Forms and Reports Library
This page contains forms that are needed to request a peer work session or roundtable discussion and to provide feedback to the Peer to Peer (P2P) Program Coordinator and reports of completed peer exchanges.
- Freight P2P Exchange Application [HTML,
- Freight P2P Report Outline [HTML, PDF 114KB, DOC 119KB]
- Maryland Department of Transportation Conducts Peer-to-Peer Exchange on Freight Performance Measures [HTML, PDF 258KB]
- Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Control Sites: Peer Exchange Meeting (White Paper) - On February 19, 2008, a peer exchange meeting was held in Glendale, Arizona with the intent of exchanging information on technology-based approaches supporting commercial motor vehicle enforcement. Meeting attendees included transportation and law enforcement officials from Switzerland and U.S. counterparts in the states of Arizona and Washington and at the federal level.
- Twin Cities Freight Peer Exchange [HTML, PDF 390KB]
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