Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Evaluation of Travel Time Methods to Support Mobility Performance Monitoring:
World Trade Bridge (Page 1 of 5)

Final Site Report

April 2002


Office of Freight Mgt. and Operations
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590


Battelle Memorial Institute

Border Crossing Freight Delay Data Collection and Analysis
FY 2001 Data Collection – Laredo Crossing

Site Description

The World Trade Crossing (International Bridge 4) in Laredo, Texas is the most important truck crossing on the United States/Mexican border. Texas border crossings account for most of the truck traffic and the Laredo crossing alone represents over 60% of the truck traffic crossing the border between Texas and Mexico. Table 1 shows truck traffic for 2000 crossing the border from Mexico to the United States. The World Trade bridge crosses the Rio Grande River that separates Laredo, Texas from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico and provides a link between I-35 in the United States with such Mexican cities as Monterrey and Mexico City. Most (up to 90%) of the truck traffic at the World Trade Bridge in Laredo consists of "drayage." That is, short distance shipments between warehouses in Laredo and Nuevo Laredo. Typically, long distance trucks in either Mexico or the United States unload their cargos at a warehouse where it is transferred to a short haul truck for the trip across the border. Other shipments move directly from a factory near the border in Mexico to a warehouse across the border in Texas or from a warehouse in Texas to a factory in Mexico. These short haul trucks usually make up to three trips a day across the border. Figure 1 shows a map of the general region in Texas and Mexico that provides access to the border. Figure 2 shows the location of the World Trade Bridge within the city of Laredo.

Data collection activities took place at the World Trade Bridge border crossing on Tuesday October 30th, Wednesday October 31st and Thursday November 1st, 2001 for approximately ten hours each day. The times of data collection were selected to correspond to the daylight hours of operations at the bridge. The World Trade Bridge operates from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Midnight.

Inbound trucks (northbound) traveling towards the United States, leave Mexico pass through the export booths and proceed across the bridge into Texas and towards U.S. Customs. At Customs, the vehicles pass through primary inspection and after a secondary inspection, either proceed to special inspections (about 15% to 20% of the trucks) or leave Customs through the final inspection booths.

Outbound trucks (southbound) traveling towards Mexico, use Loop 20, which provides access to the World Trade Bridge. It can be accessed directly from I-35 or from the south from Mines Road. Loop 20 approaching the bridge is a new divided highway built specifically as an access road for the World Trade Bridge. Close to the border, the number of lanes expands to eight to enable the vehicles to proceed through the toll booths. The trucks cross the bridge and enter Mexico through import booths. Ordinarily, the Mexicans have up to ten booths operating. Most trucks pass through the import booths without much delay (no more than 90 seconds) and a small percentage are diverted to the secondary inspection facilities. At secondary inspection, trucks can undergo further papers checks and/or physical inspection at truck bays or in the parking area.

Table 1. Truck Crossings from Mexico into the United States for 2000 Incoming Truck Crossings, US-Mexican Border for 2000
Port Name January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Arizona, Total 35,979 35,995 38,278 33,418 32,354 25,502 19,328 21,160 20,325 24,608 28,051 29,267 344,265
Douglas, AZ 2,868 2,913 2,563 2,171 2,696 2,983 2,534 2,946 2,712 3,051 3,158 2,999 33,594
Lukeville, AZ 269 295 363 383 401 331 342 257 269 349 298 283 3,840
Naco, AZ 683 912 1,183 725 713 U 704 814 718 995 980 710 9,137
Nogales, AZ 27,659 27,525 29,066 26,509 25,386 19,266 13,075 14,359 13,595 16,448 20,151 21,655 254,694
Sasabe, AZ 269 235 184 185 174 186 178 208 271 211 430 121 2,652
San Luis, AZ 4,231 4,115 4,919 3,445 2,984 2,736 2,495 2,576 2,760 3,554 3,034 3,499 40,348
California, Total 76,230 82,463 90,509 80,585 88,938 98,319 87,890 92,603 85,122 89,017 83,549 76,321 1,031,546
Andrade, CA 105 159 181 126 152 136 111 92 82 117 125 131 1,517
Calexico, CA* U U U U U U U U U U U U U
Calexico East, CA 22,405 23,372 25,684 21,026 22,962 29,155 22,182 24,003 21,297 23,137 22,285 21,303 278,811
Otay Mesa/San Ysidro, CA 49,378 53,898 58,836 54,239 59,955 63,547 60,484 62,780 58,640 60,034 56,122 50,427 688,340
Tecate, CA 4,342 5,034 5,808 5,194 5,869 5,481 5,113 5,728 5,103 5,729 5,017 4,460 62,878
New Mexico, Total 2,282 2,711 3,009 3,373 3,072 3,036 2,880 3,672 3,767 3,438 2,906 2,345 36,491
Columbus, NM 193 212 243 233 315 206 316 916 956 601 197 157 4,545
Santa Teresa, NM 2,089 2,499 2,766 3,140 2,757 2,830 2,564 2,756 2,811 2,837 2,709 2,188 31,946
Texas, Total 242,935 256,127 282,616 241,863 277,312 272,753 247,327 293,468 257,554 271,225 249,431 220,666 3,113,277
Brownsville, TX 24,915 25,223 26,860 24,993 27,771 27,756 25,248 27,689 23,784 23,902 22,183 18,914 299,238
Del Rio, TX 4,979 5,117 5,689 4,768 5,420 5,436 4,691 5,525 4,984 5,444 5,120 4,055 61,228
Eagle Pass, TX 8,402 9,164 9,481 8,549 9,876 8,941 8,361 9,610 8,616 9,281 9,289 7,322 106,892
El Paso, TX 56,688 59,433 64,553 55,632 64,942 63,225 55,185 77,419 59,470 63,671 51,107 49,081 720,406
Fabens, TX 24 26 37 24 8 10 8 12 23 20 9 13 214
Hidalgo, TX 28,647 30,544 36,420 30,726 32,856 31,603 30,371 33,627 29,833 31,938 31,226 26,359 374,150
Laredo, TX 114,829 121,675 133,952 112,419 131,385 131,162 119,027 134,678 126,296 132,267 125,273 110,110 1,493,073
Presidio, TX 889 830 991 707 764 617 465 466 538 693 960 814 8,734
Progreso, TX 719 963 1,147 815 1,043 1,062 1,101 1,317 881 751 1,168 1,034 12,001
Rio Grande City, TX 1,722 2,036 2,139 2,205 1,931 1,860 1,775 1,958 2,128 2,189 2,048 2,074 24,065
Roma, TX 1,121 1,116 1,347 1,025 1,316 1,081 1,095 1,167 1,001 1,069 1,048 890 13,276
U.S. - Mexico Border Total empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell 4,525,579

Key: U = Data are unavailable; Data for the port of Calexico are typically reported as a combined total with Calexico East.
Source: U.S. DOT, BTS based on data from US Customs Service, Mission Support Services, Office of Field Operations, Operations Management Database.

This is a map of the Laredo Border Crossing Region. Major routes that run through Laredo include: 35, 359, 59 and 2.
Figure 1. The Laredo Border Crossing Region

This map illustrates where the World Trade Bridge lies in comparison with the city limits of Laredo.
Figure 2. Laredo and the Location of the World Trade Bridge

Office of Operations