Current Program Activities Report
This report has been updated and summarizes recent activity of selected programs within the Office of Operations. The revisions reflect program titles that are consistent throughout the Office of Operations. For additional information about these or other activities, contact the program manager noted in each section. In addition, more information may be available on the Office of Operations' Web site: This report will be updated semi-annually.
A listing of the Office of Operations' publications is listed at: of Contents
- Accelerating Implementation of Operations and ITS Technologies and Strategies Deployment Program Activities Report
- Active Transportation and Demand Management
- Arterial Management / Traffic Signal Operations
- Commercial Vehicle Size and Weight
- Congestion Pricing
- Connected and Automated Vehicles and Emergering Technologies
- Discretionary Grants
- Freight Data and Analysis
- Freight Infrastructure
- Freight Operations and Technology
- Freight Professional Development (FBD)
- Operations Data Infrastructure
- Operations and Freight Performance Measurement and Management
- Organizing and Planning for Operations
- Real-Time Transportation Information
- Alternative Revenue Mechanisms (Mileage Based User Fees)
- Road Weather Management
- Traffic Analysis Tools
- Traffic Control (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
- Traffic Incident and Events Management
- Work Zone Management
- Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Cooperative Automation Transportation Coalition (CAT-C) The FHWA represents the federal perspective in the CAT-C led by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and supported by Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and ITS America (ITSA), to explore priority needs for preparing for connected and automated vehicles. CAT-C is a collaborative focal point for federal, state, and local government officials; academia; and industry and their related associations to address critical program and technical issues associated with the nationwide deployment of connected and automated vehicles on streets and highways. Coalition membership includes representation from infrastructure owners and operators, equipment manufacturers, technology and service providers, academic researchers, consultants, and Automated Driving Systems developers. Information about the CAT-C including working groups and publications are located on the National Operations Center of Excellence websites at |
Ongoing |
Publications |
- Active Transportation and Demand Management Website:
- Corridor Traffic Management Website:
- Freeway Management Website:
- Ramp Metering Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Active Traffic Management (ATM) Implementation and Operations Guide The FHWA has developed a technical publication and accompanying brief on implementing and operating ATM systems to provide state, regional, and local agencies with technical information on how to strategically and effectively implement and operate ATM strategies. The technical publication was published in December 2017 and is available at The FHWA also delivered a national webinar discussing the publication, and the recording is available at The intended audience of the Guide and associated deliverables includes agencies interested in implementing ATM in their region, as well as agencies that have implemented ATM and are interested in guidance on operating and maintaining their ATM systems and strategies more effectively. |
Complete (2018) |
Guide Brief Webinar |
Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Active Management Cycle This project will provide the transportation operations community with technical information and an assessment tool on the Active Management Cycle and how agencies can more actively manage their transportation systems. A technical report, brief, and online assessment tool will be developed. Six workshops were also delivered in 2020 and 2021 to assist agencies apply the assessment tool. A national webinar was delivered in 2021. The intended audience of the report and associated deliverables is the transportation operations community (public agencies, consultants, and researchers involved in planning for, designing, operating, and maintaining transportation operations and management systems). |
July 2023 |
Report Brief Online Tool Webinar (complete) Workshops (complete) |
Enhancing Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) with Advanced and Emerging Technologies and Data Sources The FHWA has developed a report and accompanying brief on enhancing ATDM applications using emerging technologies and data sources. They discuss emerging technologies and data sources that could be coupled with ATDM applications. The report was published in March 2020 and is available at The FHWA also delivered a national webinar discussing the publication, and the recording is available at The intended audience for the report and associated deliverables is agencies and companies that currently deploy ATDM solutions and wish to understand how they can be enhanced. |
James Colyar | Complete (2020) | Report Brief Webinar |
Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Traveler Behavior Evaluation and Cohort The objective of this project is to evaluate the impacts of ATDM on traveler behavior and network performance and understand the routine use of ATDM as a transportation management practice. The project includes evaluating the impacts of ATDM deployments on traveler behavior, evaluating the impacts of ATDM-induced traveler behavior changes on network performance, and monitoring of a select group of state and local agencies with active ATDM deployments to understand how ATDM is adopted by these agencies as a routine transportation management practice. |
James Colyar | September 2022 | Info Briefs Evaluation Reports |
Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Linkages to Other Program Areas This effort is focused on identifying potential areas of collaboration between the ATDM program and 10 other program areas in the FHWA Offices of Operations and Safety that were selected based on a scan of ATDM resources. Individual discussions were held with representatives from each of the other program areas, and a summary report of potential collaboration areas with each of the program offices is being developed. The final report will identify results of the effort and develop webinar materials to discuss with FHWA Division Office Operations specialists. |
July 2022 | Technical Brief Internal FHWA Webinar |
Best Practices for Maintaining and High Occupancy Emphasis on Managed Lane Projects This report will identify current best practices for maintaining an emphasis on carpools, van pools, and transit as High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane facilities convert to priced managed lanes. Many of today’s priced managed lane facilities were originally built as a HOV Lane, and many of them were funded with Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) funding. As such, maintaining an emphasis on continuing to attract HOV usage once those facilities were converted to High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes is an important aspect of the congestion management and air quality plan in these metropolitan areas. This report will provide valuable information for areas considering these types of facilities in the future. |
Greg Jones | August 2022 | Technical Report |
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Information Dissemination The FHWA Office of Operations offers workshops (or virtual meetings) to state and local government to advance ICM research, deployment, and evaluation. Topics include:
Recent publications include topics on “mainstreaming” ICM and a summary of major achievements. Publications can be found on the FHWA Office of Operations website under “Corridor Traffic Management.” There is also a video on FHWA‘s YouTube channel: “Making the Case for ICM.” Workshops or virtual webinars can be requested by contacting Neil Spiller. |
Neil Spiller | Ongoing, on request | Workshops Technical Briefs |
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Evaluation of Demonstration Projects This comprehensive evaluation of ICM deployments in Dallas, Texas and San Diego, California was published in July 2019 and is available at It discusses the most recent major achievements (findings) from the Texas and California demonstration projects. |
Neil Spiller | Complete (2019) | Research and Guidance |
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Planning (associated with Planning for Operations program) This knowledge technology transfer (KTT) serves to inform future ICM corridors and is an ongoing activity to post successive products as they are released. Products can be found at |
Neil Spiller | Ongoing | Technical Briefs Flyers Factsheets Videos |
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Grants FHWA oversaw the one-time award in 2016 of grant money to 13 ICM sites for pre-implementation of ICM activities. These grants have since been closed out as each of the awardees has expended the funds, which were overseen by the FHWA ITS-Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO). Oversight for technical assistance was handled by the FHWA Office of Operations (HOP). Oversight of funding allotment and invoicing was handled by ITS-JPO. |
Neil Spiller | Complete | Technical Assistance |
Integrating Emerging Mobility into Transportation Management Workshops and Technical Assistance These workshops and technical assistance efforts help agencies plan and advance mobility concepts around Transportation Systems Management, Travel Demand Management, Transit and Multimodal Mobility, and Shared Use/Mobility-on-Demand. They address opportunities for synergies and multi-disciplinary approaches to managing regional transportation corridors. |
Jim Hunt (202) 680-2679 |
Ongoing | Workshops Technical Assistance |
- Arterial Management Website:
- Traffic Bottlenecks Website:
- Access Management Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Training In the area of traffic signal management and operations, there are two FHWA National Highway Institute (NHI) courses currently available and two that are in development. Available Courses:
Courses in Development:
Ongoing Spring 2023 |
Virtual/ Classroom Training |
Traffic Signal Management Plan Workshop The FHWA Resource Center Operations Technical Service Team and Office of Operations collaboratively support the development of Traffic Signal Management Plans by conducting workshops that guide professionals involved in the traffic signal program through work sessions. The work sessions guide professionals through the assessment of each area of the program (systems and technology, business processes, workforce and management, and administration) to identify gaps and develop an action plan that focuses current resources and identifies potential investments that build the capacity and capability of the program to attain its most important objectives. To request a workshop, contact your FHWA Division Office or |
Ongoing, on request | Training Technical Support |
Traffic Signal Change and Clearance Interval Pooled Fund Study The objective of the Traffic Signal Change and Clearance Interval Pooled Fund Study is to provide a forum for participants and interested observers to collaboratively identify and pursue research needs that extend existing knowledge about the interaction between human factors and traffic signal change intervals and clearance intervals. The research effort will proceed in two phases. The first phase will develop a synthesis of current practices and research, identify research gaps, and provide a research and data collection plan. The second phase will conduct the research needed to address the research gaps identified during phase one. |
Spring 2023 (Phase 1) Summer 2023–2025 (Phase 2) |
Lead Agency Project Management and Research Support |
Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) The FHWA currently hosts a monthly 1-hour web conference to engage public and private sector peers in discussions that advance knowledge and practices that extend from the development and application of ATSPM. The web conference is scheduled recurrently on the fourth Monday of each month at 2 p.m. ET. To be added to the invite list for the monthly call, contact |
Ongoing |
Outreach Technical Assistance |
- Vehicle Size and Weight Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Special Permits During National Emergencies Section 1511 of MAP-21 extended the states’ authority to issue special permits to vehicles with divisible loads that are delivering relief supplies when there is a Presidential Declaration under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (“Stafford Act”) (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.). Only those events that receive a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration (DR), as designated by FEMA, will be eligible for special permit authority. The FHWA is updating 2013 agency guidance for Special Permits to be consistent with current federal law. HOFM provides assistance to the states during emergencies, including interpretation of agency guidance and the movement of overweight trucks/loads. |
Ongoing |
Research Guidance |
Vehicle Size and Weight Annual Plans and Certifications, and Evaluations Vehicle Size and Weight Annual Plans and Certifications, and Evaluations All states are required to submit vehicle size and weight plans and certifications each year. Each FHWA Division Office is required to evaluate their respective state program each year. The agency is updating the regulations for state plan submittals, division evaluations found in 23 CFR 657 and 658, and the Q&A guidance on these plans and certifications. In addition, HOFM is updating its plan and certification submittal software in Vehicle Size and Weight/ User Profile and Access Control System VSW/UPACS. |
Ongoing |
Guidance Software Submittal Tools |
Emergency Routing The Freight Resiliency Program is leading the Emergency Route Working Group (ERWG) created by Section 5502 of the FAST Act and has provided a report to Congress, as required by Section 5502 of the FAST Act. The working group, which included groups involved in emergency response and vehicle permitting, identified practices for improving routing of vehicles involved in emergency response and recovery. The ERWG report included several recommendations that are being evaluated by FHWA for implementation:
Ongoing |
Research Guidance |
Bridge Strikes The National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP Project 08-139, “Methods to Prevent Bridge Strikes by Trucks,” will focus on methods to prevent bridge strikes through:
Work also provides a framework for collecting bridge strike data and using that data to support operational changes and develop bridge strike countermeasures. A World Road Association (PIARC)* special project, “Bridges and Tunnels Strikes by Oversize Vehicles” was completed that examined proven countermeasures, practices, and technologies used to reduce the incidence of oversize vehicles striking bridges and tunnels along with effective processes for accurately reporting and tracking bridge strike occurrences. *The World Road Association or Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC) is world leader in the exchange of knowledge on roads and road transport policy and practices within an integrated sustainable transport context. PIARC includes 125 government members worldwide and retains consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. |
Ongoing |
Research Guidance |
- Congestion Pricing Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Webinar – Managing Congestion in Priced Managed Lanes – April 16, 2019 The webinar explored different strategies for addressing performance challenges on priced managed lanes. Agencies that implement variable pricing to reduce congestion on heavily traveled facilities are finding that, despite initial performance improvements, travel speeds are slowing and throughput is dropping. The webinar presented three different case studies on how these transportation agencies manage congestion on their priced facilities. Annie Gillespie discussed Georgia’s experience removing toll caps on I-85 in Atlanta; Robert Campbell provided a presentation about Los Angeles Metro’s upcoming HOV-5 pilot on the I-10 Express Lanes; and Robert Kopelk explained the design and operational changes Washington State DOT is using to improve performance on Seattle’s I-405 Express Lanes. For more information on the webinar, see the transcript or listen to the webinar. |
Completed |
Webinar |
The Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through December 2020 The U.S. Congress established the Congestion Pricing Pilot Program in 1991. It was subsequently renamed the Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) under Section 1216(a) of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) in 1998 and continued through the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Although FY 2012 was the final year in which funding was available to solicit projects, the program can still provide tolling authority to state, regional or local governments to implement congestion pricing applications and report on their effects. The original program included discretionary grant funding for demonstration pilot projects that evaluated and implemented value pricing pilot projects to manage congestion on highways through tolling and other pricing mechanisms. The VPPP purpose is to demonstrate whether, and to what extent, roadway congestion may decrease through the application of demand-based pricing strategies by measuring the impact of such policies have on driver behavior, traffic volumes, transit ridership, air quality, and availability of funds for transportation programs. For more information, see the Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through December 2020 |
Completed |
Report to Congress |
National Congestion Pricing Conference: May 22 – 23, 2018 The National Congestion Pricing Conference was held at the U.S. Department of Transportation Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on May 22nd and 23rd, 2018. Over the course of two days, participants attended 12 sessions, which included peer discussions, an off-site tour, and poster presentations. The conference featured the latest developments in two congestion pricing focus areas, Managed Lanes and City Pricing that included tolling and non-tolling innovations. |
Completed |
Conference proceedings |
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Roadway Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Integration Concept of Operations for Transportation Agencies The FHWA is facilitating the development of a Highway Automation Concept of Operations (ConOps). The ConOps will serve as a definitional document to describe and evolve systemic interfaces in the context of the integration of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) and roadway infrastructure systems. The initial focus of the ConOps will be in the relative near-term (“first stage”) between now and approximately 2030, and in a mixed-traffic environment that accommodates automated and human-driven vehicles. The ConOps will build on ongoing USDOT and partner organization activity pertaining to “roadway automation readiness,” which is a term to be more clearly defined through the project. ConOps development has been guided by the experiences and perspectives of roadway infrastructure owner operators and other state and local transportation agencies, as well as stakeholders representing the automotive and ADS industries. These stakeholders have been extensively engaged in the development of the ConOps through various meetings and workshops throughout the project. Products supporting the ConOps will help describe and support the integration of ADS-equipped vehicles into the roadway environment, including their interactions with diverse travelers and roadway users, roadway infrastructure, non-automated traffic, and traffic management functions. Development of the ConOps commenced in late 2019 with a global environmental scan and literature review, which now constitute a basis for deliberating the scale and format of the ConOps. Development of the ConOps is being managed through the FHWA Office of Operations. A follow-on project commenced in late 2022 to support initial introduction, implementation, and evaluation of the ConOps in collaboration with state and local transportation agencies. The continuing project will also develop a national roadway digital infrastructure strategy to advance electronic connectivity and data interoperability in support of roadway ADS integration. |
Spring 2023 |
Concept of Operations |
Collaborative Framework for Automated Driving Systems/Roadway Testing Outreach Campaign The FHWA completed the development of the Collaborative Framework for Automated Driving Systems/Roadway Testing This evaluation framework provides collaboration elements and considerations that apply to all phases of ADS testing, including aids and checklists, collaboration opportunities, and real-world examples from across the country. The framework development included extensive engagement and input from both ADS and roadway stakeholders, such as automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs); suppliers; technology companies; and state, federal, and regional government entities. The subsequent outreach objective is to develop and execute a Framework outreach campaign that increases awareness, promotes understanding, and facilitates use of the Framework. |
John Harding |
Summer 2021 |
Research |
Automated Driving Systems (ADS) and Traffic Regulations Voluntary Specifications Development Playbook This project uses the development of a prototype traffic regulation data framework completed in a previous project to advance the conversation about the development of a voluntary data specification for traffic regulations. The data specification will support the translation of traffic regulations from paper to a digital format Automated Driving Systems can understand. The development of the playbook will provide transportation, industry, and traffic regulation administrator stakeholders a basis to understand and address the challenges associated with establishing and maintaining a traffic regulation data specification. |
Kingsley Azubike |
Winter 2024 |
Research |
Development of Innovative Techniques and Methods that Support a Changeable Roadway Testing Environment The research objective is to evaluate the feasibility of mimicking roadway features that will facilitate depiction of realistic roadway scenarios to all road users that can be easily custom configured or changed to a different scenario without permanently changing basic test facilities roadway configurations. The techniques and methods will need to mimic roadway features that include but are not limited to traffic control devices and roadway makings. The results of the research will support joint ADS and roadway testing in relation to testing facilitates having the capability to staged multiple types of roadway scenarios. |
John Harding |
Fall 2025 |
Research |
Cybersecurity for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Best Practices for Cybersecurity ITS Procurement Language and Prototype ITS Device Cybersecurity Configuration Tool The objectives for this project are to 1) to develop procurement information for cybersecurity requirements for ITS equipment 2) define the requirements for a software tool that enables state and local transportation infrastructure owner/operators that will identify their vulnerabilities in their ITS equipment so they can define their cybersecurity status and prioritize investments in order to reach their organizational goal and 3) to develop and demonstrate a prototype of the Cybersecurity Assessment Tool. |
Usman Ali (202) 366- 5866 |
Fall 2024 |
Report and prototype tool |
Cybersecurity for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Model for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) Agencies Wargaming Exercise The project objectives are to 1) develop a cybersecurity wargaming exercise and supporting materials that SLTT transportation agencies may use independently to test their cybersecurity incidents response plans for their ITS systems. This step will draw upon best practices from other critical infrastructure sectors to develop an exercise that identifies key personnel to be involved and procedures to follow when responding to a cyber incident and ITS infrastructure. It will focus on operational technology, not Enterprise IT, systems. This wargaming exercise shall be scalable to accommodate very small to very large public agencies and can be completed in as little as a half-day. 2) bring in key stakeholders to pilot this exercise, as well as modify it, based on feedback and lessons learned. |
Winter 2023 |
Transportation Cybersecurity Wargaming Exercise and Guide |
Connected Vehicle Pilot Evaluations The objective of this project is to evaluate the extent to which the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment (CVPD) Program achieved the desired USDOT goals by:
The following publications are available on the ITS-JPO’s site and are being hyperlinked to CAVET Page on HOP site:
Current publications are available at |
Walter During |
Completed |
Evaluation |
Electronic Tolling Collection (ETC) Interoperability The objective of this research and synthesis study is to identify, research, and document current and emerging technologies and operational and organizational solutions for achieving nationwide ETC interoperability. The synthesis report will outline the current state of interoperability in the toll industry; challenges of achieving interoperability; steps taken to expand interoperability; and potential implications of future technologies, business models, and systems on tolling interoperability. |
John Harding |
Summer 2023 |
Synthesis Report |
USDOT Mobility Data Business Plan In addition to the continued maintenance of the USDOT Data Business Plan that addresses gaps in USDOT’s data, coordination, standards, and governance, this project provides federal information and technical assistance to state DOTs and local in their regional Mobility Data Business Plans development by addressing interfacing data gaps among partners, including federal agencies. To facilitate the development of multiple annual regional mobility data business plans for states and local jurisdictions, the USDOT hosts jurisdiction-specific meetings/workshops for selected state DOT and local agency staff charged with the creation, development, and implementation of Data Business Plans for roadway travel mobility data. The FHWA Office of Operations is in the process of developing two 60–90-minute web-based training (WBT) courses and a 6-hour synchronous web-conference training (WCT) on Mobility Data Business Plans (DBP). The format of the WBT components should be modular allowing participants to complete lessons sequentially or to skip modules as desired by the participant. The WBTs will serve as prerequisites for the WCT. Course content for the WBTs shall answer the questions: What is a Data Business Plan? What are its benefits? And how do you develop a DBP? The WCT component will provide learners with an opportunity to apply their knowledge of the process and to develop a DBP. |
Walter During |
Ongoing |
Technical Assistance |
Model System Engineering (SE) Document for Traffic Sensors This work, in coordination with the FHWA Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO), will develop model systems engineering document for traffic sensors. The model SE documents will provide an example for traffic sensors that state and local transportation entities can use to develop their own SE documents with requirements and specifications needed to assess, select, and procure traffic sensor technology for small ITS projects. |
Kingsley Azubike |
Spring 2023 |
Model Systems Engineering Document |
Testing of the National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation systems (NTCIP) 1202 and 1218 Standards This activity develops test procedures and test plans to pilot test device conformance to the NTCIP 1202 and NTCIP 1218 Standards The test procedures and test plans will support state and local transportation entities in creating NTCIP requirements to ensure standards conformance and compliance to confirm ITS devices interoperability and interchangeability. Lessons learned from this task will help inform both device vendors and the standards development organizations about gaps in the implementation and understanding of these standards. |
Kingsley Azubike |
Fall 2023 |
Technical Report |
Modification of the Center-To-Center (C2C) Reference Implementation (RI) Tool Maintenance and Upgrade The RI software is used by state and local agencies as a procurement tool to test whether a vendors C2C platform conforms to the Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) Standards. The TMDD enables communications among Traffic Management Centers. Each contract cycle, FHWA/ITS-JPO upgrades at least one new feature of the RI. The C2C RI tool supports efficient deployment of C2C communications systems by providing a means to verify conformance to C2C standards. The current task provides for the upgrade, maintenance, training, and outreach to users for theC2C RI tool. Software updates are available at |
Kingsley Azubike |
Ongoing |
Software Updates |
Evolution of Test Procedure Generator (TPG) Tool in Support of NTCIP 1202 The TPG tool facilitates the deployment of interoperable center-to-field (C2F) systems. This tool supports both state and local agencies, as well as Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). The current task addresses the tool evolution to support automated test procedure generation for the NTCIP 1202 and 1218 standards. The activity includes tool upgrades and maintenance, as well as training and outreach to users. Software updates are available at |
Kingsley Azubike (202) 853-0003) |
Ongoing |
Software Updates |
System Engineering Guidebook Update The FHWA and FHWA Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO) are updating the current System Engineering Guidebook hosted on the FHWA California Division website and co-sponsored by the FHWA and the California Department of Transportation. This project will upgrade the website with newer software technologies as well as update the current 2009 version to include new developments, such as ITS planning for operations insight, and systems development approaches, such as Agile methods. The activity will also lead to the hosting of the Guidebook on the FHWA Office of Operations website. |
Kingsley Azubike (202) 853-0003) |
Spring 2023 |
Updated Systems Engineering Guidebook |
Automated Driving Systems (ADS) and Traffic Regulations Voluntary Data Exchange Development This task builds on a previous project on ADS Operational behavior and Traffic Regulations. That project developed an ADS Traffic Regulations database prototype. The objective of the current task is to extend the development of the ADS-Traffic Regulations database framework and develop a Playbook that supports development of voluntary data exchange standards and specifications by the appropriate ADS Stakeholders. |
Kingsley Azubike |
Fall 2024 |
ADS Traffic Regulations Voluntary Data Exchange Development Playbook |
Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Roadway Features Research Project The rapid development of Automated Driving Systems (ADS), with its increasingly automated control over the driving task, is introducing new challenges and questions surrounding roadway infrastructure. ADS-equipped vehicles rely on a combination of visual perception of the roadway infrastructure, internal mapping data, and a complex set of algorithms to inform their navigation around surrounding environments. These vehicles generally use machine vision systems (e.g., cameras, lidar, radar) to collect information about specific roadway elements, and then make decisions on how to operate in the environment safely and efficiently. As a result, how the presence of roadway elements and their conditions impact the operation of ADS remain open questions and topics for potential research. The purpose of the “ADS Roadway Features” research project is to investigate which roadway features are most relevant to support operation of ADS, identify appropriate thresholds for the condition of those roadway features, identify methodologies for measuring and gathering data on roadway features, and providing State and local infrastructure owner-operators (IOOs) with information and tools to assist with their infrastructure investment decisions. Objective
Walter During |
Spring 2026 |
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Discretionary Grant Program The ATCMTD Discretionary Grant program provides funding to eligible entities to develop model deployment sites for large-scale installation and operation of advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, efficiency, system performance, and infrastructure return on investment. (23 U.S.C. 503(c)(4)(A)). Since 2016, the Secretary of Transportation has awarded over $300 million to 58 ATCMTD projects. The most recent round of grants awarded $45.2 million in FY2021 ATCMTD funding to 10 projects in 10 states. More information is available at |
Ongoing |
Grant Program Oversight |
Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Discretionary Grant Program The ATTAIN Discretionary Grant program provides funding, $60 million per FY 2022–2026, to provide grants to eligible entities to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment (23 U.S.C. 503(c)(4)(A)). FHWA previously issued six NOFOs for the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Grant Program before the program was amended and renamed to the Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Deployment Program (also known as ATTAIN) by Section 13006 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Public Law 117-58, also known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” (BIL)). The NOFO closed on November 18, 2022, and applications are under evaluation. More information is available at |
Ongoing |
Grant Program Oversight |
Congestion Relief Grant Program The Congestion Relief Discretionary Grant program provides funding to eligible entities to advance innovative, integrated, and multimodal solutions to relieve congestion in largely populated urban areas of the United States (23 U.S.C. 129(d)). The Secretary of Transportation authorizes $50 million per FY 2022-2026. The minimum award amount for this grant under this program is $10,000,000, with the maximum federal share of 80 percent of the total project cost. The most recent set of grants was awarded in 2024. More information is available at |
Completed |
Grant Program Oversight |
Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grants Program The INFRA (formerly FASTLANE) Discretionary Grant program provides funding for freight-related projects of national or regional significance via a competitive process. Since 2016, the Secretary of Transportation has awarded more than $6.5 billion to 144 INFRA-FASTLANE projects. FHWA is currently administering 110 projects totaling approximately $5.6 billion in grant funding The most recent round of grants awarded $1.5 billion in FY2022 INFRA funding to 26 projects in 23 states. More information is available at |
Alan Woodmansey |
Ongoing |
Grants |
RAISE Discretionary Grant Program The RAISE (formerly BUILD and TIGER) Discretionary Grant program provides funding for surface transportation infrastructure via a competitive process. Since 2009, the Secretary of Transportation has awarded nearly $8.9 billion to 678 projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, including 299 projects to support rural and tribal communities. FHWA is currently administering 393 highway-related projects totaling approximately $5.2 billion. The most recent set of grants was awarded in 2020 to projects in 44 states. |
Ongoing |
Grants Program Oversight |
Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities (RTEPF) Grant Program The Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities (RTEPF) Grant Program, which was created in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, provides funding to test, evaluate, and deploy projects that reduce port-related emissions from idling trucks, including through the advancement of port electrification and improvements in efficiency, focusing on port operations, including heavy-duty commercial vehicles, and other related projects. The most recent round of grants in FY 2022 and FY 2023 awarded $148,650,000 to 16 projects in 11 states and Puerto Rico. More information is available at |
Ongoing |
Grant Program Oversight |
MEGA Discretionary Grant Program The National Infrastructure Project Assistance grants program (MEGA) funding opportunities are awarded on a competitive basis for surface transportation infrastructure projects—including highway and bridge, intercity passenger rail, railway-highway grade crossing or separation, wildlife crossing, public transportation, marine highway, and freight projects, or groups of such projects with significant national or regional impact. 2022 is the first year of the MEGA grant program and there is $980,000,000 available for projects. |
Ongoing |
Grants |
Rural Discretionary Grant Program The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (Rural) supports projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. Funds are awarded in a competitive basis and 2022 is the first year of the Rural program. The program was authorized for $2,000,000,000 for a 5-year period from FY22 through FY26. There is $294,000,000 currently available for FY22 award selections. |
Ongoing |
Grants |
Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDX) Demonstration Grants The Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDX) provides financial assistance for deployment of situational live data describing work zone activity. The program, funded by the FHWA Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO) and managed by the FHWA Office of Operations’ Work Zone Management Program, distributes approximately $2.4 million across 13 state and local transportation agencies to deploy data feeds consistent with the WZDX specification. Awards were made in 2021 with completion of feeds anticipated by late 2022. Projects have a $200,000 maximum grant award with an additional 20 percent match required by the grantee. Associated program activities include providing technical support and a nationally focused public awareness campaign to promote state and local agency adoption of the WZDX specification. |
Ongoing |
Grants |
- Analysis, Data, and System Performance Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) The goal of the Freight Analysis Framework, Version 5 (FAF5) is to provide a comprehensive national picture of freight movement among states and major metropolitan areas and freight truck flows on the National Highway System. Using data from the 2017 Commodity Flow Survey and other sources, FAF5 maps and forecast have not yet been released, but comprehensive data sets and maps for FAF4, based on the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey, are available. FAF4 data includes estimates of freight tonnage and value by commodity type, mode, origin, and destination for 2012, annual estimates for year 2013–2018, and forecasts 2020–2045 in 5-year increments. Available FAF4 maps include national, state, and regional freight maps, including highway-based freight flows for 2012 and estimates for 2045. FAF5 products are scheduled to be releases in stages throughout 2021:
Ongoing |
Publication of FAF Commodity Flows and Projections |
Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement – SHRP2 Capacity The Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement program provides tools for incorporating freight movement considerations in the transportation planning process. The program included an analysis of the current state of the practice as well as freight decision making and forecasting needs to develop tools for improved freight data sets and freight modeling practices. The project included:
The results are published at |
Completed |
Pilot Projects with 11 states and MPOs for freight demand modeling and local freight data improvement with reports describing results of SHRP2 C20 pilot projects. Research Publications on behavioral-based supply chain modeling research guide and Practices in incorporating land use and demographics into freight trip demand analysis Workshop |
Highway Freight Transportation Conditions and Performance Data The FHWA/Federal Transit Administration Conditions and Performance Report, which periodically examines the conditions and performance of the entire public sector-owned surface transportation system, includes a freight chapter that describes the condition and performance of the National Highway Freight Network. |
Ongoing |
Report |
- Freight Infrastructure Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
State Freight Advisory Committees The USDOT strongly encourages all states to establish State Freight Advisory Committees. Such Advisory Committees are an important part of the process needed to develop a thorough State Freight Plan. If a state establishes a State Freight Advisory Committee, the state must consult with its respective advisory committee while developing or updating its State Freight Plan (49 U.S.C. 70202(b)(10)). Bringing together the perspectives and knowledge of public and private partners—including shippers, carriers, and infrastructure owners and operators—is important to developing a comprehensive and relevant State Freight Plan. For more information, see Guidance on State Freight Plans and State Freight Advisory Committees. |
Ongoing |
Publication |
State Freight Plans The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act created new requirements for State Freight Plans and State Freight Advisory Committees. Guidance for both the plans and advisory committees was published in the Federal Register in October 2016. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) amended the requirements contained in 49 U.S.C. 70202. Updated guidance was published on January 12, 2023. Among other requirements, states are required to create State Freight Plans in order to obligate National Highway Freight Program funds. For more information, see Guidance on State Freight Plans and State Freight Advisory Committees. FAST Act compliant freight plans can be found on the Information by State webpage by selecting the desired state. |
Ongoing |
Publication of links to State Freight Plans. |
Freight Intermodal Connectors Study The study objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the condition and performance of the nation’s freight intermodal connectors. By extracting connector data from federal, state, and local sources to understand freight connectors operations relative to the broader freight transportation system, the study includes 18 case studies to perform a deep dive into planning, stakeholder, and funding elements that are specific to freight intermodal connectors. The study results are used to estimate the additional operating costs, due to current pavement and bottleneck conditions, associated with using freight intermodal connectors. Available reports include: Freight Intermodal Connectors Study (April 2017) Findings on Connector Designation, Data to Support Planning, and Incorporation into State Freight Plans (September 2017) |
Ongoing |
Publications |
National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) The NHFP was established in the FAST Act and authorized for $6.2 billion over a 5-year period, 2016–2020, and the average apportionment to the states by formula is $1.2 billion per year. The purpose of the program is to improve efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN). The FAST Act requires the establishment of a NHFN, which consists of the following components:
Eligible program activities include construction, operational improvements, freight planning, and performance measures. If a state does not have an approved BIL-Compliant State Freight Plan (SFP), it cannot longer obligate NHFP funds until the SFP is approved. Once the SFP is approved, the state can resume obligating NHFP funds. For more information on the NHFP, visit the website. |
Ongoing |
Guidance |
- Technology and Operations Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
National Coalition on Truck Parking Truck parking shortages are a national safety concern. The purpose of Section 1401 of MAP-21, more popularly known as “Jason’s Law,” was to address the commercial motor vehicle parking shortage at public and private facilities along the National Highway System (NHS). With an interest in continuing the dialogue on national truck parking needs beyond the Jason’s Law work, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has formed a coalition of stakeholder organizations to help resolve truck parking problems. The four regional meetings will bring together members of the coalition to identify strategies and approaches that address the parking needs of interstate truckers. Many studies have been completed in recent years to analyze the adequacy of truck parking and the associated safety risks. Many of these studies documented projected growth of truck traffic on the nation’s highway system, severe truck parking shortages in some regions, a lack of adequate information for truck drivers about parking capacity at existing facilities, and the challenges associated with routing and delivery requirements and accommodating rest periods. |
Ongoing |
Publication for Truck Parking Development Handbook Partnership |
Jason’s Law Truck Parking Survey and Comparative Assessment The purpose of Section 1401 of MAP-21, more popularly known as “Jason’s Law,” was to address the commercial motor vehicle parking shortage at public and private facilities along the National Highway System (NHS). Jason’s Law directed the USDOT to conduct a survey and a comparative assessment to:
The results of the original Survey were published in 2015. MAP-21 required periodic survey updates. An updated survey was conducted in 2019 that included:
The results of the survey and assessment have been presented to the National Coalition on Truck Parking. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and several stakeholder organizations established the National Coalition on Truck Parking in August 2015 as a response to a documented need for truck parking solutions. Stakeholders engaged in the Coalition represent the trucking industry, commercial vehicle safety officials, state departments of transportation (DOTs), and commercial truck stop owners and operators. The National Coalition on Truck Parking shares practices and information on truck parking issues and solutions. For more information, visit |
Ongoing |
PowerPoint presentation summarizing the results of the Jason’s Law Truck Parking Survey Partnership |
- Freight Professional Development Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Freight Peer-to-Peer Program and Professional Capacity Building The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program is part of the ongoing FHWA Freight Professional Development (FPD) Program. The program enables state Departments of Transportation (state DOTs), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and local governments to better address freight transportation issues within their jurisdictions. Freight professional capacity building and the P2P Program facilitate information sharing among public sector freight transportation professionals and provide technical assistance on an as-needed basis. By providing an opportunity for public sector staff and leaders to learn from their peers, the P2P Program identifies and expands state and regional noteworthy practices in the freight transportation field and builds relationships, understanding, and cooperation among key stakeholders. Peer exchanges can take a variety of forms, including meetings, roundtables, and workshops designed to accomplish a task or effort, such as developing a state freight plan, creating an MPO or state freight advisory committee, developing an approach to implementing the National Highway Freight Program (NHFP), or implementing improvements in the state truck size and weight program of enforcement. The professional capacity building part of the program includes communication and development of educational and professional development materials/events, educational webinars, research and documentation of noteworthy practices, communication of tools and technical assistance resources, and dissemination of information to promote freight transportation planning and project implementation products and services. |
Ongoing |
Publication of resources on Freight Professional Capacity Building website Education |
Monthly Talking Freight Webinars Monthly “Talking Freight” webinars provide a convenient and no-cost way for transportation professionals to learn about the latest trends, issues, tools, and noteworthy practices in freight transportation. To register for a webinar, get details about upcoming topics, or listen to past seminars, visit |
Ongoing |
Webinars |
- Cross-cutting efforts supporting the deployment of cyber/physical infrastructure providing capabilities for next-generation transportation system management and operations. This effort currently operates as a joint initiative of the Road Weather Management, Traffic Incident and Event Management, and Work Zone Management programs in HOTO.
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Non-Recurring Event Data Strategic Planning / Managing Disruptions for Operations Data Exchange (MDODE) Building on the momentum of the Work Zone Data Initiative, there is a recognized benefit to reliable, timely, accurate, and authoritative data pertaining to other non-recurring events (including road weather, incidents, and emergency events) that affect traffic operations. Non-Recurring Event Data (NRED) are situational live data that describes localized capacity bottlenecks, slowdowns, and closures, etc. This project produced a five-year strategic plan that complements Section 13004 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), articulating a roadmap for a data integration pilot program for near-real-time data on weather conditions, roadway conditions, incidents, work zones, and other nonrecurring events related to emergency planning. |
Todd Peterson |
Internal |
Strategic Plan |
- Operations Performance Measurement Website:
- Freight Performance Measurement Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) The NPMRDS is a vehicle probe-based average travel time data set acquired by the FHWA to support Transportation Performance Management. The NPMRDS consists of average travel times on the National Highway System (NHS) and on the 5-mile radius of arterials at border crossings. The FHWA also makes this data available to states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to use for performance management activities under the Transportation Performance Management requirements of MAP-21. The third NPMRDS contract was awarded in May 2022. The NPMRDS is also used to support the Urban Congestion Report (UCR) and Freight Mobility Trends (FMT) programs. For more information on the NPMRDS, visit or |
Rich Taylor |
Ongoing |
Average Travel Time and Speed Data on the NHS |
Freight Performance Measures The FHWA Office of Operations (HOP) uses NPMRDS data for measuring the impacts of freight transportation improvements on the economy, freight performance measures for bottlenecks, border crossing delay, travel time in freight significant corridors, and the freight efficiency index. For more information, visit |
Ongoing |
Software or Other Technical Resource |
Freight Mobility Trends The Freight Mobility Trends (FMT) project developed a dashboard and visualization tool to track performance of the freight transportation system, measuring freight mobility, identifying nationally significant bottlenecks, monitoring intermodal connectors, and visualizing freight data. Products include:
For more information, visit |
Ongoing |
Software or Other Technical Resource |
Quarterly Urban Congestion Reporting and Monthly Operations Dashboard The FHWA Office of Operations (HOP) has a new contract for the Urban Congestion Report (UCR) program that includes the development of a monthly operations dashboard that will include travel time and reliability trends on the Interstate System. The UCR uses the NPMRDS to develop performance measures for the 52 largest urban areas in the United States. Both quarterly reports and an annual congestion trends report are developed under the contract. The most recent Urban Trends Report for calendar year 2020 was published in September 2021. |
Rich Taylor |
Ongoing |
Report |
Third Performance Measure Rule (PM3) Measure Implementation The FHWA Office of Operations is working with the Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Team in the FHWA Office of Infrastructure to implement the requirements of the third performance measure rule, or PM3. Current efforts include a technical assistance report on PM3 target setting that was published in 2022 ( A technical assistance report on forecasting for target setting for the PM3 measures will be published in early 2023. In addition, HOP is working on two research projects titled “Influence of Operational Strategies on PM3 and Other Travel Time-Based Measures.” The projects focus on evaluating operational strategies (Part 1 covers recurring congestion strategies and Part 2 covers non-recurring congestion strategies) and how they related to PM3 and other measures. Both documents should be published in the first half of 2023. For more information, visit |
Rich Taylor |
Ongoing |
Guidance |
Methods to Improve Freight Performance, Reliability, and Bottlenecks This resource provides information to state DOTs and MPOs on practices to improve freight reliability and mobility, including addressing congestion at freight bottlenecks. Practices for improving travel time reliability will include Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) strategies, such as freight intelligent transportation systems (ITS), freeway management, managed lanes/truck lanes, highway work zone management for trucks, road weather management, smart roadside commercial motor vehicle monitoring, truck queue management at ports, and intermodal improvements to support more efficient multimodal freight movement. As part of this project, FHWA is conducting a series of peer exchanges and workshops with state DOTs to discuss noteworthy practices for measuring and improving freight mobility, reliability, and bottlenecks. |
Ongoing |
Publication of report on Methods to Improve Freight Performance, Reliability, and Bottlenecks |
- Planning for Operations Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
National Highway Institute (NHI) Web-Based Training on TSMO 101, the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), and Operations Benefit-Cost Analysis This project will develop three NHI online training sources. One will be an introductory course for transportation professionals and other stakeholders who may not be familiar with TSMO. The second course is on the CMM that targets state and local TSMO champions who wish to better understand the CMM and conduct a self-assessment within their agency. The third course will be focused on conducting benefit-cost analysis for operations. |
Joe Gregory |
Spring 2024 |
Online Training Sources |
The Role of Operations in Complete Streets This project will develop a primer and brochure to help illustrate the role of operations in Complete Streets projects and initiatives. The primer and brochure will frame potential operations impacts on different street users and show how operations strategies, such as parking management, traffic signal timing, real-time information, and multimodal strategies, can be leveraged to enhance Complete Streets concepts. |
Jim Hunt |
June 2024 |
Primer and Brochure |
Use of Real-Time Operations Strategies and Data for Proactive Safety Intervention This project will synthesize the availability of real-time operations strategies and data to support dynamic safety countermeasures. Recognizing that safety analysis often relies on historical data and implementing countermeasures retroactively, this project will advance the use of short-term safety intervention based on real-time and forecasted conditions. |
Jim Hunt |
August 2024 |
Toolkit and Case Studies for Improving Equity in Transportation Operations This project will develop a basic set of technical resources that transportation professionals can use to ensure that transportation operations improvements, strategies, and services are implemented with transportation equity considerations in mind. Resources will include case studies of current innovative practices and an online practitioner toolbox. |
Joe Gregory |
Fall 2024 |
Case Studies |
Develop a Framework for Integrating Emerging Trends and Technologies to Advance TSMO Programs in Local Agencies This project will develop a flexible framework to help agencies assess and integrate emerging trends and technologies in the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) efforts of transportation stakeholders, with an emphasis on local agencies. The end product will include examples showcasing the framework and how it could be applied. |
Joe Gregory |
December 2024 |
Framework |
Advancing TSMO Through Organizational Structures This publication applies concepts of organizational theory, specifically related to organizational structure, to explore how organizational models and structural mechanisms can be used to advance TSMO within departments of transportation (DOTs). It includes several case studies of organizational structures in DOTs across the Nation and looks at how DOTs have used their structures to mainstream TSMO. |
Joe Gregory |
Spring 2023 |
Case Studies |
Applying Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs) Performance Requirements to Pavement and Bridge Conditions TAMPs are required to improve or preserve the condition of assets and performance of the system and, at a minimum, must include pavements and bridges on the National Highway System. Here, “system performance” refers to the safe and efficient movement of people and goods, which can be affected by physical assets. This project will identify and communicate the linkages between the state of good repair for pavements and bridges and system performance and how the physical condition of pavements and bridges impacts the safety, mobility, and reliability of the transportation system. This project also includes three sample TAMP chapters that highlight this connection. |
Joe Gregory |
July 2023 |
Sample Transportation Asset Management Plan Chapters |
Connecting TSMO and Transportation Equity This project will explore opportunities for state and local transportation agencies to advance TSMO while simultaneously considering and supporting transportation equity. This project presents an opportunity to advance TSMO programs and projects in ways that can support equity goals. |
Joe Gregory |
February 2023 |
TSMO Strategy Toolkit This project is creating a TSMO Strategy Toolkit that will serve as a one-stop shop for the collection of TSMO strategies. The toolkit is intended to help practitioners understand the range of TSMO strategies, identify which strategies might be most useful for their situation or issue, and easily connect with existing resources to help them apply the strategies. The toolkit will include a strategy matrix, fact sheets, and tips for using it. |
Tracy Scriba |
March 2023 |
Toolkit |
Applying TSMO to Rural Areas This project will support transportation stakeholders in rural areas by synthesizing the state of the practice for TSMO in rural areas, sharing successful TSMO implementation strategies in rural areas that may be applicable more widely, and showcasing emerging technologies that show promise in expanding TSMO strategies in rural areas. |
Joe Gregory |
October 2022 |
Report with Case Studies |
Planning for Operations Web-Based and Web Conference Training The FHWA Office of Operations is collaborating with the National Highway Institute (NHI) to transition two workshops—one on planning for operations and one on planning for reliability—to NHI. The new training will be available through a combination of web-based (independent, asynchronous) and web-conference (facilitator-led) courses and modules. This training will enhance the ability of agencies to further integrate TSMO into transportation planning and project development contexts. |
Jim Hunt |
February 2023 |
Web-Based Training |
FHWA Office of Operations (HOP) Training Portfolio Analysis The FHWA Office of Operations is undertaking a comprehensive review of its portfolio of training and workshop offerings to strengthen coordination among programs, reduce redundancies, and increase use of modern instructional systems design and adult learning principles. The effort will result in a training framework and strategic approach that will support the outreach and training aspects of various programs under the teams in the HOP Office of Travel Management: Organizing and Planning for Operations, Innovative Operations Strategies, and Connected and Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies. |
Jim Hunt |
April 2022 |
Training |
Presentation Slides on Connecting TSMO with Other Disciplines |
Joe Gregory |
Fall 2022 to Spring 2023 |
Presentations |
Connecting TSMO and Safety This project aims to advance the integration of TSMO and safety by providing a summary of current practices, identifying opportunities for considering TSMO and safety more holistically, and offering recommendations to better integrate TSMO and safety in state and regional planning efforts, as well as in ongoing systems. The project will include a summary report, case studies, and a webinar. |
Jim Hunt |
March 2023 |
Report |
Web-Based Training This project is developing a 1-hour modular web-based training, building off the material in the guide, Advancing TSMO: Making the Business Case for Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural Changes. This course and the earlier guide help agencies advance their capabilities for TSMO. The course (FHWA-NHI-133128) is available through the FHWA National Highway Institute (NHI.) |
Joe Gregory |
Complete |
Training |
TSMO Video Series A series of short videos that will explain TSMO, share successful examples of TSMO in action, and highlight the benefits of implementing TSMO strategies and better mainstreaming TSMO within state and local agencies. |
Tracy Scriba |
Summer 2022 |
Videos |
Mainstreaming TSMO This project identifies elements that play a key role in mainstreaming TSMO in transportation agencies and examples from transportation and other industries. Successes and lessons learned will be synthesized into a set of materials to help state and local agencies advance and mainstream TSMO. |
Tracy Scriba |
March 2023 |
Publications |
Applying Asset Management to Signals and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) A primer series equips state and local agencies in applying asset management principles to signals and ITS assets. The materials are structured around the MAP-21 Transportation Asset Management Plan requirements. |
Joe Gregory |
February 2022 |
Primers |
Regional Operations Leadership Forums This 2.5-day structured peer exchange helps develop TSMO champions from key managers and leaders. The forum enables program leaders at public agencies to build knowledge in TSMO while also developing a strong network of TSMO peers. The forum covers core TSMO topics such as business processes, culture, and workforce, as well as some technical topics based on the needs of the group. FHWA and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) are working together to deliver the forum to every region of the country. Participants in these events have valued the dialogue among states and other agencies and found that they have spurred efforts to advance TSMO within their agencies. |
Tracy Scriba |
Ongoing |
Peer Exchange |
Leveraging and Coordinating Information Technology (IT) and TSMO The project objective is to improve coordination and help bridge the gaps that often exist between IT and ITS/TSMO units in state and local agencies. Project deliverables will include a synthesis of the current state of the practice regarding the IT-ITS/TSMO interface across the country, models, best practices, guides, case studies, webinars, and factsheets. Two webinars have been completed and are available for viewing from the National Operations Center of Excellence:
Jim Hunt |
February 2022 |
Guides |
Influence of Operational Strategies on PM3 and Other Travel Time-Based Measures This project will develop operational strategy evaluation approaches, including before and after evaluations, and will look for and define relationships between these outcomes and the third performance measure rule, or PM3. This project focuses on recurring congestion operational strategies—freeway and arterial operations. A second project, focusing on non-recurring congestion operational strategies, is also underway. The ultimate deliverable will be a primer on these concepts as well as a marketing and outreach/training plan for getting this information out to users. |
Rich Taylor |
Spring 2023 (recurring); Summer 2023 (non-recurring) |
Publications |
Update and Expand Model Plans for TSMO Desk Reference This project will update and expand upon the technical material in the Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: The Building Blocks of a Model Transportation Plan Incorporating Operations - A Desk Reference to reflect recent noteworthy practices, make it consistent with other FHWA materials, validate and revise technical references, add more recent examples of TSMO integration into planning, and present illustrations of how TSMO might be reflected in other stages of the project lifecycle beyond the long-range transportation plan. |
Jim Hunt |
March 2023 |
Desk Reference Update |
- Real-Time Traveler Information Website:
- 511 Travel Information Telephone Services Website:
- Real-Time System Management Information Website:
- Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Website:
- Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Program Activities Report
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection Pilot Program The Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (SIRC) Program is a new program authorized in Section 13001 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Pub. L. 117-58, Nov. 15, 2021). It authorizes funding of $15 million annually per year for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022 through 2026 (set-aside from Highway Research and Development funds) for grants to eligible applicants that may include states, local governments, and metropolitan planning organizations or a group of eligible applicants. The purpose of the program is to test the scalability or portability that pilot projects demonstration can lead to a viable national alternative revenue mechanism that can address Highway Trust Fund solvency issues. The grant program will provide funding to pilot projects to test the design, acceptance, equity, and implementation of user-based alternative revenue mechanisms. Tests may include providing recommendations regarding adoption and integration of nationwide regulations for a revenue collection network, imposition on transportation revenues and travel, quantifying and minimizing the administrative costs, privacy and security of the data collected, public acceptance, education and outreach to increase public awareness regarding the need for user-based alternative revenue mechanisms, the potential for revenue collection along a network of alternative fueling stations, and the use of innovation. In November 2022 the SIRC HEPC Policy Workshop took place and staff is modifying the draft NOFO based on comments received, and an anticipated release in FY 2023. The product team recommends a multi-year NOFO that will refer to multiple fiscal year deadlines. |
Ongoing |
Grants |
Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Pilot Program The FAST Act established the Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) Program to provide grants to states or groups of states to demonstrate user-based alternative revenue mechanisms that utilize a user fee structure to maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. The objectives of the program are as follows:
For more information about the program including Lessons Learned go to the STSFA Webpage. |
Ongoing |
Grants |
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) Program Phase I Evaluation Report The FAST Act established the Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Program to provide grants to states or groups of states to demonstrate user-based alternative revenue mechanisms that utilize a user fee structure to maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. For more information, see the STSFA Phase I Evaluation Report (2020.) |
Ongoing |
Report |
Update and Expand Model Plans for TSMO Desk Reference This project will update and expand upon the technical material in the Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: The Building Blocks of a Model Transportation Plan Incorporating Operations - A Desk Reference to reflect recent noteworthy practices, make it consistent with other FHWA materials, validate and revise technical references, add more recent examples of TSMO integration into planning, and present illustrations of how TSMO might be reflected in other stages of the project lifecycle beyond the long-range transportation plan. |
Complete |
Report |
Bridging the Communications Gap in Understanding Road Usage Charges (RUC) Decisionmakers and the public understanding of the Road Usage Charges (RUC) approach is critical to informed debate related to its potential adoption at the state and/or federal levels. FHWA sponsored this study to help assess how insights about a RUC mechanism are being communicated and how information can best be disseminated. This report (2020) is the result of a study focused on the communication practices adopted by those pilot project sponsors. |
Complete |
Report |
STSFA Biennial Reports FAST Act Section 6020(i) requires that not later than two years after enactment of the FAST Act, and every two years thereafter, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation will post on the USDOT website a report describing the progress of the demonstration activities. See the 2019 Biennial Report or the 2017 Biennial Report. |
Ongoing |
Report |
- Road Weather Management Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Weather-Savvy Roads: Pathfinder and Integrated Mobile Observations (IMO)
Ongoing |
Webinars |
Weather-Responsive Management Strategies Weather-Responsive Management Strategies (WRMS) – Weather-responsive traffic and maintenance management strategies support state and local transportation agencies in deploying improved traffic control and traveler information systems that can significantly reduce highway crashes and delays resulting from adverse weather. Some of the most recent publications for WRMS are “A Comparison of Crowdsourcing Approaches for Road Weather Information” FHWA-HOP-21-057, “Agency Tools to Manage Infrastructure Impacts during Flood Events” FHWA-HOP-21-013 and “Leveraging Road Weather Data for Performance Management Dashboards and Reports” FHWA-HOP-20-051. |
Ongoing |
Webinars |
Weather Data Environment (WxDE) The WxDE is an effort to develop and operate a world class operational road weather data warehouse to support road weather operations, research, and development. The environment compiles, quality checks, and disseminates both fixed and mobile road weather data. In making the open-source access data available to transportation agencies, academia, application developers, and others to continue to develop innovative state of the art operational tools and solutions for road weather management, WxDE enhances current operational practices and transforms future transportation systems management through the active acquisition and systematic provision of integrated data from infrastructure, vehicles, and travelers. The WxDE will be a critical element for the Managing Disruptions to Operations (MDO) Data Environment, which is currently in the planning phase, and will include work zone and traffic incident data elements. Recent developments include launching the Weather Data Environment User Group. Future developments will include WxDE website updates and renewed outreach efforts to improve the contribution to the environment. |
Ongoing |
Software or Other Technical Resource |
Integrated Modeling for Road Condition Prediction (IMRCP) The IMRCP is a software tool which gathers historical, real-time, and forecast data from a variety of sensor systems and models. These data and models include atmospherics and road weather, hydrology, traffic, work zones, incidents, special events, and demand models. The IMRCP system then combines all this information in predicting road weather and traffic conditions. The online IMRCP system includes an interactive map, notifications, and reports. Using controls within the map, users can view traffic, weather, and road condition predictions, as well as analyze past events. Phase 3 of this project was completed in 2021, and included continued development of the tool, with an evaluation of a Kansas City metro area deployment. The final project report and flyer is available on the FHWA Office of Operations Road Weather Management website, under Traffic Analysis and Management. Phase 4 of the project started in September 2020 and will add several features to IMRCP, such as improved traffic and inundation modeling and geo-spatial weather forecasting, along with deployment at two new sites. Ohio DOT was selected as the winter weather impacted site, while the Louisiana DOTD was selected as the tropical storm/hurricane impacted site after considering agency interest, data resources, and possible use cases. Deployment activities at both sites are continuing as planned. Phase-4 deployment activities have been completed. Phase-4 related flyer and project report is being finalized. Phase 5 of this project has been awarded. In this phase, deployment in LA will be expanded to include other states in the region. Software will be improved to simplify deployment and decision-support capabilities. |
Jawad Paracha |
March 2023 |
Software or Other Technical Resource |
Automated Vehicle (AV) Guidance and Perception Systems Performance Under Adverse Weather Conditions The FHWA Road Weather Management Program studied and summarized the suitability of AV’s guidance sensors and systems by conducting a literature search, field testing duly-equipped vehicles, and writing a final report. Automated Vehicles and Adverse Weather (AVAW) research is currently in its third phase. Phase 3 includes two testing periods. The first testing period was completed in 2020. The second testing period was completed in 2021. The final AVAW Phase 3 report is complete and will be published to the RWMP website in Spring 2023. |
Spring 2023 |
Report |
Climate Resilience Risk Assessment Tool and Guide The Road Weather Management Program is researching climate resilience and risk. The objective is to create a Climate Resilience Risk Assessment Tool and User Guide with an emphasis on the impacts that climate may have on our current infrastructure. This will first be accomplished by conducting a literature review of existing risk assessment tools, a technology scan of potential technologies used in climate risk assessment, interviews with users of the tools and technologies and identifying any potential gaps in current practice. The project will culminate in the development of the risk assessment tool and user guide for maintenance and operations decision-makers. |
Spring 2024 |
Workshops |
Development of SAE J2945/3 Standard The FHWA in 2017 began development of the necessary standards to define weather-related objects collected and transmitted from probe vehicles. The creation of this standard will follow the strict Systems Engineering Process. |
Ongoing |
Publication |
Deployment of Capability Maturity Framework (CMF) for Road Weather Management The model and online tool for evaluating road weather management capabilities helps agencies assess their maturity levels, as well as identify strategies or actions to raise those levels. The framework has been updated to include new winter weather strategies for snow and ice events, and non-winter weather strategies for clouding, storm, and visibility events. The new framework was tested with a workshop delivered to the Montana DOT in March 2021 and was successful. The road weather management program continues to support this initiative. |
David Johnson |
Ongoing |
Technical Assistance |
Web-Based Training Courses on Road Weather Management (RWM) The web-based training has been migrated to the FHWA National Highway Institute (NHI). The updated Principles and Tools for Road Weather Management training course has new content, storyboards, and exercises and was completed in October 2021, It is currently available under the course number FHWA-NHI-137073. In 2023, work will begin on developing and updating the Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) Equipment and Operations NHI training course. |
David Johnson |
Ongoing |
Web-Based Training |
Implementation of Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (AMS) Tools for Road Weather Connected Vehicle Applications This project evaluated existing AMS tools and worked with two agencies that used or planned to use connected vehicle (CV) data for weather-responsive management strategies (WRMS) to evaluate their existing and enhanced practices. The project included two case studies. The Wyoming case study used Vissim to evaluate three CV-enabled WRMS, including traveler information messages, CV-based Variable Speed Limit, and snowplow pre-positioning along the 402-mile I-80 corridor through the southern part of the state. The City of Chicago case study used DYNASMART to assess the potential of using CV data for estimation and prediction to support optimizing snowplow routing to reduce impacts on traffic flow. The final project report and flyer is available on the FHWA Office of Operations Road Weather Management website, under Traffic Analysis and Management. |
Jawad Paracha |
Complete (2020) |
Technical Report |
Adaptive Route Optimization (ARO) for Operations The Adaptive Route Optimization (ARO) for Operations project seeks to develop the methodology and system to dynamically and effectively route winter maintenance vehicles across a DOT’s highway network to meet their winter maintenance objectives (levels of service, speed recovery times, etc.) during adverse weather conditions, incidents, and resource constraints. These efforts can lead to a more efficient winter operations program while increasing safety and reducing chemical applications. Phase 1 of ARO consists of early adopter interviews, technical scans, literature reviews, as well as development of the concept of operations (ConOps) and system requirements documents. Phase 2 of the ARO research will focus on the feasibility and readiness of deploying ARO technology and practices, standing up an ARO Forum for practitioner discussions, and culminates in an ARO Strategic Plan with outreach support. |
David Johnson |
Spring 2023 (Phase 1) |
Webinars |
- Traffic Analysis Tools Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Update to Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software and Workshops This project updated the Guidelines in the Traffic Analysis Toolbox for microsimulation to include better calibration and validation techniques, and to incorporate new guidance on the use of simulation. It will also introduce Cluster Analysis into the modeling process. The updated volume can be found at A five-episode set of explainer YouTube videos on the updated volume is also available at To schedule a workshop on this updated volume, please contact James Colyar. |
James Colyar |
Complete (2019) |
Publication |
Integrated and Active Management (ICM) Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Primer and Workshops Six one-day workshops were delivered between 2020 and 2022 to assist agencies and practitioners in applying Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) for more integrated and active Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) solutions. A companion primer will be published that contains similar key messages and points as the workshop. |
James Colyar |
July 2023 |
Primer |
Traffic Analysis Tools NHI Web-based Training Course This NHI course will provide transportation professionals with strong foundational understanding of traffic analysis tools, their strengths, and their weaknesses. The training will also help transportation professionals understand how data-driven analytics can be used efficiently and cost-effectively to answer critical questions related to investment planning, operational strategies, the value of real-time predictive methods, and the integration of new technologies. The target audience for this training includes state DOT staff (program managers, operations managers, district engineers, corridor planners, project engineers, traffic engineers), MPO staff (planners), FHWA staff (division staff, transportation engineers, planners), and consultants (PMs, modelers, planners, analysts). |
James Colyar |
December 2024 |
NHI training course |
Traffic Analysis Capability Maturity Framework (CMF) The objective of the Traffic Analysis CMF is to assist traffic engineers, planners, and traffic operations professionals with a structured approach to navigate complex institutional challenges regarding traffic analysis. Application of the Traffic Analysis CMF will enable agencies to identify opportunities for improvement and develop a programmatic focus for traffic analysis to create analytical consistency and uniformity across and within federal, state, regional, and local transportation agencies. A Brief was published in 2021 and full report is anticipated to be published in July 2023. |
James Colyar |
July 2023 |
Brief (complete) |
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Website:
- Emergency Transportation Operations Website:
- Traffic Incident Management Website:
- Traffic Management for Planned Special Events Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
EDC6 Next Generation Traffic Incident Management (NextGen TIM) Initiative NextGen TIM is an Every Day Counts-6 Initiative Next-Generation TIM seeks to advance the state of practice by Integrating Training, Data, Technology and arterial TIM Programs. Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Integrated Computer Aided Dispatch, Responder to Vehicle Digital Alerts and video sharing are the technology focus areas to advance effective TIM. The EDC6 period was January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2022. For more information, visit |
December 2022 |
Webinars Workshops Peer Exchanges Fact Sheets Technical Assistance |
EDC7 Next Generation TIM: Technologies for Saving Lives NextGen TIM continues under EDC7 with a focus on Technology that can help save lives. Technology such as smart emergency vehicle lighting can better inform roadway users about incidents, helping them avoid those locations or navigate around them more safely. Similarly, digital alerts can help responders at the scene of incidents be more aware and protected from the dangers of working near moving traffic. Use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is reducing the amount of time responders spend mapping crash scenes. New debris removal tools will enhance the safe removal of dangerous roadway objects. The EDC7 period is 2023-2024. |
2023 |
Webinars Workshops Peer Exchanges Fact Sheets Technical Assistance |
Annual Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Self-Assessment FHWA developed the Traffic Incident Management Capability Maturity Self-Assessment (TIM CM SA) in 2002 to evaluate the state of practice in traffic incident management programs annually in the United States. State and local TIM program managers use the TIM CM SA to benchmark and evaluate the success of their TIM programs and help identify opportunities to improve their programs. The TIM CM SA is conducted annually from September November, with results available in March of the following year. For more information, visit |
Fall annually |
Report Report |
Crash Responder Safety Week Each year, FHWA coordinates Crash Responder Safety Week during the second week in November to bring heightened awareness to of the impact of traffic crashes on responder safety. The effort includes marketing and outreach, social media posts, virtual and in-person events led by FHWA and most states. For more information, visit |
Ongoing |
Varies |
Responder and Other Roadside Worker Safety Research Congress has directed USDOT to investigate responder and other roadside workers. Congress has further required USDOT to “provide a report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations summarizing the results of the field testing.” USDOT’s response to those directives involves “Move Over Laws” efficacy and worker safety related technology and sources of responder struck by data. Contact for more information. |
September 2022 |
Report to Congress |
TIM Technology Primers Primers on Unmanned Aircraft Systems Use for TIM and Integrated Computer Dispatch are available at |
September 2021 |
Primers |
Technology Training Modules for Responders Short learning modules on Traffic Management Centers, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Integrated Computer Aided Dispatch, TIM Data and Connected and Automated Vehicles are being developed to provide basic information that may assist responders with safe, quick clearance of roadway incidents. The modules may be used for in person and for web-based training. |
Spring 2023 |
Training |
Marketing and Outreach This ongoing FHWA effort provides stakeholders with products and activities to enhance their communications, using methods such as quarterly newsletters, social media content, webinars, etc. |
Ongoing |
Outreach Products |
Talking TIM Webinar Series The Talking TIM webinar series, brought to you by the FHWA, provides a forum where Traffic Incident Management (TIM) champions with any level of experience can exchange information about current practices, programs, and technologies. Each month, the FHWA TIM Program Team features content that highlights different programs, identifies optional practices, and showcases technology that advances the profession. Talking TIM typically takes place the fourth Wednesday of each month from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. View the upcoming Talking TIM topics, register for the live webinars, and see previous webinars recordings at |
Ongoing |
Webinars |
TIM Data Collection and Use This project is intended to help states and local agencies with the collection and use of TIM-related data, primarily through statewide crash reports. |
Varies |
Technical Assistance |
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Strategies for Rural Environments This task supports research into the unique challenges, good practices, and opportunities necessary to assist rural responders and motorists to improve safety and incident mitigation of rural roadways. The research considers the incident scene and operations such a Traffic Management Center (TMC) and Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Centers as well as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) infrastructure for improving the incident timeline as described in the National Responder Training. For more information, contact |
Technical Assistance |
Secondary Crash Research The report objective is research secondary crash data based on roadway type and causation of secondary crashes to the extent possible. In addition, one or more states will be selected for a deeper review into the causation and potential counter measures that may reduce secondary crashes. The initiative will also include identification of states that may be collecting responder struck by incidents. |
Spring 2023 |
Report |
Safety Service Patrol (SSP) Standardization and Management Practices Pooled Fund Study (PFS) FHWA is coordinating a Safety Service Patrol (SSP) Standardization and Management Practices study, with the participation of 14 states. More information can be found under “Active Projects” on the Pooled Fund website: |
Ongoing |
Pooled Fund Study |
Traffic Incident Management Responder Struck-By Data Gathering and Reporting System The FHWA will compile, assess, analyze, and maintain data on TIM responder and other road workers struck-by serious and fatal injuries sustained on U.S. roadways, in concert with the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman Association (CVVFA), more widely known as, Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI). |
Ongoing |
Report |
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Instructor-Led Virtual Training (ILVT) Exercise Mobile Application (App) Development To enhance the collaborative exercise experience, the next phase of the TIM Responder ILVT will include a mobile application designed to support the interactive scenario exercises. This app will be used to facilitate virtual, simulated exercises for multiple responders of varied disciplines. This interactive participation app will allow the instructor and participants to set up traffic incident response configurations simultaneously and cooperatively, to safely conduct traffic control during realistic incident scenarios. Like the exercises in the TIM ILVT, the app offers a variety of map locations that the instructor will be able to select for setting up the traffic incident scenario. |
Ongoing |
Training |
FHWA National TIM Training Materials and Reporting Refresh The objective of this task order is to provide implementation support towards permanent institutionalization of TIM training and update the training curriculum to include arterial TIM practices, emerging technologies, and increased scope of TIM programs across the nation including the maintenance and reporting of statistics thereof. |
Ongoing |
Technical Assistance |
FHWA National TIM Responder Training Program Local Level Institutionalization FHWA intends to provide implementation support towards permanent institutionalization of TIM programs and training, update the training curriculum to support local, rural, and remote agencies arterial roadways. |
Technical Assistance |
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Strategies for Electric Vehicle (EV) Fires The task will identify the unique challenges and possible TIM approaches when encountering EV fires. The document will focus on the impact of TIM and not fire suppression. |
Early 2024 |
Document |
TIM Handbook Update FHWA will update the 2010 Traffic Incident Management Handbook Update, which outlines the ideal components of a TIM program to reflect advancements and the current state of practice. |
Early 2024 |
Handbook |
The National Traffic Incident Management Executive Leadership Group (ELG) The FHWA Office of Operations coordinates four meetings of the ELG annually. The ELG consists of senior managers representing 15 organizations that represent or support the responder community. The ELG provides executive level leadership, influence, and support within each own’s sphere of influence to move forward key actions to help the nation improve its driver and responder safety and reduce congestion through better traffic incident response planning and operations. More information is available at |
TIM Team |
Ongoing |
Program Outreach |
National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) The TIM Program has two action items in support of the NRSS: 1. Develop and implement outreach plan for EMS personnel for on-scene safety and traffic incident training and 2. Advance TIM training and technologies targeted at improved responder and motorist safety. Various TIM program activities will be in support of the NRSS goals. |
TIM Team |
2022/2023 |
Technical Assistance |
- Work Zone Management Website:
Task | Lead | Estimated Public Release Date | Product or Services |
Work Zone Safety Grants and Clearinghouse The surface transportation reauthorization law SAFETEA-LU established the FHWA Work Zone Safety Grant Program, which was continued in MAP-21. This effort provides funds to nonprofit and not-for-profit organizations to provide training to prevent and reduce work zone injuries and fatalities. The three grant emphasis areas include:
To date, the Work Zone Safety Grants have generated a wealth of products, publications, and training resources. These products, as well as many other Work Zone materials, can be found on the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse also provides a forum for discussions on a wide variety of work zone topics. More information can be found on the Clearinghouse website at |
January 2022 |
Guidance |
Work Zone Process Reviews All state highway agencies receiving federal-aid funds are required to perform work zone process reviews every two years. These reviews are an opportunity for the agency to reexamine how it is meeting federal requirements in 23 CFR 630 Subparts J and K in accomplishing work zone safety and mobility management. The FHWA Work Zone Management team works closely with FHWA Division offices and state DOTs to ensure these reviews are conducted on time and as envisioned in subpart J. To increase effectiveness of process reviews and promote use of performance measures, FHWA is developing six case studies on data-driven work zone process reviews. |
Ongoing |
Regulatory Compliance |
Work Zone Capability Maturity Framework (CMF) Workshops Research conducted under the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) addressed using capability maturity frameworks to improve transportation systems management and operations. FHWA is planning workshops for state DOTs to use this framework and assess their current capabilities, determine which areas need the most improvement, and identify high-priority actions to take to improve their capabilities in those areas. To date, FHWA has held 26 CMF workshops. To schedule a workshop, please contact Jawad Paracha. |
Ongoing |
Workshops |
Smarter Work Zones Smarter Work Zones (SWZ) is an initiative that was selected under FHWA’s Every Day Counts (EDC-3.) The FHWA Work Zone Management team is continuing to work closely with FHWA Division offices and state DOTs to advise on smarter work zone technologies and strategies, and that state-of-the-practice is continuously improved. For more information, and for reports related to the use of the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) data for work zone performance management, visit |
Complete |
Technical Assistance |
Work Zone Technical Transfer and Outreach This FHWA initiative coordinates program outreach activities to accomplish goals for improved work zone safety and mobility. Outreach activities include:
Recent efforts include quarterly work zone newsletters, support for the FHWA National Work Zone Awareness Week, and redesign of WZM website. |
Ongoing |
Technical Assistance |
Work Zone Data Initiative This FHWA R&D strategic initiative will promote national deployment of geoinformation on work zone events using the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) specification to ensure compatibility and interoperability across agency/stakeholder workflows and information systems. Deliverable products include a state-of-the-practice review, data deployment framework, agency-focused implementation toolkit, factsheets, and an evaluation of programmatic adaptations for the FHWA Work Zone Management program. |
March 2023 |
Publications |
Risk-Based Criteria for Positive Protection in Work Zones The project goal was to develop specific criteria, guidelines, and/or warrants for the use of positive protection devices in highway work zones to reduce the risks associated with vehicle intrusions into the workspace. |
Jawad Paracha |
Complete |
Research |
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Work Zones The initiative goal is to reduce work zone crashes involving commercial motor vehicles (CMV). The FHWA is partnering with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and partners from the 10 opportunity states (Texas, Florida, California, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Arkansas) to share strategies, build working relationships and develop targeted action items to enhance CMV safety in work zones. All workshops and state-specific Action Plans have been delivered. A webinar was held in December 2021 to share strategies and findings from this effort. The webinar recording is posted here: Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Safety in Work Zones - FHWA Work Zone ( A peer exchange was held in July 2022 with the opportunity states. |
March 2022 |
Technical Assistance |
Identification of National Work Zone Safety Objectives and Activities This strategic planning effort will result in a report that summarizes short-term and long-term solutions to enhance work zone safety nationwide. The objectives of this new task are to identify current work zone safety challenges and solutions through literature review and work zone crash data analysis, and to develop a summary report with targeted short-term and long-term solutions to further reduce the number of work zone fatalities and serious injuries on the nation’s highways through a more strategic delivery of technical assistance and resources. Four virtual regional workshops were held with approximately 200 participants (USDOT, transportation agencies, industry, academia, and other stakeholders) to discuss the proposed 12 strategic objectives. A summary report will be published. |
August 2022 |
Workshops |
Emerging Data for Work Zone Safety Applications This project is intended to provide work zone practitioners resources on what emerging data are, how they can be used in work zone safety applications, and how they can be implemented in real-world settings. The research team will develop two case studies that highlight uses, challenges, and lessons learned. The research team is currently conducting a literature review. |
September 2026 |
Technical Publications (Project report, case studies) |