Coordinating Military Deployments on Roads and Highways:
A Guide for State and Local Agencies
This publication is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information.
The contents of this guide were collected from literature reviews, interviews, and a series of multi-agency exercises conducted between 2002 and 2004. Each exercise allowed for approximately 40 representatives to explore the full range of military deployment needs in the context of transportation and public safety operations. Representative states included Texas, Louisiana, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Washington.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency (SDDC) would like to express their appreciation for the time and effort contributed during the study by more than 175 participants from these transportation, public safety, and emergency management agencies. Their contributions have enriched the content and immediate usefulness of the guide.
Special appreciation goes out to Caltrans, NCDOT, TXDOT, VDOT, and WSDOT for participation in detailed interviews.