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Help for getting started planning for operations
Steps to build an objectives-driven, performance-based approach to planning for operations can be found in Section 1.3 of the Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations Desk Reference. A helpful self-assessment tool to gauge your progress can be found in Section 8.2 of the Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations Guidebook.
Sample operations objectives and performance measures
The Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations Desk Reference Section 3 contains more than 200 examples of customizable operations objectives that can be incorporated into both metropolitan and State transportation planning documents. Sample objectives are linked to performance measures, data needs, management and operations (M&O) strategies, and possible safety impacts in system efficiency, system reliability, system options, and ten transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) areas.
Sample metropolitan transportation plan incorporating operations
Section 4 of the Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations Desk Reference provides examples from a model metropolitan transportation plan that illustrate the integration of operations using the objectives-driven, performance-based approach. The model illustrates applying the approach from a basic, advancing, and comprehensive level to provide readers with a stronger understanding of how the approach may affect their transportation plans.
Overview of transportation planning process
Basic information on the transportation planning process can is located in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program’s publication, The Transportation Planning Process: Key Issues - A Briefing Book for Transportation Decisionmakers, Officials, and Staff.
Information to help make the case to decisionmakers for operations
Resources on how to communicate with elected and appointed transportation decisionmakers are available here. Information to provide to decisionmakers when communicating with them about operations strategies and planning for operations is at Resources Helpful to Transportation Decisionmakers.
Benefits-cost estimation for management and operations strategies
The Operations Benefit/Cost Analysis Desk Reference provides practical guidance on how to effectively conduct benefit/cost (B/C) analysis for a wide spectrum of transportation system management and operations strategies. This Desk Reference is supported by an Operations B/C spreadsheet-based decision support tool, called the Tool for Operations Benefit/Cost (TOPS-BC).
Strategies for regional collaboration
Ten common collaborative strategies used in regional transportation operations partnerships and other collaborative arrangements to obtain tangible benefits can be found in The Collaborative Advantage. The strategies were based on extensive interviews with over 50 transportation practitioners participating in a multi-agency transportation operations effort.