Freight Facts and Figures 2011
Figure 3-6. Share of Highway Vehicle Miles Traveled by Vehicle Type: 2009
Despite doubling over the past two decades, truck traffic remains a relatively small share of highway traffic as a whole. In 2009, commercial trucks accounted for about 10 percent of highway vehicle miles traveled. Truck tractors hauling semitrailers and other truck combinations accounted for approximately 58 percent of commercial truck travel, while single-unit trucks with six or more tires accounted for the remainder.
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Data represented in the figure.
Vehicle Type | 2009 |
Light trucks1 | 2,630,339 |
Other2 | 35,158 |
Truck, single-unit 2-axle 6 or more tires | 120,163 |
Truck, combination | 167,842 |
1Includes passenger cars, light trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles with a wheelbase equal to or less than 121 inches and large passenger cars, vans, pickup trucks, and sport utility vehicles with a wheelbase larger than 121 inches.
2Includes buses and motorcycles.
Based on a new methodology, FHWA revised its annual vehicle miles travelled, number of vehicles, and fuel economy data beginning with 2007. Information on the new methodology is available at Data in this figure should not be compared to those in previous editions of Freight Facts and Figures.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: annual issues), table VM-1, available at of October 5, 2011.
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