Congestion Pricing - Links to Congestion Pricing Home
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Value Pricing Pilot Program Project Reports

Projects funded by the Value Pricing Pilot Program have resulted in several study reports. The reports are categorized below by project type, and may be accessed by selecting one of the links provided.

Bus Toll Lanes

Express Toll Lanes

Fast and Intertwined Regular (FAIR) Lanes

High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes

Parking Pricing

Priced Tollways

Priced Vehicle Sharing and Dynamic Ridesharing

Projects that Make Auto Use Costs Variable

Systemwide Pricing

Truck Only Toll Lanes

Zone-based Pricing

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  Last modified: February 3, 2025  
Office of Operations