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SHRP2 Solutions Regional Operations in the 21st Century – A Vital Role for MPOs – Presentation GuideIntroductionThis document is the presentation guide in support of the accompanying PowerPoint presentation entitled "Regional Operations in the 21st Century – A Vital Role for MPOs." This is an update to the presentation developed under SHRP 2 Project L31, Reliability Workshops for State and Public Sector Managers. That presentation focused on DOTs and their senior management. During the update process, it was determined that a parallel presentation was also required for MPOs and the importance of mainstreaming operations into the regional transportation planning process. Additional updates were required to reflect the requirements contained in MAP-21, recent enhancements to the FHWA "planning for operations" initiative (e.g., the objectives-driven, performance based approach to planning) and the needs of the joint FHWA / AASHTO deployment of SHRP2 Organizing for Reliability, including "lessons learned" from the pilot Capability Maturity Model (CMM) activities. With respect to the latter, an Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) is underway to help transportation agencies in deploying new products developed under the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2). Twenty seven "lead adopters"—several of which included MPOs and regional entities – were selected for the first round of assistance opportunities for the SHRP2 Organizing for Reliability. The process and activities associated with this 2-3 year implementation assistance is shown in Figure 1.
These presentation materials are intended to help support these CMM activities in all four phases, starting with the initial engagement and subsequent meetings with a MPO's senior leadership and their Board (and other regional committees and groups) during the Outreach and Assessment phases. The presentation materials may also be used as one of the activities and supporting "tools" during the implementation phase to help mainstream operations into the regional transportation planning process. The presentation materials, along with a companion presentation geared more towards State DOTs, are included in the Tool Kit developed for this CMM-related effort. The material is geared towards for presentation to the chief executive officers (CEOs) and senior managers of MPOs and to the MPO's board members (who are typically senior officials of transportation agencies and local governments within the region) about the value of mainstreaming operations as a core component and investment priority in the regional transportation planning process. Not only can this senior leadership provide valuable input to the process; but they are also the ones that must ultimately approve and subsequently promote any changes to the institutional framework and processes in support of enhanced operations. Additionally, the presentation materials may also be used as a tool to discuss the importance of operations to middle management and other MPO staff, as well as various "technical" committees supported by the MPO. It is also envisioned that the presentation materials will prove useful in other efforts to advance operations (e.g., for communicating with the public and other stakeholders). GoalThe overall goal of these presentation materials is two-fold. The first is to promote an understanding and appreciation for what Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO – simply referred to as "operations" in the presentation) can do to help a transportation agencies within a region meet today's many challenges and improve the transportation network. The executive audience needs to understand policy-related issues and basic concepts in order to become advocates for operations. The second hoped-for result is that the executive(s) will then task their senior staff to formalize operations as an integral part of the transportation planning process (using an objectives-driven performance based approach) and an on-going focus within the various transportation agencies and local governments within the region. In this context, the executive should:
Presentation ApproachThis presentation has been created to address transportation operations at a high level that is relevant to most, if not all, MPOs and other regional entities. The presentation slides are sequentially ordered in this document and include the following information for each1:
The presenter should use and convey the information included in the "Description" and "Key Points" as appropriate to the audience. Local examples and updates as a result of on-going activities should also be considered as identified in "Other". The executive sessions should be planned for opportunities that relate to elected/appointed officials natural "turf" and appropriate time – for example, MPO senior staff and directors' meetings, MPO Board and other committee meetings, state legislature transportation committee meetings, or conference venues (AASHTO, NCSL, NACO, APWA, etc.). The presenter(s) should have credibility with the target audience. This suggests some sort of peer relationship (e.g., the presenter was once a MPO executive or member of a MPO Board) or acknowledged leader in the field of operations. The presenter should also interject personal anecdotes and local examples as appropriate (e.g., "You are already using these operations objectives / performance measures in the planning process.") As such, it is important in preparation for the session that the presenter(s) familiarize themselves with a general understanding of the region of interest (target), as well as offering real-life examples from other regions. Presentation OrganizationThe presentation slides are organized as follows:
Modifying the PresentationThe presentation, as described herein, will likely take 30 minutes followed by questions and discussions; and it may be expanded to an hour if slides on individual operations strategies (from the "Parking Lot" and / or from the companion DOT presentation) are included. Experience has shown that MPO executives are often very busy with many other issues and priorities demanding their attention; or there may be limited time on the MPO Board agenda. As such, there may be only 10 to 15 minutes available for the presentation and subsequent discussion. Accordingly, this presentation should be viewed as a "menu" of slides that can be modified, edited, rearranged, and otherwise tailored such that it is relevant to the audience, the MPO's operations and planning process, the presentation environment, and the allotted timeframe. One potential example of a shorter presentation is provided below, showing the most essential slides and other potential slides, some of which may be added depending on the specific operations programs within the agency and the interest of the target audience. This is only an example, and the presenter should tailor the presentation to the specific needs and interest areas of the MPO and the allotted time.
Given that transportation systems management and operations and the planning for operations concept are constantly evolving, this presentation is intended to be a "living document", with updates provided as may be required to reflect the state-of-the-practice (e.g., changes in Federal legislation and policy, findings and lessons learned from the on-going CMM activities, evaluations of operations strategies). Moreover, should any presenter identify materials and information that should be included in the presentation materials, or develop a modified order of the slides that has proven beneficial, please contact Steve Clinger of FHWA at Stephen.Clinger@dot.gov. These additional tools will also be included in subsequent updates as appropriate. A history of the presentation versions and the major changes made for each version update is provided below. MPO CEO Presentation Version Control
1This same information is also provided on the notes page of each slide within the presentation |
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |