Report on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through April 2016
The VPPP has been of tremendous value to advancing congestion pricing over the past two decades. In the view of many project partners over that period, priced managed lanes would not be nearly as widespread without the Program's influence.
The VPPP fostered a friendly environment for project partner agencies where each benefited from the other's experiences as well as VPPP-funded research conducted by other agencies. A competitive spirit grew among project partners to be the first to implement innovative strategies. This was particularly evident among the agencies implementing congestion pricing projects through the Urban Partnership Agreement and Congestion Reduction Demonstration programs.
The FHWA will continue its efforts to ensure widespread awareness of pricing as a strategy to manage roadway congestion. Through these efforts, FHWA will continue to equip State and local agencies with resources and guidance to help them understand and implement congestion pricing strategies. These real-world examples enable target audiences to understand that congestion pricing strategies can be successfully implemented in all different types of regions.