. Buckeye
Program Manager Value Pricing
Phone: (651) 366-3737
E-mail: kenneth.buckeye@dot.state.mn.us