CALIFORNIA: Car Share Innovations in the City of San Francisco
This project includes two distinct program elements: "Unbundling Housing from Parking," where car-sharing vehicles will be placed in new housing developments allowing such developments to provide less parking and include more housing units, thus reducing housing costs; and a pre-implementation "Integrated Car Sharing/Car Pooling System," where technologies will be explored to facilitate ridesharing among car-sharing participants, enabling them to reduce costs by sharing rides while car-sharing. The project may lead to changes in local zoning codes to allow matter-of-right housing development with the amount of parking provided by developers determined by market conditions rather than minimum government mandates. The "Integrated Car Sharing/Car Pooling System" project may lead to more efficient use of car-sharing vehicles, thereby making car-sharing more cost competitive with car ownership for more people. This project has to potential to encourage these additional people to give up their cars and eliminate fixed car ownership costs in exchange for accepting relatively high per-use car-sharing costs, and thus in turn to drive less.
Study Completed
For More Information Contact
Rick Hutchinson
City Carshare
Phone: (415) 995-8588 Extension 314