Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Business Processes
8. References
AASHTO TSM&O Guidance: Business Processes Dimension. AASHTO’s web-based TSM&O Guidance follows the six dimensions of TSM&O capability described in this white paper, including Business Processes. It is designed for transportation agency managers whose span of control relates to the operations and management of the roadway system, including policy makers and program managers for ITS and TSM&O at both the State and regional level. It incorporates insights from a review of the state of the practice in TSM&O among transportation agencies into a well-accepted change management framework that identifies doable steps toward mainstreaming TSM&O on a continuously improving basis. Specific guidance for business processes is cited here for advancing an agency currently at Level 1 to Level 2 within the CMM framework. Other level changes within the framework can be found on the AASHTO TSM&O Guidance web site.
Best Practices for TSM&O Program and Budget Development, SHRP 2 L17 Gap Filling Project 3.This SHRP 2 Reliability Program “Gap Filling” project presents case studies and lessons learned from successful TSM&O programs. The focus is on appropriate Business Processes, including planning, programming/budget, performance measurement, procurement, and project development. Through detailed case studies, information is presented that covers the following:
- The structure and unique characteristics of an agency’s and region’s TSM&O program;
- Information about current TSM&O programming and financing practices, including technical processes used; and
- Lessons learned and recommendations for other agencies working on mainstreaming TSM&O programs.
Deployment Guidance for TSM&O Strategies, SHRP 2 L17 Gap Filling Project 2. This SHRP 2 Reliability Program “Gap Filling” project provides guidance to practitioners in short term deployment planning. The project interviewed eight agencies to identify short-term deployment planning methods and classified them according to the following:
- General technical strategies
- Desired outcome driving the strategy
- Conditions and context
- Decision to implement
- What to implement
- Where to implement
- Tools or guidance
- Tools or guidance needed
- Strategies not implemented
- Stability of funding over multiple years
- Other partners involved in deployment decisions
- Use of performance measures in either project planning or program direction
- Contact
Finally, the project offers a set of recommendations for developing a formalized and structured approach to short term deployment planning. Both technical and institutional issues are addressed by the syntheses.
Designing for Transportation Management and Operations: A Primer. This primer focuses on designing for operations; i.e., the collaborative and systematic consideration of TSM&O during transportation project design and development. Effectively designing for operations involves the development and application of design policies, procedures, and strategies that support transportation management and operations. The primer offers a toolbox of specific design considerations to support TSM&O strategies and examples of effective strategies in practice.
Program Planning and Development for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) In State Departments of Transportation, NCHRP 20-07, Task 345. This report summarizes a national review of State DOT state of the practice in “program planning,” including a workshop of State DOT managers focusing on common experience in developing State TSM&O program plans. Participants included substantial representation for State staff involved in the FHWA TSM&O CMM workshops. It also contains extensive appendix material, including references to State and regional plans and documents related to TSM&O.
SHRP 2 Reliability Solutions. In addition to SHRP 2 L06, which lead directly to the CMM framework and workshop concept discussed in this white paper, many of the other SHRP 2 Reliability products relate to improving TSM&O effectiveness. Information on these products and the status of their availability through the SHRP 2 Implementation Assistance Program is available on FHWA’s SHRP 2 Solutions website.
Transportation Planning for Operations: Quick Guide to Practitioner Resources, FHWA. This guide provides a listing and description of “knowledge resources to help provide answers to planners, operators, public safety professionals, and transportation decision makers” and includes “guidebooks, case studies, and workshops” relative to TSM&O.
Notable resources included in the above guide are:
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