CALIFORNIA: Dynamic Ridesharing Pilot (SmartRide) with Pricing Incentives in Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) Traffic Solutions and the Community Environmental Council were awarded a Value Pricing Pilot Program grant to implement Dynamic Ridesharing in Santa Barbara County. The project will include a smartphone application that enables real-time rideshare matching, micro incentives from the riders to the drivers, incentives for participating in the program and extensive travel behavior data collection. The project is an 18 month project and will take place in two major travel corridors; Hwy 101 from Ventura to Santa Barbara's South Coast and Isla Vista (near UCSB) to Santa Barbara City College. The project is branded under the name SmartRide.
Project Completed
For More Information Contact
Kent Epperson
Director of SBCAG Traffic Solutions
260 N. San Antonio Rd. Suite B
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Phone: (805) 961-8917
(805) 963-SAVE
Fax: (805) 961-8901
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