Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Coordinating Military Deployments on Roads and Highways:
A Guide for State and Local Agencies

This publication is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information.

Appendix A. List of Power Projection Platforms

Each Army and Marine Corps power projection platform (PPP) has a designated seaport of embarkation (SPOE) and a designated aerial port of embarkation (APOE). In some cases, the SPOE is an extended distance from the PPP and for those installations rail may be the primary mode of transport.

Table A-1 lists the designated embarkation ports for military planning purposes; however, military assets may be sent to any port.

Table A-1. U.S. Military Power Projection Platforms and Their Designated Sea and Aerial Ports of Embarkation (SPOE and APOE)
PPP Installation Designated SPOE Designated APOE
Ft. Hood, TX Port of Beaumont/Corpus Christi, TX Robert Gray AAF
Ft. Bragg, NC Port of Wilmington, NC Pope AFB
Ft. Drum, NY Port of New York/New Jersey Wheeler-Sack AAF
Ft. Campbell, KY Port of Jacksonville, FL Campbell AAF
Ft. Stewart, GA Port of Savannah, GA Hunter AAF
Ft. Riley, KS Port of Beaumont/Corpus Christi, TX Forbes Field
Ft. Lewis, WA Port of Tacoma, WA McChord AFB
Ft. Carson, CO Port of Beaumont/Corpus Christi, TX Peterson AFB
Ft. McCoy, WI Port of Hampton Roads, VA Volk Field
Ft. Polk, LA Port of Beaumont/Corpus Christi, TX Alexandria International
Ft. Dix, NJ Port of New York/New Jersey McGuire AFB
Ft. Bliss, TX Port of Beaumont/Corpus Christi, TX Biggs AFB
Ft. Sill, OK Port of Beaumont/Corpus Christi, TX Lawton/Ft. Sill Regional Airport
Ft. Benning, GA Port of Savannah, GA Lawson AAF
Ft. Eustis, VA Port of Hampton Roads, VA Langley AFB
Camp Pendleton, CA Port of San Diego, CA March AFB
Camp Lejeune, NC Port of Morehead City, NC MCAS Cherry Point

Figure A-1 provides a nationwide view of the installations designated as power projection platforms and the Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET).

map of continental United States showing power projection platform military installations and the Strategic Highway Network

Figure A-1. U.S. Military Power Projection Platforms and the Strategic Highway Network

  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations