Federal Highway Administration Focus States Initiative: Traffic Incident Management Performance Measures Final Report
Appendix B: TIM Performance Measurement Outreach Fact Sheet
The following two pages present an executive-level outreach fact sheet,
titled "Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measurement
On the Road to Success." States may use this fact sheet, which
complements the PowerPoint presentation in appendix A, to build support
among colleagues, managers, and partner agencies for program-level TIM
performance measurement.
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measurement
On the Road to Success
Fact Sheet (PDF 299KB)
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Reader to view the PDFs on this page.
Law enforcement, fire and rescue, emergency medical services, and transportation
agencies in traffic incident management (TIM) share a common goal -
restoring the roadways as safety and quickly as possible. They know
that every minute of incident delay multiples traffic queues by a factor
of four and increases the risk to responders' and drivers' lives.
TIM teams across the country are recognizing that improvements in individual
agency TIM operations are helpful, but that to make impact responders
must work together to assess, identify and act on opportunities for
improvement. In short, TIM has become a team sport. TIM teams across
the country are increasingly interested in jointly measuring performance
as a team to win resources for TIM.
The biggest barriers to jointly measuring performance of multiagency
TIM operations include different definitions for common measures such
as "incident clearance time," institutional concerns over
data sharing, and incompatible data systems. FHWA's TIM Performance
Measurement Focus State Initiative, however, has shown that all of these
hurdles can be overcome.
TIM teams across the country are beginning to explore measuring team
or "program-level" TIM performance as the only means to
improve multi-agency team response. TIM stakeholders share a common
goal to safely restore the roadways as quickly as possible because
this equates to lives saved:
- Every minute of incident delay multiplies traffic queues by a
factor of four, and increases the risk for secondary crashes
- Every minute of incident delay multiplies traffic queues by a
factor of four, and increases the risk for secondary crashes
- The likelihood of a secondary crash increases by 2.8% for each
minute the primary incident continues to be a hazard
- Faster response time has a well-documented relationship to the
increased likelihood of crash survival
- Responder lives remain at risk every minute they are on the incident
FHWA's Traffic Incident Management Program-Level Performance Measurement
Focus State Initiative
FHWA launched a focus state initiative in 2005 to develop and test
consensus-based, multi-agency, or "program-level" performance
measures for TIM. TIM leaders from transportation and law enforcement
organizations in 11 states reached consensus on three program-level
TIM objectives and associated performance measures for their TIM Teams:
TIM Program Objectives and Related Performance Measures
TIM Program Objective |
Related Performance Measures |
Reduce "Roadway" Clearance Time |
Time between first recordable awareness of incident by a responsible
agency and first confirmation that all lanes are available for traffic
flow. |
Reduce "Incident" Clearance Time |
Time between first recordable awareness of incident by a responsible
agency and time at which the last responder has left the scene. |
Reduce the Number of Secondary Crashes |
Number of unplanned crashes beginning with the time of detection
of the primary incident where a collision occurs either a) within
the incident scene or b) within the queue, including the opposite
direction, resulting from the original incident. |
Consensus-Based Program-level TIM Performance Measures
Developed by Focus States
Focus State TIM Performance Measurement Accomplishments
TIM Performance Measures
11 Focus States:
- California
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Maryland
- New York
- North Carolina
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Achieved landmark agreement on common definitions for three core
TIM performance measures.
- Demonstrated that multi-agency data collection and fusion to improve
TIM can be accomplished.
- Demonstrated that by working together to measure TIM performance,
transportation and law enforcement agencies were able to overcome
institutional data sharing hurdles and improved their ability to quantified
TIM benefits.
- Helped agencies more effectively build support for their TIM program
and win additional funding for TIM technical and resource needs by
showing quantified TIM benefits.
Getting Started with TIM Performance Measurement
Getting started measuring program-level TIM has never been easier.
The experiences and resources of the 11 focus states and others in the
TIM community are soon a mouse-click away with the TIM Performance Measurement
Knowledge Management System, coming this spring:
- Subscribe to the TIM Performance Measurement email list to conveniently
access the experiences and expertise of the focus states and your
peers across the country for your questions, Send an email to TIMPM@dot.gov
to subscribe.
- Plan to bookmark and visit the TIM Performance Measurement Knowledgebase
to download helpful resources including sample MOU's, CAD-TMC integration
strategies and requirements documents that have worked for others,
as well as presentations, studies, and reports that can help you build
support in your region with TIM performance measurement. Search by
keyword or browse by performance measure, conference/event (for presentations
you've seen) or document type to find what you're looking for.
Steps to Success
- Recruit agency champions for program-level TIM Performance Measurement.
- Develop a plan, including a plan to exchange needed data between
- Test the performance measures with available data, manually at first
if necessary.
- Identify and plan for any needed system modifications to support
data sharing.
- Modify your plan as needed.
- Track your progress on the Road to Success!
Want to Know More?
the FHWA TIM Program Manager
tel: 202-366-8042
email: ETO@dot.gov
Visit the FHWA Office of Operations TIM Website at: https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/eto_tim_pse/index.htm
