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12th International HOV Systems Conference: Improving Mobility and Accessibility with Managed Lanes, Pricing, and BRT

Conference Proceedings


Linda Cherrington, Texas Transportation Institute, Presiding

I-75 HOV/BRT Study in Atlanta
Darryl Van Meter, Georgia Department of Transportation

Roger Palmer, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.

Darryl Van Meter and Roger Palmer described the proposed HOV/BRT project in the I-75/I-575 northwest corridor in Atlanta. They summarized the planning studies in the corridor, the project elements, and future activities. The recognized the assistance of Marvin Woodward with the Greater Atlanta Transportation Authority with the project and the presentation.

Bus Rapid Transit in Las Vegas

Lee Gibson, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.

Lee Gibson discussed BRT planning efforts in Las Vegas. He summarized the key elements of HOV systems and the main components of BRT. He recognized the contributions of Amy McAbee Cummings and Bardia Nazhati of Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.

Integrating HOT Lanes and BRT in the I-394 MnPASS Corridor

John Doan, Minnesota Department of Transportation

John Doan discussed integrating HOT lanes and BRT as part of the MnPASS I-394 project. He recognized Kenneth Buckeye from Mn/DOT as the author of the presentation. John summarized the background of the I-394 project, the development of the MnPASS program, and the link to other transit components in the region.

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