VIRGINIA: Regional Network of Value Priced Lanes
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Washington metropolitan region, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is responsible for coordinating transportation plans for Northern Virginia, Suburban Maryland and the District of Columbia. The TPB initiated a study evaluating a regional network of value priced lanes. The TPB made progress in laying the groundwork for such a network through a variety of efforts including: hosting a value pricing conference; the establishment of a TPB value pricing task force; and the inclusion of three major value-priced projects in the regional transportation plan. Currently, the plan includes four new high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes along 15 miles of the Capital Beltway in Virginia, and six new variably priced lanes along 18 miles on the Inter-County Connector in Maryland. It also includes a study of the conversion of existing HOV lanes into HOT lanes along 47 miles of the I-95/395 corridor in Virginia.
Study Completed
The project team completed the study analysis and final report. The report was presented to the TPB's Task Force on Value Pricing in February and to the TPB in March. The final report, titled Evaluating Alternative Scenarios for a Network of Variably Priced Highway Lanes in the Metropolitan Washington Region, can be obtained by selecting the following link:
For More Information Contact
Michael Eichler
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board
Phone: (202) 962-3763
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