TEXAS: Real Time Carpooling Automated Toll Discounts in Austin, Texas
The Value Pricing Pilot Project, known as the "Real-time Ridesharing Technology to Support Differential Tolling by Occupancy Project" (the "Project") is a pilot program to examine whether the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, a tolling agency with specific requirements imposed by a Revenue Bond Trust Indenture, can utilize location-based mobile applications to match commuters with empty seats in private vehicles to increase carpooling and encourage additional use of 183A and 290 toll roads by testing real-time ridesharing as a reliable and low-cost method to automatically verify vehicle occupancy for toll pricing incentives. This real-time ridesharing proposal will leverage the current Austin-area Value Pricing Pilot Program project, which is focused on the effect of peak period pricing on traffic congestion on the broader highway network of both tolled and non-tolled lanes. The Mobility Authority is interested in evaluating the merits to accurately determine vehicle occupancy for the purpose of facilitating carpool pricing incentives on a tolled facility. The Project is progressing in stages with each having specific tasks and services.
Project Status
Study Complete
For More Information Contact
Kris Keith
Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Phone: (512) 691-2205
Email: KKeith@hntb.com