Rural Interstate Corridor Communications Study
Report to States
Appendix A
6.0 Scheduling, Maintenance, and Cost Estimation
This section has three parts: 1) Schedule Considerations: proposed and planned projects per Corridor and for different work tasks; 2) Maintenance Considerations: description of different maintenance categories, maintenance procedures for field devices, recommendations for required maintenance equipment, maintenance procedures for roadside activities, and development of a maintenance agreement; and 3) Maintenance and Construction: example cost estimates.
6.1 Schedule Considerations
Creating a construction schedule for a high-speed telecommunications project involves analysis of the work tasks needed, determination of the length of time needed to complete each work task, and a determination of a start and completion date. Scheduling is an important function of the ultimate cost of the project. The factors that should be considered when developing a construction schedule are listed below.
Weather/Seasonal: Underground telecommunication facilities cannot be constructed when the ground is frozen in winter months or when the ground is too wet. Excessive rain will cause delays to any construction project.
Environmental Clearances/Protected Endangered Species: The length of time needed to obtain necessary environmental permits and perform assessments should be included in the schedule if it is known that there will be extensive delays due to circumstances within a State. By law, endangered species in the highway right-of-way must be protected or avoided. The Department of Natural Resources in each State maintains a list of endangered and threatened species that are protected. The protection may be seasonal, as is the case with fish and turtle spawning, or year round.
Holidays: Work is suspended during national and local holidays throughout the year. Holidays include but are not limited to Labor Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day.
Work Days: Contractor's schedules are based on the total number of workdays needed to complete the project. Workdays are not counted for holidays, weekends (Saturday and Sunday), or days when weather does not allow work to be performed. In a typical month there are 15 to 20 contractor workdays.
Rate of Work: Each construction task has a reasonable rate at which it can be done per day, week, or month. When creating a schedule it is best to look at recent similar projects to develop a rate of work that fits the size and scope of the project being scheduled. Different work tasks can be completed within the same amount of working days if several work crews are employed. For example, on the same day a crew may be trenching fiber optic cable while another crew is installing handholes and yet another crew is installing conduit on a bridge structure. Table 4.1 presents typical rates of work for installation of telecommunication facilities:
Table 6.1: Typical Rate of Work
(DAY) |
Underground Fiber Optic Cable, Trench, Urban |
½ Mile per Day |
Underground Fiber Optic Cable, Trench, Rural |
3 Miles per Day |
Underground Fiber Optic Cable, Directional Bore for Culverts or Waterway Crossings |
2 Days |
Underground Fiber Optic Cable, Lateral Freeway Crossing, Directional Bore |
3 Days |
Conduit Attached to Bridge Structure |
7 to 14 Days |
Regeneration Building |
7 to 14 Days |
Communication Handhole |
1 Day |
Tower Installation (Does not include building construction) |
14 days |
Construction Elements: The construction materials suggested for the fiber optic facilities are defined below. These materials have been used for existing fiber optic installations in the Corridors.
HDPE Conduit: This is the most common conduit used for long haul fiber installations. HDPE conduit is high strength to withstand external loads, flexible, lightweight, impact resistant, resistant to corrosive chemicals and aggressive soils, color-coded for easy identification, able to be coiled on reels for fewer joints, and is moisture proof and water tight. The duct can be installed using a plow shoe that inserts multiple conduits in a slit trench, reducing installation costs and time. The number and size of HDPE conduits should be based on partnerships needs.
48-Count Fiber Optic Cable: This size of fiber optic cable will allow for several public agencies to use the fiber optic network along the Corridor. Additional fiber optic cable can be placed in the spare conduit ducts at a future date.
Communication Handholes/Vaults: Communication handholes are placed every mile and at every interchange in the Corridors.
Regeneration Building: Regeneration Buildings are placed approximately every 50 miles in the Corridor for fiber optic signal regeneration. The buildings are small environmentally controlled buildings (typically 10 feet by 20 feet) that house fiber optic communication equipment.
6.2 Hypothetical Example Construction Program
Hypothetical schedules for each Corridor are included below with the assumption that a contractor would complete the telecommunications facilities in each Corridor within two years or less using two crews. Telecommunications facilities include underground fiber optic cable, directional bores (for culverts, small waterways, railroads, and lateral crossings), conduit on bridge structures, communication handholes, regeneration buildings, and potential tower installations on State owned land. Each crew should be able to install on average two miles (as we are taking urban and rural construction into consideration) of fiber optic cable per day since most of the Corridor right of way is rural and open. Typically rural Interstate highway Corridor projects begin construction between the months of April and June. This allows the contractor to begin construction without any initial construction delays that could be caused by severe weather conditions (i.e. excessive rain, winter storms, etc.).
6.2.1 Planned Corridor Projects
This section presents brief description of Corridor specific planned projects and proposed schedules.
I-90 Corridor
- The South Dakota Department of Transportation is reconstructing 13 interchanges along I-90 within the next 1 to 5 years. The majority of the interchange reconstruction is in Sioux Falls, SD (9 interchanges, Exits 410, 406, 402, 400, 399, 396, 395, 390, and the WB Minnesota Rest Area Exit). The remaining four interchanges are located on the western side of the State with two interchanges in Pennington (Exit 51 and Exit 61) and two interchanges in Lawrence (Exit 14 and Exit 17).
- The SDN Communication Group is planning a fiber optic installation on I-90 near Mitchell, SD. As of April 2007, the permits were being processed and installation is planned in 2008.
- The existing I-90/TH 14 Interchange and Mississippi River Bridge on the Minnesota side of the river is to be completely rebuilt by the Minnesota Department of Transportation within the next 5 years. The design effort is underway now. This will be a reconstruction section (approximately ½ mile) on I-90.
I-20 Corridor
- Mississippi DOT's near-term and long-range plans for their communications network include installing fiber optic cable and wireless communications. Communications infrastructure installation projects are likely to be part of larger roadway reconstruction/ rehabilitation projects. Along I-20, communications infrastructure expansion will be part of future I-20 roadway reconstruction projects. The State of Mississippi Department of Transportation has developed a map describing the DOT's fiber optic cable build-out plan. The DOT's priorities are to install fiber along the State's north/south routes with Hwy 49 as the first priority; install fiber across the State's Mississippi River bridge crossings; and expand the Jackson system outside the urban area, including along the I-20 Corridor.
- Alabama DOT's near-term focus is to install and expand telecommunications infrastructure in and around the State's urban areas. As with Mississippi, Alabama DOT capitalizes on roadway reconstruction/rehabilitation projects to install the communications infrastructure.
I-91 Corridor
- MassHighway has released a request for proposals (RFP) to install empty conduit along I-91 through Massachusetts and I-291 in Springfield. The project will include six conduits, where four have been designated for future use and may be leased out.
- The State of Vermont is in the midst of an ambitious effort to develop an interactive, web-based database comprising travel and tourism information about the State. A major component of this effort is a rural advanced traveler information system that provides weather and road condition information to motorists, and which ties into the overall marketing of Vermont's travel and tourism. Project funds will likely be adequate to install broadband fiber along all of Interstates 89 and 91. That fiber, frequently referred to as the telecommunications highway of the 21st Century, will not only serve the rural traveler information system but also improve broadband Internet and telecommunications access throughout Vermont.
6.2.2 Corridor Construction Schedule
The following tables present a hypothetical construction schedule for each Corridor as an example of construction scheduling. The tables include hypothetical construction starting timeframes, holidays, dedicated number of crews, and total number of miles completed per month.
I-90 Corridor Example
Table 6.2 below presents the hypothetical schedule for the I-90 Corridor, which would begin construction in April, 2008 with two crews dedicated to the Corridor, and completing approximately 70 miles of communication infrastructure construction per month. The I-90 Corridor, which is approximately 843 miles, could be complete by August, 2009.
Table 6.2: I-90 Hypothetical Corridor Construction Schedule
Month/Year |
Holidays |
Work Days (Work days are determined by subtracting weekends, holidays, and 2 days for weather from each month.) |
Number of Crews (Assumption is that each construction crew can complete 2 miles of telecommunication infrastructure each working day.) |
I-90 Corridor
(843 Miles)
Miles Completed
Per Month |
April 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
May 2008 |
Memorial Day |
17 |
2 |
68 |
June 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
July 2008 |
Fourth of July |
17 |
2 |
68 |
Aug. 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
Sept. 2008 |
Labor Day |
17 |
2 |
68 |
Oct. 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
Nov. 2008 to March 2009 |
New Years |
No Work |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
April 2009 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
May 2009 |
Memorial Day |
17 |
2 |
68 |
June 2009 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
July 2009 |
Fourth of July |
17 |
2 |
68 |
Aug. 2009 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
71 |
Total |
Not Applicable |
211 |
Not Applicable |
843 |
I-20 Corridor Example
Table 6.3 below presents the hypothetical schedule for the I-20 Corridor, which would begin construction in April, 2008 with two crews dedicated to the Corridor, and completing approximately 70 miles of communication infrastructure construction per month. The I-20 Corridor, which is approximately 542 miles, could be complete by November, 2008.
Table 6.3: I-20 Hypothetical Corridor Construction Schedule
Month/Year |
Holidays |
Work Days (Work days are determined by subtracting weekends, holidays, and 2 days for weather from each month.) |
Number of Crews (Assumption is that each construction crew can complete 2 miles of telecommunication infrastructure each working day.) |
I-20 Corridor
(542 Miles)
Miles Completed
Per Month |
April 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
May 2008 |
Memorial Day |
17 |
2 |
68 |
June 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
July 2008 |
Fourth of July |
17 |
2 |
68 |
Aug. 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
Sept. 2008 |
Labor Day |
17 |
2 |
68 |
Oct. 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
Nov. 2008 |
Thanksgiving |
17 |
2 |
50 |
Total |
Not Applicable |
140 |
Not Applicable |
542 |
I-91 Corridor Example
Table 6.4 below presents the hypothetical schedule for the I-91 Corridor, which would begin construction in April, 2008 with two crews dedicated to the Corridor, and completing approximately 70 miles of communication infrastructure construction per month. The I-91 Corridor, which is approximately 242 miles, could be complete by July, 2008.
Table 6.4: I-91 Hypothetical Corridor Construction Schedule
Month/Year |
Holidays |
Work Days (Work days are determined by subtracting weekends, holidays, and 2 days for weather from each month.) |
Number of Crews (Assumption is that each construction crew can complete 2 miles of telecommunication infrastructure each working day.) |
I-91 Corridor
(242 Miles)
Miles Completed
Per Month |
April 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
May 2008 |
Memorial Day |
17 |
2 |
68 |
June 2008 |
Not Applicable |
18 |
2 |
72 |
July 2008 |
Fourth of July |
17 |
1 |
30 |
Total |
Not Applicable |
70 |
Not Applicable |
242 |
6.3 Infrastructure Maintenance
An important aspect of developing and deploying communications projects is the proper maintenance of the system. A maintenance plan has two important categorizes: 1) Preventive Maintenance is keeping property and equipment in good state of operation and preventing failures, and 2) Responsive Maintenance is the action taken by an agency or department to any reported equipment or system malfunction. In addition to discussing these two types of maintenance plans, this section will also present and discuss typical maintenance procedures that would be required to be performed as part of PM.
6.3.1 Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance refers to keeping property and equipment in good state of operation and preventing failures by following a set of checks and procedures, tests, and reconditioning performed at regularly scheduled intervals. Preventive maintenance minimizes the need for more costly major repair work or equipment replacement. The life of a system can be prolonged through on-going preventive maintenance.
The core of any preventive maintenance program is a schedule that calls for the regular servicing of all systems. The development of this schedule begins with the identification of each system or item, including its location, that must be checked and serviced; the date it must be serviced; and the individual responsible for the work. The servicing intervals and tasks for each system must be included in the schedule. Typical preventive maintenance activities include the following:
- Inspection and testing
- Record keeping (including date of last service)
- Cleaning
- Replacement based on the function and rated service life of the component
6.3.2 Responsive Maintenance
Responsive Maintenance refers to actions taken by an agency or department in response to any reported equipment or system malfunction or damage due to construction/maintenance activities, acts of God, etc. Responsive maintenance includes following both field procedures used to restore operation and shop procedures followed to troubleshoot, repair and test the malfunctioning or damaged equipment or cable. Responsive maintenance follows the five general steps below.
- Receive notification
- Secure the site
- Diagnose the problem
- Perform interim repairs (repairs to restore the system until permanent repair can be made)
- Log the activity
6.4 Field Device Maintenance
6.4.1 Regeneration Building
A regeneration building is a location serving as a central point of signal regeneration and data distribution for the field and central equipment. The regeneration building will distribute communication data such as: voice, data, video, and the like to the adjacent regeneration buildings or to the local/regional traffic management center.
Typical floor space for the regeneration building is approximately 200 sq. ft. This space will accommodate communication equipment racks, HVAC, and cable management racks. The final site selection shall also consider access for maintenance vehicles and parking. Ideal location would be at interchanges and road crossings. The location should be in an area that is well drained and sloped to prevent water runoff from approaching the building. The integrity of the infrastructure is also a priority to all the States. All installations must conform to the respective State's specifications, codes, policies, and procedures. Table 6.5 below presents typical maintenance activities required for the systems in the Regeneration buildings.
Table 6.5: Communication Maintenance Activities
System |
Preventative Maintenance
Every Six Months |
Preventative Maintenance
Annual |
Structural Foundations |
Routine inspection for cracks, deterioration |
Localized repair of cracks |
Exterior Closures – Walls |
Visual inspection, cleaning |
Localized repairs, painting, replacement of individual steel lintels |
Exterior Closures – Windows and Glazed Walls |
Visual and physical inspections, cleaning |
Repairs/localized replacements of frames, caulking, etc. |
Exterior Closures – Doors and Frames |
Inspect hardware, lubricate closers and hardware |
Repair/replace individual hardware, doors, frames, recaulking, leveling adjustments, general operations |
Exterior Closures- Roofs |
Debris removal, inspections, check for water stains, leaks, clear roof drains and gutters |
Annual inspection, localized repairs of roofing/flashing materials to maintain warranty |
Interior Construction – Interior Doors |
Inspect hardware, lubricate closures and hardware. |
Repair/replace hardware, leveling adjustments, general operations |
Interior Construction – Wall finishes |
Cleaning |
Repainting, localized repair/replacement of vinyl base/trim, etc. |
Interior Construction – Floor finishes |
Cleaning |
Localized repair/replacement of floor tiles/material |
Interior construction – ceiling finishes |
Wash/dust/vacuum |
Paint, patch plaster and textured finish |
Heating/Cooling Systems |
Inspect system. Clean or vacuum return air grills |
Clean supply/return ductwork, repair/replace thermostats, valves, fans and motors, replace filters, etc. |
Interior Lighting |
Clean diffusers/lenses, replace bulbs, battery packs |
Localized repair or replacement of switches, fixtures, lenses, etc. |
Exterior Lighting |
Check lights, change bulbs, replace cracked lenses. |
Replace fixtures, day/night individual sensors, damaged light pole, etc. |
Exit Signs |
Visual inspections, bulb and/or battery replacement |
Repairs due to breakage/ vandalism or replacement |
Power and Outlets |
Visual inspections, new plates or covers for power switches or outlets |
New convenience use power outlets, new miscellaneous power outlets, repair or replacement of interior parts (wall switches, wall outlets, exclusive of covers) |
Communication and Security Systems |
Visual inspection, cleaning |
Annual testing, service and inspection, replace broken components or devices |
6.4.2 Communication Towers and Field Equipment
This category includes communication infrastructure along the Corridor such as radio and microwave towers. Any additional communication towers should preferably be installed on State owned land and far enough from Corridor traffic to safely undertake necessary maintenance procedures.
The maintenance of the tower structures and the equipment mounted on the tower should follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance procedures. Below are typical maintenance procedures for antennae (recommended every six months).
- Check all mounting hardware for looseness, corrosion or any physical damage.
- Check antenna alignment and test point-to-point link integrity.
- Be sure all unpainted surfaces of the antenna or the mounting bracket is free of dirt. Heavy mud can be cleaned off with water.
- If antenna is up for an extended period of time following a major storm or freezing rain a responsive maintenance should be performed by following these steps:
- Remove power from the antenna
- Check element tension
- Check tightness of attachment screws
- Check tightness of ground wire attachment screw
6.4.3 Fiber Optic Cable Handholes/Vaults
Inspect vaults and handholes once per year to ensure they are draining properly and that there is no water intrusion into conduits and fiber optic cable. Any mud or debris should be removed to assist with drainage. Conduits containing cables should be sealed with appropriate material to prevent water intrusion into system. Empty conduits should have dust plugs installed and pull tapes should be securely fastened to the dust plug or other anchor point within the handhole. The vault cover should be free of debris, seated properly, and identification markers in good repair to make location easier. Inspect cable for rodent bite marks and repair as necessary. Check splice enclosure pressure and inspect for any water intrusion. Clean out and reseal faulty or damaged splice enclosures.
6.4.4 Avoiding Existing Utilities During Construction Activities
This category is for existing utilities infrastructures along the Corridor at risk for damage during construction in the area. Construction activities adjacent to the properties of any utility, including railroads, that causes damage might result in considerable expense, loss, or inconvenience. Hence work shall not commence until all utilities in the area have been properly located through a one-call service and arrangements necessary for the protection of the telecommunication infrastructure have been completed. It would be the contractor's responsibility to communicate any disruption of services or damage to the authorities. The contractor is required to follow all applicable safety laws, regulations, and standard safety procedures during any project. This includes compliance with the requirements of the MUTCD, OSHA, and others as appropriate. Appropriate safety attire for personnel in the field, clear markings, and functional lights on vehicles must be part of the safety plan.
Below is a typical contractor's responsibility prior to and during any activities on the Corridor:
- In the event of disruption to any communications media, it is the contractor's responsibility to repair that cut within one hour of the cut occurring or notify the owner for repair.
- If any utility service is interrupted as a result of accidental breakage or of being exposed or unsupported, the contractor shall promptly notify the proper authority and shall cooperate with the authority in the restoration of service.
- If utility service is interrupted, repair work shall be continuous until service is restored.
- No work shall be undertaken around fire hydrants until the local fire authority has approved provisions for continued service in the event of an accidental disruption or disconnection is needed.
- The contractor shall be responsible for any damage to utilities that are attributable to his neglect or methods of performing work.
6.5 Roadside Maintenance Activity
There are many communications field devices throughout the Corridor that need to be maintained and each site is a potential construction zone during maintenance. There will be many different situations that need to be addressed both on the roadway and beyond the traveled way.
One of the main concerns with roadside maintenance is traffic control. Common traffic control procedures following the MUTCD must be followed at all times during maintenance activities. This requirement is common to all of the States involved in this study.
6.5.1 Maintenance Activities beyond the Roadway
In this situation traffic will generally not be impacted when the maintenance activities are beyond the roadway (e.g., handholes, vaults, repair of FO cable, etc.). The contractor should ensure that there is plenty of room to load and unload maintenance equipment in a safe manner. The contractor shall ensure when placing cones and warning signs that all local and State standards and procedures are in accordance with the MUTCD and are being followed. The contractor shall also ensure that there is sufficient sight distance available to both the motorist and the equipment operator.
6.5.2 Maintenance Activities on the Shoulder and Partial Lane Closures
In this situation shoulder work does encroach into the travel lane and will generally impact traffic, therefore proper signing should be provided to advise the motorist. The contractor should ensure that there is plenty of room to load and unload the maintenance equipment in a safe manner. The contractor shall ensure when placing cones, warning signs, flashing vehicle lights and flags that all local and State standards and procedures are in accordance with the MUTCD and are being followed. The contractor shall also ensure that there is sufficient sight distance available to both the motorist and the equipment operator. Typical lane or shoulder closure procedures of the State should be followed.
6.6 Equipment Maintenance and Agreements
Given the complexity of today's electronic equipment, investment in the skills and time required to repair a hardware problem by a local maintenance technician is not very practical. It is generally much more cost effective and time efficient to consider maintaining an inventory of spare equipment. Most common practice for repair of failed or non-responsive field equipment is to ensure that all corrective action and preventive maintenance procedures have been taken (i.e. verify configuration data, verify patch cables are connected, verify power connection, etc.), and once all the connections have been verified, replace the failed equipment with a spare and return the failed equipment to the manufacturer for evaluation and/or replacement.
The maintenance of communication equipment typically requires the kinds of support tools that a maintenance department is likely to have on hand, including trucks, cherry pickers, sign boards, back hoes, etc. In addition, more specialized equipment specific to the electrical nature of the work are likely to be needed. This equipment can include:
- Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDR)
- Spectrum Analyzers
- Network Analyzers
- Waveform Generators
- Multi-meters
- Power Meters
For responsive maintenance, these types of devices are used to determine what and where the problems may be. For the communication elements, for example, the OTDR is used to determine where on a communications network a break in the connection may have occurred. Following this determination, the traffic control, back hoes, and fiber fusion equipment is needed. When the fiber is repaired, the cable is stripped down to the bare glass fibers, cleaned, and fusion spliced. The glass fibers are then covered with various resins and bonding materials and placed within splice enclosures to protect the fibers. Following this, the cable is retested and the holes filled in. Repairs of this type should not induce greater than a 0.05 to 0.10 dB loss in the fiber. If so, the repairs should be redone. This process needs to take place either as a contracted activity or as an operation performed by the State's staff. Regardless, substantial equipment, expertise, manpower, and materials are required.
6.6.1 Maintenance Agreements
The question of when State forces should perform system maintenance versus contracting out maintenance activities is dependent on many of the factors, as described below:
- Deploying new systems places additional burden on existing maintenance personnel, who already have responsibilities and may already be overloaded. As a result, the maintenance personnel will be obliged to deal with conflicting priorities.
- When new systems are deployed, it is important to have a clear understanding of maintenance responsibilities.
- Maintaining communications systems requires a high degree of technical proficiency, with specialized skills and expertise. This necessitates training of existing personnel and/or hiring new personnel.
- Performing locates on State-owned communications infrastructure that may or may not be registered on a dig-safe program is going to require significant staff time. Response generally needs to be within two working days. There are new GIS based mapping programs that allow a State's inventory of communication assets to be easily stored for locate purposes.
- Relocating communications infrastructure is expensive and time consuming and will require the use of a specialized contractor. If the State engages in a public-private partnership to have infrastructure installed, the agreements need to address who will be responsible for relocates and what percentage of the costs will be born by the parties. It is recommended that the private partner perform relocates and bill the State.
If the State decides to contract out maintenance, agreements should be established at the time that the construction contract is developed or soon after to ensure the best pricing possible. Competitive bidding is the preferred, and sometimes the only allowable method for developing a contract for services, but will ensure reasonable market rates for the services. Maintenance agreements need to be in-place prior to construction being completed. This will eliminate any delay in repair or responsive maintenance activities required immediately. The maintenance agreement should provide a clear assignment of responsibilities between the State maintenance group and the contractor to identify required training, identify a maintenance approach, and any standardized requirements.
6.7 Maintenance Cost
As previously mentioned, an important aspect of developing and deploying communications systems projects is the proper maintenance of the system. Both preventive and responsive maintenance have standard industry-accepted ranges of costs associated with for maintenance. For example, preventive maintenance for a CCTV camera is approximately $1,000 annually, while preventive maintenance for a regeneration building is approximately $1,500 annually.
In order to develop a budget for both preventive and responsive maintenance program, the following should be considered:
- Establish mean time between failures (MTBF) per device
- Estimate staffing required for maintenance
- Estimate annual spare equipment and/or replacement cost
- Estimate maintenance equipment and vehicles necessary for staff
- Determine length of communication infrastructure installed and location of infrastructure relevant to maintenance staff location
- Determine number of conduits or fiber strands installed and how many fiber strands are active
- Establish a preventive maintenance schedule - 3, 6 or 12 months
No attempt is made in this report to estimate the system maintenance costs a particular State will encounter as costs, existing staff capabilities, existing State resources, other maintenance needs, and capabilities of local contractors vary so greatly. However, based on the above considerations, an estimate of the time and staff required should be calculated that can be used to determine the number of staff hours required per device or mile of infrastructure. Based on those hours, the number of staff required in a given year can be calculated and added to the costs of the spare equipment, tools, and vehicles to determine an approximate budget for yearly maintenance.
6.8 Construction Cost
This section presents an example cost estimate for installation of 48-SMFO cable along the I-90, I-20, and I-91 Corridors. The fiber optic cable is inside one of two 2" HDPE conduits installed by various methods (i.e. trenching, boring, plowing, etc.). In addition, installation of handholes is an integral part of constructing a fiber optic backbone. Handholes serve as cable pulling locations, junction points to connect branch cables to the trunk cable, and conduit transition points. Regeneration buildings allow for signal regeneration equipment to be housed in the field and act as a demarcation point for connection to other networks. The cost ranges used in the table below were developed based on input from both private companies and public agencies through development of similar projects in the United States. A list of the cost sources is included in the Appendix. Table 6.6 presents estimated construction costs for 48-SMFO cable backbone. Locally established cost estimates for the items below should be used whenever possible.
Table 6.6: Construction Cost for Installation of 48-SMFO Cable Backbone (The cost data included in Table 6-6 is aggregated from several sources, both public agency and private sector, and is based on costs incurred on similar projects throughout the United States. Whenever possible, local cost data should be utilized to provide the best estimate. The sources of the cost data include: Federal Highway Administration, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Mississippi Department of Transportation, South Carolina Department of Transportation, MassHighway, Gresham Smith & Partners, TransCore, Telvent Farradyne, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Cambridge Systematics, Schatz Underground Cable, LightCore)
Service/Product |
Price-Low |
Price-High |
Unit |
Assumptions |
Fiber Plowing |
$1.25 |
$1.75 |
Foot |
Assume std installation method will be plowing. Route mileage used is from FHWA Route Log |
Directional Boring - Rural |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
Foot |
Assume rural bores average 150’ each |
Directional Boring - Urban |
$8.00 |
$10.00 |
Foot |
Assume 10% of total bores as urban bores, average 200’ each |
Directional Boring - Rock |
$42.50 |
$271.00 |
Foot |
Assume 5% of total bores as rock bores, average 150’ each |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
$0.75 |
$0.80 |
Foot |
Per foot cost. Assuming installation of two conduits, one empty so length of conduit is double the route length. |
Bridge Attachments |
$100.00 |
$175.00 |
Foot |
Includes 6” steel conduit and labor to attach |
Handhole |
$575.00 |
$700.00 |
Each |
48” x 30” x 36”, higher cost for load rated |
Handhole Installation |
$600.00 |
$800.00 |
Each |
Low-high range for installation cost |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
$0.61 |
$0.80 |
Foot |
Assuming one fiber cable installed in one conduit |
Fiber Installation |
$3.25 |
$5.00 |
Foot |
Includes splices, pulling, splice enclosures, term. panels |
Regeneration Building |
$280,000.00 |
$300,000.00 |
Each |
Assumes one building average every 50 miles and one on either end of corridor in state. Includes pad, power, A/C, racks, conduit |
Design |
7.5% |
10.0% |
Lump Sum (L.S.) |
Pre-construction design of route and equipment |
Traffic Control |
3.0% |
7.0% |
L.S. |
For lane and shoulder closures |
Mobilization |
3.0% |
9.0% |
L.S. |
Contractor costs to provide equipment and services |
Construction Engineering |
7.5% |
10.0% |
L.S. |
Inspection, oversight, field engineering |
Administration |
5.0% |
7.0% |
L.S. |
Construction administration services |
Contingency |
8.0% |
20.0% |
L.S. |
To cover unknowns and peripheral costs |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
12.5% |
30.0% |
L.S. |
Future value, 5 to 10 years out, if average inflation is 4%/yr |
Using the above communication infrastructure cost ranges, and the quantities of handholes, directional bores, regeneration sites, and bridge attachments as well as the length of fiber and conduit installation developed from the preliminary backbone alignment files developed as part of this study, an estimated range of costs has been developed for each State for construction of a communications backbone. The preliminary backbone alignment files have been developed using Google Earth Pro and are available from the FHWA under separate cover. Note that these are estimates only and should be considered as representative of the hypothetical alignments only.
Table 6.7: Estimated Infrastructure Cost (Louisiana)
Service/Product |
Units |
Quantity |
Cost Low |
Cost High |
Fiber Plowing |
Foot |
1,003,200 |
$1,254,000 |
$1,755,600 |
Total Bores |
Not Applicable |
298 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Directional Boring - Rural |
Foot |
37,950 |
$227,700 |
$265,650 |
Directional Boring - Urban |
Foot |
6,000 |
$48,000 |
$60,000 |
Directional Boring - Rock |
Foot |
2,250 |
$95,625 |
$609,750 |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
Foot |
2,006,400 |
$1,504,800 |
$1,605,120 |
Bridge Attachments |
Foot |
6,100 |
$610,000 |
$1,067,500 |
Handhole |
Each |
211 |
$121,325 |
$147,700 |
Handhole Installation |
Each |
211 |
$126,600 |
$168,800 |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
Foot |
1,003,200 |
$611,952 |
$802,560 |
Fiber Installation |
Foot |
1,003,200 |
$3,260,400 |
$5,016,000 |
Regeneration Building |
Each |
5 |
$1,400,000 |
$1,500,000 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$9,260,402 |
$12,998,680 |
Design |
L.S. |
1 |
$694,530 |
$1,299,868 |
Traffic Control |
L.S. |
1 |
$277,812 |
$909,908 |
Mobilization |
L.S. |
1 |
$277,812 |
$1,169,881 |
Construction Engineering |
L.S. |
1 |
$694,530 |
$1,299,868 |
Administration |
L.S. |
1 |
$463,020 |
$909,908 |
Contingency |
L.S. |
1 |
$740,832 |
$2,599,736 |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
L.S. |
1 |
$1,157,550 |
$3,899,604 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$13,566,489 |
$25,087,452 |
Table 6.8: Estimated Infrastructure Cost (Mississippi)
Service/Product |
Units |
Quantity |
Low |
High |
Fiber Plowing |
Foot |
818,400 |
$1,023,000 |
$1,432,200 |
Total Bores |
Not Applicable |
281 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Directional Boring - Rural |
Foot |
35,850 |
$215,100 |
$250,950 |
Directional Boring - Urban |
Foot |
5,600 |
$44,800 |
$56,000 |
Directional Boring - Rock |
Foot |
2,100 |
$89,250 |
$569,100 |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
Foot |
1,636,800 |
$1,227,600 |
$1,309,440 |
Bridge Attachments |
Foot |
1,531 |
$153,100 |
$267,925 |
Handhole |
Each |
185 |
$106,375 |
$129,500 |
Handhole Installation |
Each |
185 |
$111,000 |
$148,000 |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
Foot |
818,400 |
$499,224 |
$654,720 |
Fiber Installation |
Foot |
818,400 |
$2,659,800 |
$4,092,000 |
Regeneration Building |
Each |
4 |
$1,120,000 |
$1,200,000 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$7,249,249 |
$10,109,835 |
Design |
L.S. |
1 |
$543,694 |
$1,010,984 |
Traffic Control |
L.S. |
1 |
$217,477 |
$707,688 |
Mobilization |
L.S. |
1 |
$217,477 |
$909,885 |
Construction Engineering |
L.S. |
1 |
$543,694 |
$1,010,984 |
Administration |
L.S. |
1 |
$362,462 |
$707,688 |
Contingency |
L.S. |
1 |
$579,940 |
$2,021,967 |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
L.S. |
1 |
$906,156 |
$3,032,951 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$10,620,150 |
$19,511,982 |
Table 6.9: Estimated Infrastructure Cost (Alabama)
Service/Product |
Units |
Quantity |
Low |
High |
Fiber Plowing |
Foot |
1,135,200 |
$1,419,000 |
$1,986,600 |
Total Bores |
Not Applicable |
489 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Directional Boring - Rural |
Foot |
62,400 |
$374,400 |
$436,800 |
Directional Boring - Urban |
Foot |
9,800 |
$78,400 |
$98,000 |
Directional Boring - Rock |
Foot |
3,600 |
$153,000 |
$975,600 |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
Foot |
2,270,400 |
$1,702,800 |
$1,816,320 |
Bridge Attachments |
Foot |
6,400 |
$640,000 |
$1,120,000 |
Handhole |
Each |
236 |
$135,700 |
$165,200 |
Handhole Installation |
Each |
236 |
$141,600 |
$188,800 |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
Foot |
1,135,200 |
$692,472 |
$908,160 |
Fiber Installation |
Foot |
1,135,200 |
$3,689,400 |
$5,676,000 |
Regeneration Building |
Each |
5 |
$1,400,000 |
$1,500,000 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$10,426,772 |
$14,871,480 |
Design |
L.S. |
1 |
$782,008 |
$1,487,148 |
Traffic Control |
L.S. |
1 |
$312,803 |
$1,041,004 |
Mobilization |
L.S. |
1 |
$312,803 |
$1,338,433 |
Construction Engineering |
L.S. |
1 |
$782,008 |
$1,487,148 |
Administration |
L.S. |
1 |
$521,339 |
$1,041,004 |
Contingency |
L.S. |
1 |
$834,142 |
$2,974,296 |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
L.S. |
1 |
$1,303,347 |
$4,461,444 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$15,275,221 |
$28,701,956 |
Table 6.10: Estimated Infrastructure Cost (South Dakota)
Service/Product |
Units |
Quantity |
Low |
High |
Fiber Plowing |
Foot |
2,180,640 |
$2,725,800 |
$3,816,120 |
Total Bores |
Not Applicable |
165 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Directional Boring - Rural |
Foot |
21,000 |
$126,000 |
$147,000 |
Directional Boring - Urban |
Foot |
3,400 |
$27,200 |
$34,000 |
Directional Boring - Rock |
Foot |
1,200 |
$51,000 |
$325,200 |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
Foot |
4,361,280 |
$3,270,960 |
$3,489,024 |
Bridge Attachments |
Foot |
6,100 |
$610,000 |
$1,067,500 |
Handhole |
Each |
404 |
$232,300 |
$282,800 |
Handhole Installation |
Each |
404 |
$242,400 |
$323,200 |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
Foot |
2,180,640 |
$1,330,190 |
$1,744,512 |
Fiber Installation |
Foot |
2,180,640 |
$7,087,080 |
$10,903,200 |
Regeneration Building |
Each |
9 |
$2,520,000 |
$2,700,000 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$18,222,930 |
$24,832,556 |
Design |
L.S. |
1 |
$1,366,720 |
$2,483,256 |
Traffic Control |
L.S. |
1 |
$546,688 |
$1,738,279 |
Mobilization |
L.S. |
1 |
$546,688 |
$2,234,930 |
Construction Engineering |
L.S. |
1 |
$1,366,720 |
$2,483,256 |
Administration |
L.S. |
1 |
$911,147 |
$1,738,279 |
Contingency |
L.S. |
1 |
$1,457,834 |
$4,966,511 |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
L.S. |
1 |
$2,277,866 |
$7,449,767 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$26,696,593 |
$47,926,833 |
Table 6.11: Estimated Infrastructure Cost (Minnesota)
Service/Product |
Units |
Quantity |
Low |
High |
Fiber Plowing |
Foot |
1,457,280 |
$1,821,600 |
$2,550,240 |
Total Bores |
Not Applicable |
374 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Directional Boring - Rural |
Foot |
47,700 |
$286,200 |
$333,900 |
Directional Boring - Urban |
Foot |
7,400 |
$59,200 |
$74,000 |
Directional Boring - Rock |
Foot |
2,850 |
$121,125 |
$772,350 |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
Foot |
2,914,560 |
$2,185,920 |
$2,331,648 |
Bridge Attachments |
Foot |
1,100 |
$110,000 |
$192,500 |
Handhole |
Each |
320 |
$184,000 |
$224,000 |
Handhole Installation |
Each |
320 |
$192,000 |
$256,000 |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
Foot |
1,457,280 |
$888,941 |
$1,165,824 |
Fiber Installation |
Foot |
1,457,280 |
$4,736,160 |
$7,286,400 |
Regeneration Building |
Each |
6 |
$1,680,000 |
$1,800,000 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$12,265,146 |
$16,986,862 |
Design |
L.S. |
1 |
$919,886 |
$1,698,686 |
Traffic Control |
L.S. |
1 |
$367,954 |
$1,189,080 |
Mobilization |
L.S. |
1 |
$367,954 |
$1,528,818 |
Construction Engineering |
L.S. |
1 |
$919,886 |
$1,698,686 |
Administration |
L.S. |
1 |
$613,257 |
$1,189,080 |
Contingency |
L.S. |
1 |
$981,212 |
$3,397,372 |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
L.S. |
1 |
$1,533,143 |
$5,096,059 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$17,968,439 |
$32,784,644 |
Table 6.12: Estimated Infrastructure Cost (Wisconsin)
Service/Product |
Units |
Quantity |
Low |
High |
Fiber Plowing |
Foot |
575,520 |
$719,400 |
$1,007,160 |
Total Bores |
Not Applicable |
257 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Directional Boring - Rural |
Foot |
32,700 |
$196,200 |
$228,900 |
Directional Boring - Urban |
Foot |
5,200 |
$41,600 |
$52,000 |
Directional Boring - Rock |
Foot |
1,950 |
$82,875 |
$528,450 |
Conduit (2” HDPE) |
Foot |
1,151,040 |
$863,280 |
$920,832 |
Bridge Attachments |
Foot |
6,800 |
$680,000 |
$1,190,000 |
Handhole |
Each |
220 |
$126,500 |
$154,000 |
Handhole Installation |
Each |
220 |
$132,000 |
$176,000 |
SMFO Cable - 48 Count |
Foot |
575,520 |
$351,067 |
$460,416 |
Fiber Installation |
Foot |
575,520 |
$1,870,440 |
$2,877,600 |
Regeneration Building |
Each |
4 |
$1,120,000 |
$1,200,000 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$6,183,362 |
$8,795,358 |
Design |
L.S. |
1 |
$463,752 |
$879,536 |
Traffic Control |
L.S. |
1 |
$185,501 |
$615,675 |
Mobilization |
L.S. |
1 |
$185,501 |
$791,582 |
Construction Engineering |
L.S. |
1 |
$463,752 |
$879,536 |
Administration |
L.S. |
1 |
$309,168 |
$615,675 |
Contingency |
L.S. |
1 |
$494,669 |
$1,759,072 |
Estimated Cost for Future Value |
L.S. |
1 |
$772,920 |
$2,638,607 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
$9,058,626 |
$16,975,041 |