CM Plan in Outline Format
1.0 Introduction
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions
1.4 References
1.5 Tailoring
2.0 Software Configuration Management
2.1 SCM organization
2.2 SCM responsibilities
2.3 Relationship of CM to the software process life cycle
2.3.1 Interfaces to other organizations on the project
2.3.2 Other project organizations CM responsibilities
3.0 Software Configuration Management Activities
3.1 Configuration Identification
3.1.1 Specification Identification
- Labeling and numbering scheme for documents and files
- How identification between documents and files relate
- Description of identification tracking scheme
- When a document/file identification number enters controlled status
- How the identification scheme addresses versions and releases
- How the identification scheme addresses hardware, application software,
system software, COTS products, support software (e.g., test data and
files), etc
3.1.2 Change Control Form Identification
- Numbering scheme for each of the forms used
3.1.3 Project Baselines
- Identify various baselines for the project
- For each baseline created provide the following information:
- How and when it is created
- Who authorizes and who verifies it
- The purpose
- What goes into it (software and documentation)
3.1.4 Library
- Identification and control mechanisms used
- Number of libraries and the types
- Backup and disaster plans and procedures
- Recovery process for any type of loss
- Retention policies and procedures
- What needs to be retained, for whom, and for how long
- How is the information retained (on-line, off-line, media type
and format)
3.2 Configuration Control
3.2.1 Procedures for changing baselines (procedures may vary with each
3.2.2 Procedures for processing change requests and approvals-change
classification scheme
- Change reporting documentation
- Change control flow diagram
3.2.3 Organizations assigned responsibilities for change control
3.2.4 Change Control Boards (CCBs) - describe and provide the following
information for each:
- Charter
- Members
- Role
- Procedures
- Approval mechanisms