Value Pricing Pilot Program Project Reports
Projects funded by the Value Pricing Pilot Program have resulted in several study reports. The reports are categorized below by project type, and may be accessed by selecting one of the links provided.
Bus Toll Lanes
Express Toll Lanes
- C-470 Corridor Express Lanes Feasibility Study
- California Express Lanes on SR91 in Orange County
- Charlotte Region Managed Lanes Study
- Continuation Study to Evaluate the Impacts of the SR 91 Value Priced Express Lanes Final Report
- I-90 Managed Lane Study Final Report
- Interstate 880 Value Pricing Feasibility Study: Summary & Conclusions
- Interstate 75 Stated Preference Study: Final Report
- Proposed I-95 Managed Lanes
- South Florida Interstate 95 Express Project: Lessons Learned
- Tolling Strategies in the Seattle Area
- The Public Acceptability of Road-Use Pricing
Fast and Intertwined Regular (FAIR) Lanes
High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes
- HOT Credit Lanes Feasibility Study
- HOT Lanes on I-10 and US 290 in Houston
- HOT Lanes on SR 167 in the Puget Sound Region
- HOT Lanes Peer Review
- HOT Lanes on I-15 in San Diego: I-15 Managed Lanes Value Pricing Project Planning Study - Traffic Forecast Report 2002
- HOT Lanes on I-15 in San Diego: I-15 Managed Lanes Value Pricing Project Planning Study - Traffic Operations Plan
- HOT Lanes on I-15 in San Diego: I-15 Managed Lanes Value Pricing Project Planning Study - Traffic, Revenue, and Toll Operations
- I-15 Congestion Pricing Project Monitoring and Evaluation Series
- Minnesota Project Development Outreach and Education Phase I
- Minnesota Value Pricing Outreach and Education Phase II
Parking Pricing
- San Francisco Parking Supply and Utilization Study
- The Downtown Seattle Access Project Parking Cash Out Experience: Results and Recommendations
Priced Tollways
Priced Vehicle Sharing and Dynamic Ridesharing
Projects that Make Auto Use Costs Variable
- Mileage-Based Road User Fee Evaluation in Oregon
- Mileage-Based User Fee Demonstration Project: Pay-As-You-Drive - Experimental Findings
- Mileage-Based User Fee Demonstration Project: Market Assessment Survey Results
- Mileage-Based User Fee Demonstration Project: Potential Public Policy Implications of Pay-As-You-Drive Leasing and Insurance Products
- Mileage-Based User Fee Public Opinion Study: Summary Report Phase I (Qualitative) (PDF 274KB)
- Way To Go Seattle, One Less Car Demonstration Study
Systemwide Pricing
- Regional Value Pricing Feasibility Study in Dallas, TX
- Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Value Pricing Report
- Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Value Pricing Report
Truck Only Toll Lanes
- I-75 South Truck-Only Toll (TOT) Facilities Study in Atlanta (PDF 1MB)
- I-75 South HOT Lanes Study in Atlanta (PDF 1MB)
Zone-based Pricing
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