3.0 Menu of Operations Objectives (Part 2)
[ Return to Part 1 of Chapter 3. ]
3.3 Fact Sheets
This section contains fact sheets for the following categories (defined in Section 3.1):
- System Efficiency
- System Reliability
- System Options
- Arterial Management
- Emergency/Incident Management
- Freeway Management
- Freight Management
- Special Event Management
- Transit Operations and Management
- Travel Demand Management
- Travel Weather Management
- Traveler Information
- Work Zone Management
Each fact sheet contains the following information:
- Category title
- General description
- Operations objectives
- Performance measures
- Anticipated data needs
- Data resources and partners
- M&O strategies to consider
- Safety-related impacts
Three sources were researched to identify statistically sound, agreed-upon safety impact information. The three sources referenced for this desk reference were:
- Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP 17-36: Production of the First Edition Highway Safety Manual (HSM).
- U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, September 2008. Publication Number FHWA-SA-08-011. Available at: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/tools/crf/resources/desk_ref_sept2008/index.cfm.
- Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Report 500, Volumes 1 – 17, Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 2003-2005. Available at http://safety.transportation.org/guides.aspx
The related safety impacts cited in this document are select examples, and do not constitute a comprehensive overview and listing. Example M&O strategies within the three sources were only selected for those actions which produced a sound trend or a specific crash modification factor. Crash modification factors and associated error estimates are sited when available in the safety-related impacts section of the fact sheets. A crash modification factor (CMF) is a multiplicative factor used to compute the expected number of crashes after implementing a given treatment (countermeasure) at a specific site. For example, an intersection is experiencing 100 angle crashes per year. If an agency applies a countermeasure that has a crash modification factor of 0.80 for angle crashes, then the agency can expect to see 80 angle crashes per year following the implementation of the countermeasure (100 x 0.80 = 80). Most crash modification factors are stated with standard errors. The standard error can be used to estimate the confidence interval of the crash modification factor. To estimate the range of the potential change in crash frequency with a 95th percentile confidence interval, multiply the standard error by two and add and subtract this value to/from the crash modification factor. So if a crash modification factor of 0.80 has a standard error of 0.1, the range of the crash modification factor is 0.60 (0.80 – 2x0.10) to 1.0 (0.80 + 2x0.10). This means that an agency can be 95% confident that the treatment will result in up to a 40 percent reduction in crashes.11
3.3.1 System Efficiency
System Efficiency: Extent of Congestion |
General Description
The intent of these objectives is to manage the proportion of the transportation system that experiences recurring congestion (the spatial extent of congestion). Common expressions of recurring congestion are volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio and level of service (LOS), which is measured in terms of travel speed or delay.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the percentage of facility miles (highway, arterial, rail, etc.) experiencing recurring congestion during the peak period by X percent by year Y.
- Maintain the rate of growth in facility miles experiencing recurring congestion as less than the population growth rate (or employment growth rate).
- Reduce the share of major intersections operating at LOS Z by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of lane-miles (or rail) operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
- Percent of intersections operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
- Rate of increase in facility miles operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0
- Population growth rate.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Hourly volume data (e.g., traffic counts); inventory of facilities (number of lanes, presence/ frequency of signals/intersections, etc.); calculations or estimates of capacity.
- Population, average vehicle control delay.
Data Resources and Partners
- Annual count programs, planning studies, engineering studies, and traffic impact studies.
- GIS or other database of system inventory.
- State DOTs, transit agencies, MPOs, regional planning councils, highway districts, cities, counties, and traffic management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce recurring congestion, such as traffic signal coordination and travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of M&O strategies associated with recurring congestion and their safety impacts include:
- Convert a four-leg intersection into two T-intersections: The crash modification factor for this treatment is between 0.75 and 1.35 depending on the crash severity and distribution of traffic entering the intersection. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install turn and bypass lanes: The crash modification factor for this treatment is between 0.95 and 0.47 depending on the crash severity and crash type. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008.
Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the expected number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
System Efficiency: Duration of Congestion |
These objectives focus on managing the duration of recurring congestion (roadway or intersection) on the transportation system. The duration of recurring congestion represents the length of time that a facility is congested. Common expressions of recurring congestion are volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio and level of service (LOS), which is measured in terms of travel speed or delay.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the daily hours of recurring congestion on major freeways from X to Y by year Z.
- Reduce the number of hours per day that the top 20 most congested roadways experience recurring congestion by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Hours per day at LOS F or V/C > 1.0 (or other threshold).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Hourly traffic volume data (e.g., traffic counts); inventory of facilities (number of lanes, presence/frequency of signals/intersections, etc.); calculations or estimates of capacity.
Data Resources and Partners
- ITS data (continuous traffic counters), traffic count programs, studies.
- GIS or other database of system inventory.
- State DOTs, regional planning councils, MPOs, highway districts, cities, counties, and traffic management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce recurring congestion, such as traffic signal coordination; travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route; and congestion pricing strategies that encourage shifts to off-peak periods.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Remove unwarranted signals: The safety impact for this countermeasure is the potential for decreasing frequency of collisions. Targets for this action are signalized intersections where traffic volumes and safety records do not warrant a traffic signal. This action also includes potential to eliminate excessive delay and disobedience of traffic signal and decrease use of inappropriate routes to avoid signal. Right angle crashes may increase after removal. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
- Modify access point density: The safety impact of reducing the number of access points is the potential reduction in both injury and non-injury crash frequency as well as angle and sideswipe collisions at intersections and mid-block areas. Source: HSM, First Edition.
System Efficiency: Intensity of Congestion (Travel Time Index) |
General Description
This objective focuses on managing the intensity of traffic congestion experienced by the traveling public. Congestion is measured using a travel time index, which compares travel conditions in the peak period to travel conditions during free-flow or posted speed limit conditions. For instance, a travel time index of 1.30 indicates that travel typically takes 30 percent longer in the peak period than during the off-peak period. The objectives focus on the actual experience of travelers and can be multimodal if transit travel time is included in the measure.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the regional average travel time index by X percent per year.
Performance Measures
- Travel time index (the average travel time during the peak period, using congested speeds, divided by the off-peak period travel time, using posted or free-flow speeds).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel speed data during peak and off-peak periods across a network of facilities (freeways, highways, arterials, light-rail transit, BRT, bus routes, etc.).
Data Resources and Partners
- ITS data (continuous measurements of traffic speed), speed studies.
- State DOTs, regional planning councils, MPOs, highway districts, cities, counties, and traffic management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce recurring peak period congestion, such as traffic signal coordination; and travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route. If the objective includes transit, strategies could include transit signal priority.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Remove unwarranted signals: The safety impact for this countermeasure is the potential for decreasing the frequency of collisions. Targets for this action are signalized intersections where traffic volumes and safety records do not warrant a traffic signal. This action also includes the potential to eliminate excessive delay and disobedience of traffic signals and decrease the use of inappropriate routes to avoid signals. Right angle crashes may increase after removal. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
System Efficiency: Travel Time |
General Description
These objectives focus on reducing travel time experienced by travelers. Travel time is a measure of the average time spent in travel, reflecting both travel speeds and distances. Total travel time is calculated as the sum of individual segment time multiplied by the number of people experiencing that time. The objectives can be multimodal if they account for transit travel time.
Operations Objectives
- Annual rate of change in regional average commute travel time will not exceed regional rate of population growth through year Y.
- Improve average travel time during peak periods by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Average commute trip travel time (minutes).
- Average travel time during peak periods (minutes).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Peak period and free flow travel time or speeds.
- Person travel along links (e.g., vehicle volume multiplied by vehicle occupancy).
- Trip length.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, including speeds and volumes, such as State DOTs, cities, counties, and traffic management centers.
- Transit agencies, which can provide transit travel time or speed data and passenger counts.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce recurring peak period congestion, such as traffic signal coordination, and travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route. If the objective includes transit, strategies could include transit signal priority.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Accident Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.56 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.96 to 0.16. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the expected number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
System Efficiency: Delay |
General Description
These objectives focus on reducing the delay in travel experienced by travelers. Delay is a measure of "excess travel time" caused by congestion (i.e., in comparison to free flow time or relative to the posted speed limit). Traffic delay per capita measures are more mode neutral than traffic delay per driver or per vehicle measures (i.e., focuses on the experiences of the entire population, not just drivers).
Operations Objectives
- Reduce hours of delay per capita by X percent by year Y.
- Reduce hours of delay per driver by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Hours of delay per capita or per driver.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Peak period and free-flow travel time or speeds.
- Person travel along links (e.g., vehicle volume multiplied by vehicle occupancy).
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, including speeds and volumes, such as State DOTs, cities, counties, and traffic management centers.
- Transit agencies, which can provide transit travel time or speed data and passenger counts.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce recurring peak-period congestion, such as traffic signal coordination, and travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route. If the objective includes transit, strategies could include transit signal priority.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Accident Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.56 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.96 to 0.16. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non-injury crashes the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Convert exclusive leading protected to exclusive lagging: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.85 with a standard error of 0.19 for all crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.23 to 0.47. For left-turn crashes the crash modification factor is 0.51 with a standard error of 0.54. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.59 to 0.0. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the expected number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
System Efficiency: Energy Consumption |
General Description
These objectives focus on reducing total energy consumed for purposes of transportation. Energy consumption reflects both the amount of travel and fuel efficiency. "Excess" energy consumption specifically focuses on the excess fuel consumed due to congestion (i.e., in comparison to free-flow conditions). Objectives that address total energy consumption may more effectively account for energy savings of increasing bicycling, walking, and transit, compared to measures that focus solely on excess fuel consumption associated with traffic congestion.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce total energy consumption per capita for transportation by X percent by year Y.
- Reduce total fuel consumption per capita for transportation by X percent by year Y.
- Reduce excess fuel consumed due to congestion by X percent by 2020.
Performance Measures
- Total energy consumed per capita for transportation.
- Total fuel consumed per capita for transportation.
- Excess fuel consumed (total or per capita).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Regional population, vehicle miles traveled, and average vehicle fuel economy, or regional fuel sales data.
- Transit vehicle energy use and ridership.
- Hours of excess delay and fuel economy associated with delay.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partners include State taxation, economic development, vital records, and transit agencies, and transportation departments. Fuel sales associations can provide data on total fuel sold.
- Excess fuel requires regional measures of total delay, which typically come from partners such as State and local DOTs, ITS managers, or traffic management center operators.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce congestion and single occupancy vehicle trips, such as traffic signal coordination and incident management; travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route; and congestion pricing strategies that encourage shifts to offpeak periods.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Signal coordination: The potential safety impacts from implementing these strategies include decreasing intersection crash rates, reducing rear-end conflicts, and reducing crashes during permitted turning movements at signalized intersections. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
System Efficiency: Cost of Congestion |
General Description
These objectives focus on reducing the annual monetary cost of congestion, which can be measured based on wasted time and fuel, increased vehicle operating costs, increased accidents, and costs of pollution.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the annual monetary cost of congestion per capita for the next Y years by X percent each year.
Performance Measures
- Cost (in dollars) of congestion or delay per capita.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Peak period and free-flow travel time or speeds.
- Traveler volumes, auto/transit occupancy (by link, if determining delay for a sub-network).
- Costs per delay time (i.e., all of the cost components including wasted time, fuel, vehicle operating costs, pollution, and incidents).
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, including speeds and volumes, such as State DOTs, cities, counties, and traffic management centers.
- Transit agencies that can provide transit travel time or speed data and passenger counts.
- Can utilize a benefit-cost analysis tool, such as STEAM.12
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to reduce peak period congestion as well as unexpected delay, such as traffic signal coordination and traffic incident management; and travel demand strategies that encourage shifts in travel mode, time, or route. If the objective includes transit, strategies could include transit signal priority.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Efficiency: Vehicle Miles Travel |
General Description
The intent of this objective is to reduce the amount of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by users of the transportation system. Comparisons of performance are best facilitated by associating the VMT with the population that generates them (per capita).
Operations Objectives
- Reduce vehicle miles traveled per capita by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Average VMT per capita per day, per week, or per year.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Traffic volumes by facility and segment.
- System inventory that provides lane-miles of facilities, by segment.
- VMT may be estimated based on travel monitoring programs (e.g., the Highway Performance Monitoring System).
- Survey data, such as the Nationwide Household Travel Survey or local surveys may also be used to address VMT and trip lengths for different types of trips.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of system inventory information and traffic data, such as State and local DOTs.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies that focus on managing travel demand through trip elimination (e.g., telecommuting), trip chaining (e.g., combining trips to reduce trip lengths), mode shifts (e.g., shifts from driving alone to transit, bicycling, and walking), increasing vehicle occupancy, as well as land-use strategies. Transit strategies that make transit trips faster and more reliable likely will also encourage shifts from driving to transit.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Efficiency: Trip Connectivity |
General Description
The intent of these objectives is to improve the efficiency of intra- and intermodal connectivity on trips taken by the traveling public in terms of providing an alternative to the single occupancy vehicle trip. Optimization of trip connectivity is indicated by cost and travel time.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce door-to-door trip time by X percent by year Y.
- Reduce cost of transfer fees paid by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Average door-to-door trip time.
- Average cost of transfers.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Survey data of traveler behavior including average door-to-door trip time.
- Transfer cost data from transit providers.
Data Resources and Partners
- Agencies conducting traveler behavior surveys, such as transit agencies, MPOs, and State and local DOTs.
- Transit agencies for transfer data.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include those designed to improve trip connectivity focus on the end-user: the traveling public. Transfers of trips should be minimized and fare payments should be seamless.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.2 System Reliability
System Reliability: Non-Recurring Delay |
General Description
This set of objectives aims at decreasing non-recurring delay—travel time delay caused by transient events as opposed to delay caused by geometric limitations or a lack of capacity. These objectives focus on non-recurring delay due to scheduled disruptions and unscheduled disruptions to travel.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce total person hours of delay (or travel-time delay per capita) by time period (peak,
off-peak) caused by:
- (Option 1) scheduled events, work zones, or system maintenance by X hours in Y years.
- (Option 2) unscheduled disruptions to travel X hours in Y years.
- (Option 3) all transient events such as traffic incidents, special events, and work zones X hours in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Travel time delay per capita during scheduled and/or unscheduled disruptions to travel.
- Total person hours of delay during (or travel time delay per capita) during
- (Option 1) scheduled events, work zones, or system maintenance by X hours in Y years.
- (Option 2) unscheduled disruptions to travel X hours in Y years.
- (Option 3) all transient events such as traffic incidents, special events, and work zones X hours in Y years.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time by person or vehicle during transient events such as traffic incidents, special events, and work zones.
Data Resources and Partners
Travel time data during transient events may be difficult to collect, particularly during unscheduled events such as incidents and severe weather. Public safety organizations are likely needed to assist in identifying the locations and times of traffic incidents. Road and track maintenance staff will be needed to identify upcoming work. Data on travel times during unscheduled events may need to be extracted after collection from ongoing travel time data based on the time and location of events. The National Weather Service may also need to be involved in identifying times and locations of severe weather that may have impacted travel.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies to reduce non-recurring delay include those that focus on reducing the delay caused by incidents, work zones, special events, and other transient events that affect traffic flow.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Reliability: Travel Time Buffer Index |
General Description
Objectives in the area of travel time reliability aim to reduce the variability in travel time so that transportation system users experience a consistent and predictable trip time. Unexpected delay is reduced for people and goods. This sheet focuses on the buffer time index, which reflects the amount of extra time that travelers need to add to their average travel time to account for non-recurring delay.
Operations Objectives
- Decrease the buffer index for (specific travel routes) by X percent over the next Y years.
- Decrease the average buffer index for (multiple routes or trips) by X percent over Y years.
- Reduce the average buffer time needed to arrive on-time for 95 percent of trips on (specified routes) by X minutes over Y years.
Performance Measures13
- The buffer index represents the extra time (buffer) most travelers
add to their average travel time when planning trips. This is the extra
time between the average travel time and near worst case travel time
(95th percentile). The buffer index is stated as a percentage of the
average travel time.
- Average buffer index or buffer time can be calculated using miles traveled as a weighting factor.
- Buffer time = 95th percentile travel time (min) – average travel time (min).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time by segment of the transportation system that is of interest.
Data Resources and Partners
- Travel time estimates can be calculated using probe vehicles, continuous point-based detectors, periodic special studies, or simulation.14 Partners may include State and local DOTs, transit agencies, highway districts, tolling authorities, and other agencies responsible for managing, operating, or coordinating transportation facilities and services.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies for increasing travel time reliability are those activities that aim to improve nonrecurring delay such as traffic incident management, work zone management, or special events management.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Reliability: Planning Time Index |
General Description
Objectives in the area of travel time reliability aim to reduce the variability in travel time so that transportation system users experience a consistent and predictable trip time. Unexpected delay is reduced for people and goods. This sheet focuses on the planning time index. This reflects the amount of extra time that travelers need to add to free-flow (or posted speed limit) travel time in order to arrive on-time in almost all situations. The planning time index takes into account both recurring and non-recurring sources of delay.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the average planning time index for (specific routes in region) by X points over the next Y years.
- Reduce the average planning time for (specific routes in region) by X minutes over the next Y years.
Performance Measures
- The planning time index represents the time that must be added to travel
time at free-flow speeds or the posted speed limit to ensure on time arrivals
for 95 percent of the trips.
- Planning time = 95th percentile travel time (minutes) – Travel time at free-flow speed or posted speed limit.
- Average planning time index or planning time can be computed using a weighted average over person miles traveled.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time.
Data Resources and Partners
- Travel time estimates can be calculated using probe vehicles, continuous point-based detectors, periodic special studies, or simulation.15
M&O Strategies to Consider
Those that aim to reduce both recurring and non-recurring delay: HOV/HOT lanes, ramp metering, single occupancy vehicles, transit, traffic incident management, work zone management, special events management.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Reliability: Travel Time 90th/95th Percentile |
General Description
These objectives focus on reducing the 90th or 95th percentile travel time for one or more routes or trips in the region. The 90th or 95th percentile travel time represents one of the worst travel times for that route or trip because it indicates that 90 – 95 percent of travel times for that route are shorter than the 90th or 95th percentile travel time.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the average of the 90th (or 95th) percentile travel times for (a group of specific travel routes or trips in the region) by X minutes in Y years.
- Reduce the 90th (or 95th) percentile travel times for each route selected by X percent over Y years.
Performance Measures
- 95th or 90th percentile travel times for selected routes.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time.
Data Resources and Partners
- Travel time estimates can be calculated using probe vehicles, continuous point-based detectors, periodic special studies, or simulation.16
M&O Strategies to Consider
Travel times that are in the top 5 to 10 percent of duration for a given route are likely caused by significant, non-recurring events such as major traffic incidents, system maintenance failures, severe weather, and work zones that significantly reduce available capacity. Strategies to consider would be those that work to prevent the more extreme events or reduce the impact to travelers through traveler information.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Reliability: Variability |
General Description
Objectives in this section focus on improving travel time reliability by trying to reduce the variability of travel time.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the variability of travel time on specified routes by X percent during peak and offpeak periods by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Variance of travel time. Variance is the sum of the squared deviations from the mean. This can also be calculated as the standard deviation of travel time. Standard deviation is the square root of variance.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time.
Data Resources and Partners
- Travel time estimates can be calculated using probe vehicles, continuous point-based detectors, periodic special studies, or simulation.17 Travel time may be collected by the owner of the facility such as the State DOT or city/county DOT.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies for reducing variance in travel time include those activities that aim to reduce delay caused by transient events such as incidents, work zones, special events, etc.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Reliability: Transit On-Time Performance |
General Description
These objectives focus on travel time reliability for transit users as measured by on-time performance. There is often a tolerance interval for on-time performance such that if a transit vehicle arrives at a stop within X minutes of scheduled arrival and does not depart from that stop more than Y minutes after scheduled departure time, it is considered on-time.
Operations Objectives
- Improve average on-time performance for specified transit routes/facilities by X percent within Y years.
Performance Measures
- On-time performance of transit.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Arrival and departure times (if different) from a select number of stops on transit facilities of interest.
Data Resources and Partners
- The data would primarily come from transit operators.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Improvements to transit on-time performance may be achieved through reducing recurring and non-recurring delay on transit routes by implementing transit signal preemption, designated lanes for transit, and electronic fare collection.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.3 System Options
System Options: Mode Share |
General Description
These objectives seek to increase the share of modes used other than the single occupancy vehicle to improve the overall efficiency of the transportation system.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce per capita single occupancy vehicle commute trip rate by X percent in Y years.
- Increase alternative (non-single occupancy vehicle) mode share for all trips by X percent within the next Y years.
- Increase active (bicycle/pedestrian) mode share by X percent by year Y.
- Reduce single occupancy vehicle vehicle trips by X percent through travel demand management strategies (e.g., employer or residential rideshare) by year Y.
- Achieve X percent alternative (non-single occupancy vehicle) mode share in transit station communities (or other areas) by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Single occupancy vehicle commute trips per capita.
- Share of employees walking, biking, telecommuting, carpooling/vanpooling, riding transit, driving alone.
- Share of trips by each mode of travel.
- Percent of all trips made using alternative modes in transit station communities.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Survey data, such as the Census Journey to Work Survey or other mode share surveys.
- Employer surveys of employee commuting patterns.
- Household surveys of travel behaviors including mode choice, frequency of trip making, and vehicle occupancy.
Data Resources and Partners
- Employers, transportation management associations, travel demand management programs, transit agencies, State and local DOTs, commuters, non-auto advocacy groups, and research firms.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to encourage the use of other modes include travel demand management strategies, parking management, and congestion pricing strategies.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Options: Transit Use |
General Description
The primary intent of these objectives is to increase the use of transit for trips taken or transit mode share so as to reduce single occupancy vehicle use and improve overall system efficiency; they may also address the efficiency of transit services in terms of the number of occupied seats per bus or train.
Operations Objectives
- Increase transit mode share by X percent by year Y.
- Increase transit mode share by X percent by year Y during peak periods.
- Increase average transit load factor by X percent by year Y.
- Increase passenger miles traveled per capita on transit by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of all trips made by transit.
- Percent of all peak-period trips made by transit.
- Number of riders on transit units per trip.
- Number of passenger miles traveled per capita.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel behavior survey data.
- Public transit system data (e.g. number of tickets purchased, number of trips made, passenger travel data for trip length).
Data Resources and Partners
- Survey participants and local transit providers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to increase the use of transit over single occupancy vehicle travel include marketing, rider incentive programs, electronic fare card systems, increased transit travel time efficiency and reliability, and ease of use.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
System Options: Travel Time – Transit Compared to Auto |
General Description
These objectives focus on improving the travel time (or speed) of public transit in comparison to average auto travel times (or speeds). The objective is designed to advance efficient transit operations and make transit more competitive with the auto to persuade system users to use transit as opposed to single occupancy vehicles.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the travel time differential between transit and auto during peak periods by X percent per year for Y years.
- Maintain a travel time differential between transit and auto during peak periods of X percent for Y years.
- Improve average transit travel time compared to auto in major corridors by X minutes per year for Y years.
Performance Measures
- Transit to auto travel time differential for a given period (daily, hourly, or peak hours), on a given portion of the system (system wide, by facility type, or by corridor).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Transit travel time performance, average auto speeds or auto travel times.
Data Resources and Partners
- Transit on-time performance records, measured travel speeds on key facilities; probes in traffic streams, and permanent traffic recorders that collect speed data.
- State and local DOTs, transit agencies, traffic management centers, ITS operators.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies designed to increase transit speeds, such as bus rapid transit, HOV lanes that buses can use, queue jump lanes at signalized intersections, and transit signal priority.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install shoulder bus lanes: The crash modification factor for this treatment is between 0.92 and 0.14 depending on crash severity and crash type. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008.
Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
System Options: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility and Efficiency |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on improving the accessibility and efficiency of bicycle and pedestrian modes to offer travelers feasible and attractive travel options.
Operations Objectives
- Decrease average delay for pedestrians and bicyclists on primary ped/bike routes by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the share of roadways with bicycle lanes to X by year Y.
- Increase system completeness for bicyclists and pedestrians by X percent within Y years.
- Increase the number of intersections with pedestrian features (countdown pedestrian signal heads, painted crosswalks, etc.) to X percent by year Y.
- Increase average pedestrian (or bicyclist) comfort level by X points in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Average delay for pedestrians and bicyclists on primary ped/bike routes.
- Percent of roadways with bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
- The percentage of intersections with pedestrian features.
- Average pedestrian (or bicyclist) comfort level as measured by survey.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Wait time for pedestrians and bicyclists at intersections or path blockages.
- An inventory of bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
- Survey information on pedestrian (or bicyclist) comfort level.
Data Resources and Partners
- State and local DOTs, counties, cities, highway districts.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Pedestrian countdown signals, bicycle lanes, signage, crossing signals where bicycles cross major roadways.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies, and their safety impacts include:
- Provide a sidewalk or shoulder: The safety impact is a potential reduction in collisions with pedestrians. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install raised pedestrian crosswalks: The safety impact is a potential to reduce vehicle operating speeds Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Re-stripe roadway to provide bicycle lane: The safety impact is no evidence of increased conflicts between curb lane vehicles and bicycles. Source: HSM, First Edition.
System Options: Modal Options for Individuals with Disabilities |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on increasing modal options for individuals with disabilities.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percent of intersections with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) provisions to X percent by year Y.
- Increase the availability of transit to individuals with disabilities by X percent by year Y.
- Increase the percent of transit stops with ADA provisions to X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- The percent of intersections with ADA provisions.
- The percent of individuals with disabilities that can access transit.
- The percent of transit stops with ADA provisions.
Anticipated Data Needs
- The number of intersection with and without ADA provisions.
- The number of individuals with disabilities that can access transit.
- The number of transit stops with and without ADA provisions.
Data Resources and Partners
- State and local DOTs, transit agencies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Planning, programming, and constructing ADA improvements at intersections. Expanding paratransit service and purchasing transit vehicles with low-floor boarding capabilities and other accommodations for individuals with disabilities.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.4 Arterial Management
Arterial Management: Delay |
General Description
These objectives seek to address delay experienced on arterials. Arterial roads primarily serve through traffic and provide access to abutting properties as a secondary function.
Operations Objectives
- Decrease the seconds of control delay per vehicle on arterial roads by X percent in Y years. (Control delay is defined as the portion of the total delay attributed to traffic signal operation for signalized intersections).
- Increase the miles of arterials in the region operating at level of service (LOS) Z by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Control delay seconds per vehicle.
- Percent of arterial miles in region operating at LOS Z.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel times on arterials near traffic signals.
- Speed, volume/capacity or other measures of level of service.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partner agencies that operate and maintain arterials in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies designed to address the management of traffic on arterial roads typically include a blend of outreach, guidance, training, and research to advance four major types of strategies: traffic signal improvements, advanced traffic signal control, traffic monitoring, and access management.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Modify access point density: The safety impact of reducing the number of access points is the potential reduction in injury and non-injury crash frequency, as well as angle and sideswipe collisions at intersections and mid-block areas. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Remove unwarranted signals: The safety impact of this treatment is the potential for decreasing the frequency of collisions. Targets for this action are signalized intersections where traffic volumes and safety records do not warrant a traffic signal. This action also includes the potential to eliminate excessive delay and disobedience to traffic signals and decreases the use of inappropriate routes to avoid signals. Right angle crashes may increase after signal removal. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
- Provide a right-turn lane: The crash modification factor (crash modification factor) for this treatment for all crashes at stop-controlled intersections is a 0.86 with a standard error of 0.06. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.98 to 0.74. Relating to all crashes at signalized intersections, the crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.96 with a standard error of 0.02. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 1.00 to 0.92.
Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Arterial Management: Access Management |
General Description
These objectives seek to address access management issues experienced on arterials to improve the flow of traffic, reduce crashes, and reduce congestion.
Operations Objectives
- Maintain a distance of X feet between intersections on major arterials in the region for the next Y years.
- Reduce driveway access by X percent on major arterials for all new developments for the next Y years.
Performance Measures
- Distance between intersections on major arterials in the region.
- Percent driveway access on major arterials for new developments.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Distance between intersections.
- Driveway access for new developments on major arterials.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partner agencies that approve new developments, and operate and maintain arterials in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies designed to address access management on arterials can be outlined in an access management plan and include access spacing, driveway spacing, dedicated left- and right-turn lanes, roundabouts, two-way left-turn lanes, and non-traversable, raised medians.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Modify access point density: The safety impact of reducing the number of access points is a potential reduction in both injury and non-injury crash frequency as well as angle and sideswipe collisions at intersections and mid-block areas. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Arterial Management: Reliability |
General Description
These objectives aim to reduce the variability in travel time on arterials so that users experience a more consistent and predictable trip time.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce buffer index on arterials during peak and off-peak periods by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce delay associated with incidents on arterials by X percent by year Y.
[See section on System Reliability for additional information on buffer index, planning index, and other measures.]
Performance Measures
- The buffer index (represents the extra time ("buffer") travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips in order to arrive on-time 95 percent of the time).
- Hours of delay associated with incidents.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time (daily figures, to calculate 95 percentile travel time).
- Crash data.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data on freeways, including State DOTs or transportation management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include traffic incident management, work zone management, special events management, and traveler information.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Arterial Management: Traffic Monitoring and Data Collection |
General Description
These objectives focus on developing or improving traffic monitoring and data collection on arterials that is necessary for managing arterials through signalization or traveler information.
Operations Objectives
- Field data collection is conducted either through floating car studies or other methods at least once every Y years on major signalized arterials and X years on minor signalized arterials.
- X percent of intersections in the region are equipped and operating with traffic signals that enable real-time monitoring and management of traffic flows by year Y.
- X percent of major and minor arterials are equipped and operating with arterial link traffic data detection stations (or appropriate technology) per Z distance by year Y.
- X percent of major and minor arterials are equipped and operating with closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras per Z distance by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Number of field data collection studies performed every Y and X years on major and minor signalized arterials, respectively.
- Percent of intersections in the region equipped and operating with traffic signals that enable real-time monitoring and management of traffic flows.
- Percent of major and minor arterials equipped and operating with arterial link traffic data detection stations (or appropriate technology) per Z distance.
- Percent of major and minor arterials equipped and operating with closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras per Z distance.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of field studies performed on signalized arterials.
- Traffic signal capabilities inventory.
- Arterial link traffic data detection station inventory.
- CCTV camera inventory.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partner agencies that operate traffic signals in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
- M&O strategies directly follow from the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Arterial Management: Traffic Signal Management |
General Description
These objectives improve the management of traffic signal systems through advanced technology, increased reviews, and planning.
Operations Objectives18
- Maintain a program of evaluating X percent of signals for retiming every Y years.
- Increase the number of intersections running in a coordinated, closed-loop, or adaptive system by X percent in Y years.
- Special timing plans are available for use during freeway incidents, roadway construction activities, or other special events for X miles of arterials in the region by year Y.
- Crash data for all arterials in the region is reviewed every X years to determine if signal adjustments can be made to address a safety issue.
Performance Measures
- Number of traffic signals evaluated for retiming.
- Number of intersections running in a coordinated, closed-loop, or adaptive system.
- Number of miles of arterials that have at least one special timing plan for incidents, construction, or events.
- Number of years between reviews of crash data on all arterials for possible signal timing impacts.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Reports from operating agencies on signal retiming, signal capabilities, special timing plans, and crash data reviews.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partner agencies that operate arterials in the region and police departments that maintain traffic crash records.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies directly follow from the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Convert exclusive leading protected to exclusive lagging: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.85 with a standard error of 0.19 for all crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.23 to 0.47. For left-turn crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.51 with a standard error of 0.54. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.59 to 0.0. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
- Provide actuated control: The safety impact is apparent reduction in some crash types. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Signal coordination: The safety impact includes the potential for decreasing intersection crash rates, rear-end conflicts, and crashes during permitted turning movements at signalized intersections. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
3.3.5 Emergency/Incident Management
Emergency/Incident Management: Incident Duration |
General Description
This set of objectives focuses on reducing the duration of incidents on the transportation system. Three different categories are covered: Discovery and verification time, notification and response time, and clearance time. Verification includes determining the incident location and gathering sufficient information to enable an appropriate response.19
Operations Objectives
Discovery and Verification Time
- Reduce mean incident notification time (defined as the time between the first agency's awareness of an incident and the time to notify needed response agencies) by X percent over Y years (i.e., through "Motorist Assist" roving patrol programs, reduction of inaccurate verifications, etc.).
Notification and Response Time
- Reduce mean time for needed responders to arrive on-scene after notification by X percent over Y years.
Time to Clear Incident and Resume Traffic Flow
- Reduce mean incident clearance time per incident by X percent over Y years. (Defined as the time between awareness of an incident and the time the last responder has left the scene.)
- Reduce mean roadway clearance time per incident by X percent over Y years. (Defined as the time between awareness of an incident and restoration of lanes to full operational status.)
- Reduce mean time of incident duration (from awareness of incident to resumed traffic flow) on transit services and arterial and expressway facilities by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Average incident notification time of necessary response agencies.
- Mean time for needed responders to arrive on-scene after notification.
- Mean incident clearance time per incident.
- Mean roadway clearance time per incident.
- Mean time of incident duration.
Anticipated Data Needs
- For each incident of interest in the region, incident notification time and on-scene arrival time.
- Data needed for these measures include the time of the awareness of an incident and one or more of the following pieces of data: the time the last responder left the scene, the time when all lanes were re-opened, and the time when traffic returned to full operational status.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be tracked by the incident responders or operators at a traffic management center or emergency operations center with access to video of the scene. The partners needed for these measures would be all incident responders willing to support the objectives.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider in improving detection and verification of incidents include enhancing inter-agency voice and data communications systems, expanding the use of roving patrols, and CCTV cameras.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Employ emergency vehicle preemption: The safety impact is the potential for decreasing response times. Reviews of systems in several cities show a decrease in response times ranging from 14 to 50 percent. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
- Install emergency vehicle preemption systems: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.30 for all crashes. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Emergency/Incident Management: Person Hours of Delay |
General Description
The intent is to reduce person hours of delay due to traffic incidents.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the person hours (or vehicle hours) of total delay associated with traffic incidents by X percent over Y years.
Performance Measures
- Person hours (or vehicle hours) of delay associated with traffic incidents.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Total travel time in person hours (or vehicle hours) of travel impacted by incidents.
- Total travel time in person hours (or vehicle hours) of travel during free flow conditions.
Data Resources and Partners
- Due to the unpredictable nature of traffic incidents, travel time may need to be collected, stored, and then analyzed after incident times and locations are obtained. Partners needed include public safety agencies and departments of transportation.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Regions can reduce travel time delay due to incidents by shortening incident clearance time and providing travelers with information to avoid the incident area.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Accident Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.56 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.96 to 0.16. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Emergency/Incident Management: Evacuation Times |
General Description
This objective provides a focus on the safety and efficiency of emergency evacuation via surface transportation. The objective emphasizes per capita time to evacuate and allows for evaluation of large and small events involving large and small geographic areas and/or numbers of people.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the per capita time to evacuate Z persons in the region by X percent over Y years.
Performance Measures
- Per capita time to evacuate.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Time to evacuate region (or subarea).
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would likely need to be collected by emergency command staff and involve communication and coordination with field staff from all agencies involved with the evacuation.
- Emergency responders, police, fire, public safety, U.S. Transportation Security Administration, local and State DOTs, and public officials.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies for improving evacuation time in an emergency situation include interagency coordination and communication, responder training, and traffic engineering strategies (e.g., contraflow lanes).
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Employ emergency vehicle preemption: The safety impact for this technology is the potential for decreasing response times. Reviews of systems in several cities show a decrease in response times ranging from 14 to 50 percent. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 12 (effectiveness categorized as "proven").
Emergency/Incident Management: Customer Satisfaction |
General Description
The intent is to improve customer satisfaction with incident management in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Increase customer satisfaction with the region's incident management by X percent over Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percentage of customers satisfied with region's incident management practices.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Customer satisfaction surveys.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be gathered through surveys among transportation system users that had been using the system during the time of an incident.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider for improving customer satisfaction with TIM include extensive traveler information during incidents and reducing the duration of the incident.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Emergency/Incident Management: Traveler Information |
General Description
This section contains objectives that focus on providing travelers with accurate, timely, and actionable information about incidents and emergencies.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce time between incident/emergency verification and posting a traveler alert to traveler information outlets (e.g., variable message signs, agency website, 511 system) by X minutes in Y years.
- Increase number of repeat visitors to traveler information website (or 511 system) by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce the time between recovery from incident and removal of traveler alerts for that incident.
Performance Measures
- Time to alert motorists of an incident/emergency.
- Number of repeat visitors to traveler information website (or 511 system).
- Time between recovery from incident and removal of traveler alerts.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Data needed for these measures include the time of incident verification and variable message sign (VMS) posting, 511 entry, traveler information website log of the number of visitors, and the time of transportation system recovery and travel alert removal.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data on the time of incident recovery could be collected by TMC operators with video of incident scene or through continuous collection of traffic speeds. Partners would need to include agencies that manage traveler information websites, VMS, and emergency operations centers. Public safety partners may be needed for information on incident verification time.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider include training on disseminating traveler information on incidents as well as deploying and managing VMS and websites.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Accident Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.56 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 0.96 to 0.16. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore ,the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Emergency/Incident Management: Inter-Agency Coordination |
General Description
This section contains objectives that focus on increasing coordination and communication between agencies with responsibilities for traffic incident management.
Operations Objectives
- Increase percentage of incident management agencies in the region that (participate in a multi-modal information exchange network, use interoperable voice communications, participate in a regional coordinated incident response team, etc.) by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the number of corridors in the region covered by regional coordinated incident response teams by X percent in Y years.
- Hold at least X multi-agency after-action review meetings each year with attendance from at least Y percent of the agencies involved in the response to an incident.
- At least X percent of transportation operating agencies have a plan in place for a representative to be at the local or State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate strategic activities and response planning for transportation during emergencies by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percentage of incident management agencies in region participating in multi-modal information exchange network.
- Number of agencies in the region with interoperable voice communications.
- Number of participating agencies in a regional coordinated incident response team.
- Number of TIM corridors in the region covered by regional coordinated incident response teams.
- Number of multi-agency after-action reviews per year.
- Percentage of responding agencies participating in after-action review.
- X percent of transportation operating agencies that have a plan in place for a representative to be at the local (city or county) EOC or State EOC to coordinate strategic activities and response planning for transportation during emergencies.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Data needed for these measures include the number of agencies participating in a regional incident management program or activity, the number of corridors covered by a regional incident management team, and the number of after-action reviews held. Also needed is the number of transportation operating agencies in the region and the number that have a plan in place for a representative to be at an EOC.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data can be collected by observation of emergency/incident management programs or asking TIM and other emergency management agencies to self-report.
M&O Strategies to Consider
The M&O strategies to consider are inherent in these objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Emergency/Incident Management: Training |
General Description
This section contains objectives that focus on training incident management staff.
Operations Objectives
- Conduct X joint training exercises among operators and emergency responders in the region by year Y.
- By Y (year), X percent of staff in region with incident management responsibilities will have completed the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training and at least X percent of transportation responders in the region are familiar with the incident command structure (ICS).
Performance Measures
- Number of joint training exercises conducted among operators and emergency responders.
- Percent of staff having completed NIMS training and percent of transportation responders familiar with ICS.
Anticipated Data Needs
- The number of joint training exercises conducted in the region among operators and emergency responders
- The number of staff within each agency in the region that have incident management responsibilities as well as the number of staff that have completed the NIMS training.
- The number of transportation responder staff in the region familiar with ICS.
Data Resources and Partners
- A simple count of incident management staff and those that completed NIMS training would need to be collected from each TIM agency in the region. A survey or self-assessment could be used on a regional level for ICS familiarity.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider would include making the NIMS training widely available to all relevant staff in the region.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Emergency/Incident Management: Use of Technology |
General Description
This section contains objectives that focus on deploying technology needed to support traffic incident management.
Operations Objectives
- Increase number of ITS-related assets (e.g., roadside cameras, dynamic message signs, vehicle speed detectors) in use for incident and emergency detection/response by X in Y years.
- Increase number of regional road miles covered by ITS-related assets (e.g., roadside cameras, dynamic message signs, vehicle speed detectors) in use for incident detection/ response by X percent in Y years.
- Increase number of traffic signals equipped with emergency vehicle preemption by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Number of ITS-related assets in use for incident detection.
- Number of regional roadway miles covered by ITS-related assets in use for incident detection.
- Number of traffic signals equipped with emergency vehicle preemption.
Anticipated Data Needs
- The data needed for technology deployment objectives is simply a count of the assets deployed for TIM.
Data Resources and Partners
- Only data needed is a count of technology deployed.
M&O Strategies to Consider
The M&O strategies to consider are inherent in the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.6 Freeway Management
Freeway Management: Efficiency |
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the number of person hours (or vehicle hours) of delay experienced by travelers on the freeway system.
- Reduce the share of freeway miles at level of service (LOS) X by Y by year Z.
[See section on Efficiency-related objectives for others that apply to freeways]
Performance Measures
- Hours of delay (vehicle-hours or person-hours).
- Hours of delay per capita or driver.
- Miles at LOS or V/C > 1.0 (or other threshold).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Peak period and free flow travel time or speeds.
- Person travel along links (e.g., vehicle volume multiplied by vehicle occupancy).
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data on freeways, including State DOTs or transportation management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include managed lanes, ramp management, use of shoulder lanes during peak periods, traveler information, and other strategies to improve freeway throughput and manage demand and traffic flow.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies, and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Accident Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.56 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 0.96 to 0.16. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Install changeable fog warning signs: Safety impact includes the potential for a reduction in crashes during fog conditions on freeways. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Freeway Management: Reliability |
General Description
These objectives aim to reduce the variability in travel time on the freeway system so that users experience a more consistent and predictable trip time.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce buffer index on the freeway system during peak and off-peak periods by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce delay associated with incidents on the freeway system by X
percent by year Y.
[See section on System Reliability for additional information on buffer index, planning index, and other measures.]
Performance Measures
- The buffer index (represents the extra time ("buffer") travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips in order to arrive on-time 95 percent of the time).
- Hours of delay associated with incidents.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time (daily figures, to calculate 95 percentile travel time).
- Crash data.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data on freeways, including State DOTs or transportation management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include managed lanes, incident management, work zone management, special events management, and traveler information.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non injury crashes the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Freeway Management: Managed Lanes |
General Description
The objectives in this category focus on increasing the availability of or improving the operation of managed lanes. Managed lanes are intended to keep traffic flowing through techniques such as time-of-day restrictions, vehicle type restrictions (e.g., high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes and truck-only toll ways), and/or pricing (charging motorists for access, e.g., high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes).
Operations Objectives
- Increase the miles of managed lanes in the region from X to Y by year Z.
- Provide options for reliable travel times for certain types of travel (e.g., transit, carpools, trucks, etc.) on at least X percent of the freeway network by year Y.
- Ensure that all managed lanes (e.g., HOV lanes, HOT lanes) operate at no less than X mph during their hours of operation.
- Ensure that all managed lanes (e.g., HOV lanes, HOT lanes) operate with a volume of at least X vehicles per hour.
- Ensure that all managed lanes (e.g., HOV lanes, HOT lanes) carry a throughput of at least Y persons per hour.
Performance Measures
- Miles of managed lanes.
- Share of freeway network with managed lanes (by class of traveler).
- Average speeds in managed lanes.
- Vehicle volumes in managed lanes.
- Passenger volumes in managed lanes.
Anticipated Data Needs
- System information (e.g., miles of managed lanes).
- Speed and/or volume data from ITS systems, transponders, etc.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, including State DOTs, transit agencies, cities, counties, or transportation management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies designed to offer time savings to various classes of road users could include truck only lanes, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and high occupancy toll (HOT lanes), and could be established as contraflow or reversible lanes.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install shoulder bus lanes: The crash modification factor for this treatment is between 0.92 and 0.14 depending on crash severity and crash type. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008. Note: The existing number of crashes is multiplied by the crash modification factor to determine the number of crashes following implementation of a treatment.
Freeway Management: HOV Lanes |
General Description
The objectives in this category focus on increasing the availability of or improving the operation of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. HOV lanes are intended to provide a faster and more reliable travel time for carpools, vanpools, and buses, thereby encouraging higher levels of ridesharing and transit use.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the number of HOV lane miles from X to Y by year Z.
- Provide options for reliable travel times for carpools and transit on at least X percent of the freeway network by year Y.
- Ensure that all HOV lanes operate at no less than X mph during their hours of operation.
- Ensure that all HOV lanes operate with a volume of at least X vehicles per hour.
- Ensure that all HOV lanes carry a throughput of at least Y persons per hour.
- Increase the average vehicle occupancy rate in HOV lanes to X by year Y.
- Increase the compliance rate for HOV lanes to X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Total number of HOV lane miles in a region.
- Share of freeway network with HOV lanes.
- Minimum and average speeds in HOV lanes.
- Vehicle volume and persons per hour per lane.
- Percent of vehicles violating HOV restrictions.
Anticipated Data Needs
- System information (e.g., miles of managed lanes).
- Speed and/or volume data from ITS systems, transponders, speed studies, etc.
- Vehicle violation data from law enforcement.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, such as State DOTs, cities, counties, or transportation management centers.
- Law enforcement, which may provide information on HOV violations recorded.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider include identification of under-performing HOV lanes, consideration of peak-hour operation only, HOV bypass lanes at ramp meters, and access to park-and-ride facilities that provide a location for individuals to transfer from single occupant vehicles to a high-occupancy mode of travel.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Freeway Management: Pricing and Tolling |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on use of pricing to manage demand, such as by charging a premium to users who want to drive during peak periods.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percentage of users carrying electronic toll collection (ETC) transponders by X percent by year Y.
- Increase the share of toll roadways and bridges that are using variable pricing (e.g., congestion pricing) to X percent by year Y.
- Increase the share of freeways that are priced to X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percentage of drivers with ETC transponders.
- Share of toll roads and bridges using variable pricing.
- Lane miles that are priced.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Total number of users (annually) with ETC transponders.
- System information (e.g., miles of priced facilities).
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, such as State DOTs, cities, counties, or transportation management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider include dynamic/congestion pricing, electronic toll collection, and automated enforcement.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Freeway Management: Ramp Management |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on the application of control devices, such as traffic signals, signing, and gates, to regulate the number of vehicles entering or leaving the freeway in order to achieve operational objectives.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percent of freeway interchanges operating at LOS Z or higher during peak periods by X percent by year Y.
- Reduce the number of congestion-inducing incidents occurring at freeway ramps by X percent by year Y.
- Increase the number freeway ramps currently metered by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of interchanges operating at LOS Z or above during peak periods (per year).
- Total number of congestion-inducing incidents at freeway interchanges during peak period (per year).
- Total number of ramp meters (by year of installation).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Traffic volume and level of service data (e.g., traffic counts) at selected interchanges.
- Total number of congestion-related incidents at selected interchanges.
- Number of freeway ramp meters and year of installation.
Data Resources and Partners
- Providers of travel data, including traffic volumes and incidents, such as State DOTs, cities, counties, and transportation management centers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Ramp management strategies typically encompass ramp metering, ramp closure, special use treatments (e.g., HOV, special events, etc.), and ramp terminal treatments.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Freeway Management: Transportation Management Centers |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on monitoring the operation of the freeway system and initiating control strategies that effect changes in the operation of the network.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the level of transportation management center (TMC) field hardware (cameras, variable message signs, electronic toll tag readers, ITS applications, etc.) by X percent by year Y.
- Increase the hours of TMC operation and level of staffing by X percent by year Y.
- Increase the percent of regional transportation system monitored by the TMC for realtime performance.
Performance Measures
- Total amount of TMC equipment.
- Number of hours of TMC operation and number of staff serving the TMC.
- Percent of regional transportation system monitored by the TMC for real-time performance.
Anticipated Data Needs
- TMC operational data (e.g., level of performance monitoring, number of events managed, level of services provided to aid motorists, etc.).
Data Resources and Partners
- Transportation management center and transportation agency partners.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include managing the operation of the transportation system by communicating travel condition information, making necessary modifications to traffic and transit control systems, and directing response activities.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.7 Freight Management
Freight Management: Customer Satisfaction |
General Description
The intent of this objective is to improve freight shippers', receivers', and carriers' satisfaction with freight mobility in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Increase ratings for customer satisfaction with freight mobility in the region among shippers, receivers, and carriers by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percentage of customers satisfied with region's freight management practices.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Customer satisfaction surveys.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be gathered through surveys among users and providers of the region's freight-related transportation system.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider for improving customer satisfaction with freight management include infrastructure and technology improvements. Additional strategies include providing rest areas and services for long-haul truckers.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Freight Management: Travel Time Delay |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on reducing travel-time delay for regional freight transportation
Operations Objectives
- Increase the mobility index (defined below) by X percent in Y years.
- Decrease the annual average travel time index for freight by X points in Y years.
- Decrease point-to-point travel times on selected freight-significant highways by Y minutes within Y years.
- Decrease hours of delay per 1,000 vehicle miles traveled on selected freight-significant highways by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Mobility index for system users defined as [Ton-miles of travel] / [Vehicle-miles of travel *Average speed].20
- Travel time index: ratio of observed average travel time to free-flow travel time.
- Point-to-point travel times on selected freight-significant highways.
- Hours of delay per 1,000 vehicle miles on selected freight-significant highways.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Ton-miles of travel for freight, vehicles-miles of travel for freight, and average speed (can be derived from travel time, if necessary).
- Observed travel time and free-flow travel time.
- Point-to-point travel time on selected freight-significant facilities.
- Average travel time and traffic volumes on selected freight-significant facilities.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by agencies responsible for operation of the roadways and/ or freight operators responsible for operation of the vehicles (e.g., trucks, trains).
- State and local DOTs, freight carriers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Regions can reduce travel time delay for freight by increasing traveler information across the region, weigh-in-motion weigh stations, travel demand management programs, and freight only lanes.
Safety-related Impacts
Select example of associated M&O strategies, and its safety impacts include:
- Modify access point density: The safety impact of reducing the number of access points is potential reduction in injury and non-injury crash frequency, as well as angle and sideswipe collisions at intersections and mid-block areas. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Freight Management: Travel Time Reliability |
General Description
Objectives in the area of travel-time reliability for freight aim to reduce the variability in travel time so that users experience a consistent and predictable trip time for the movement of goods on the surface transportation system.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce buffer index on regional freight routes during peak and off-peak periods by X percent in Y years.[See System Reliability for additional information on buffer index.]
Performance Measures21
Buffer index on regional freight routes during peak and off-peak period.
The buffer index represents the extra time (buffer) freight travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips. This is the extra time between the average travel time and near worst case travel time (95th percentile), whereas the planning time index represents the extra time between the free-flow travel time and the near-worst case travel time (95th percentile). The buffer index is stated as a percentage of the average travel time.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time during peak and off-peak periods on freight routes.
Data Resources and Partners
- Travel time estimates directly calculated from continuous probe vehicle data, estimates from continuous point-based detector data, data collected in periodic special studies, or estimation created through simulation.22
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies to consider include traveler information, road weather management practices, quick clearance of incidents, truck-only lanes and truck-only toll facilities.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Modify access point density: The safety impact of reducing the number of access points is potential reduction in injury and non-injury crash frequency, as well as angle and sideswipe collisions at intersections and mid-block areas. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Freight Management: Border Crossing |
General Description
The intent of this objective is to reduce travel time delay at international border crossings for freight transportation in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Decrease average crossing times at international borders by X minutes for each border in the region over Y years.
- Increase the use of electronic credentialing to X percent of weigh stations and border crossings by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Average border crossing time for freight at international borders per year.
- Percent of weigh stations and border crossings in the region that use electronic credentialing.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Time between freight vehicle entering border area to the time freight vehicle exits border area.
- Count of weigh stations and border crossings using electronic credentialing.
Data Resources and Partners
- Potential data resources are trucking companies that use trucks equipped with AVL. Potential partners include the U.S. Customs Service and other agencies operating at the border.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider include the use of commercial vehicle information systems and networks (CVISN) and traveler information to alert commercial vehicle drivers of delays at borders and possible alternatives. Additional strategies include installation, maintenance, and training in the use of electronic credentialing and dynamic pricing.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Freight Management: Intermodal Facilities |
General Description
The intent is to reduce the frequency and duration of delays at intermodal facilities where goods can transfer between modes.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the frequency of delays per month at intermodal facilities by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce the average duration of delays per month at intermodal facilities by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Frequency of delays per month at intermodal facilities where a delay is defined as an addition of Z minutes to free flow conditions.
- Average duration of delays per month at intermodal facilities.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time of goods through intermodal facilities in the region.
Data Resources and Partners
- Freight carriers and port authorities would be potential sources of data and partners in measuring performance.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include on-site weight-in-motion facilities at intermodal hubs, automated inspection technology, pre-sorting of containers by complexity of inspection, and other logistical actions.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Freight Management: Detours and Routing |
General Description
The intent is to reduce the impact on freight when detours and re-routing is necessary due to incidents, emergencies, events, construction, weather, or choke points.
Operations Objectives
- X percent of freeway and major arterial detours can accommodate commercial vehicles by year Y.
- Provide freight operators with traveler alerts and alternate routes in the case of incidents, special events, weather, construction, and severe congestion at choke points on X percent of freight-significant routes by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of detours of freeways and major arterials that can accommodate commercial vehicles.
- Percent of freight-significant routes where traveler alerts and alternate route information is provided in the case of incidents, special events, weather, construction, and severe congestion at choke points.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of detours accommodating commercial vehicles.
- Freight traveler information coverage.
Data Resources and Partners
- State DOTs, local DOTs, freight carriers, port authorities would be potential sources of data and partners in measuring performance.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include detection of incidents/congestion and dissemination of traveler alerts and detours. Strategies also include developing region-wide map of potential freight detours.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.8 Special Event Management
Special Event Management: Entry/Exit Travel Times |
General Description
The objectives in this category focus on reducing the travel time for entering and exiting a special event. This section includes related objectives such as customer satisfaction of event management, event clearance, and the reliability of travel time to events.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce average travel time into and out of the event by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce average time to clear event's exiting queue by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce non-special event VMT in the event area during events by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce buffer time index for travelers to multiple similar special events by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Average travel time to selected special events from a set of locations in the area over a year.
- Average travel time away from selected special events to a set of locations over a year.
- Average time to clear event's exiting queue by year per event.
- Non-special event VMT in the event area during events over a year.
- Buffer time index for travelers to multiple similar special events.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel time to and from a set of special events.
- Time to clear an event's exiting queue in terms of vehicles as well as people exiting via transit, walking, or biking.
- Vehicle miles traveled for vehicles not associated with special event.
Data Resources and Partners
- Example methods of obtaining travel times include probes in the traffic stream (MAC reader technology, AVL technology on transit vehicles, CCTV surveillance, etc.), speed sensors and segment lengths, and intercept surveys of arriving event patrons.
- Non-special event VMT would likely be recorded for key facilities providing access to the event. Facility operators (DOTs, transit agencies, etc.) would collect counts at key locations that allow differentiation between event and non-event traffic.
- Agencies that may be involved in collecting data would include highway, arterial, and transit facility operators, signal system operators, public safety officials, parking authorities, and special event management staff.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Travel demand management strategies such as efforts in encouraging transit, car pooling, biking, walking, and other non-single occupancy vehicle modes of transportation, provide ways to improve entry and exit travel times to events. Other strategies include creating a special event signalization or special event management plan, traffic/parking management staff training, traveler information, and route management for event and non-event traffic.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Special Event Management: Mode Shift from Single Occupancy Vehicle |
General Description
The intent is to minimize the use of single-occupancy vehicles by special event attendees by encouraging the use of other modes.
Operations Objectives
- Decrease the percent of special event attendees traveling to the event in single-occupancy vehicles by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the percent of special event attendees using park & ride lots by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the percent of special events with dedicated shuttle service by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percent of special event attendees using single occupancy vehicles each year for selected events.
- Percent of special event attendees utilizing park & ride lots each year for selected events.
- Percent of special events with dedicated shuttle service for selected events during a 1-year period.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of special event attendees and number of single occupancy vehicles arriving at event.
- Number of special event attendees and number of attendees using park & ride lots for a sample of events.
- Number of special events in region and number of events with dedicated shuttle service.
Data Resources and Partners
- The data resources needed include counts at special events for single occupancy vehicles and the number of people using park & ride lots. Estimates for park & ride lots could be developed though automatic passenger counters (or manual counts) on park & ride lot shuttles.
- Special event managers and park & ride operators would be the key partners for these objectives.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include park and ride lots, shuttle service, restricting parking availability, and pricing as well as locating special events at sites that are accessible to transit, walking, and biking.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Special Event Management: Traveler Information |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on the use of traveler information to manage the movement of people and goods into and out of special events safely and efficiently.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the methods of effectively disseminating special event information to travelers by X percent in Y years (e.g., media releases, highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, commercial AM and FM radio).
- Increase the percentage of planned special events (with attendance above Z) with information on anticipated and actual travel conditions being disseminated to the traveling public at least X hours prior to the event.
Performance Measures
- Number of effective methods to disseminate special event information to travelers.
- Percent of special events with expected attendance over Z that traveler information is disseminated at least X hours prior to the event.
Anticipated Data Needs
- A count of the available traveler information dissemination channels.
- A count of major special events with and without the dissemination of traveler information ahead of the event.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data could be collected through surveys of special event management agencies on methods used for information dissemination and the use of traveler information at major events.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include the range of communication techniques to support traveler information for special events as well as creating a special event signalization plan or a special event management plan with components on disseminating traveler information.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Special Event Management: Parking Management
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on the use of parking management during special events to encourage a more efficient use of existing parking facilities and to improve the quality of service for users.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the number of special events that use shared parking facilities (e.g., parking lots of nearby businesses or organizations) by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the use of flexible pricing mechanisms near special event locations on X percent of parking spaces in Y years.
- Increase on-street parking restrictions on X percent of widely used routes during special events in Y years.
- Decrease the time spent clearing special event venue parking lots of vehicles by X percent in Y years following each event.
Performance Measures
- Number of special events that use shared parking facilities.
- Percent of parking spaces near special event locations that use flexible pricing mechanisms.
- Percent of routes widely used during planned special events with on-street parking restrictions.
- Percent decrease in time to clear parking lots.
Anticipated Data Needs
- A count of special events using shared use parking facilities
- Count of parking spaces near special event locations with and without flexible pricing mechanisms.
- Determination of the most widely used routes during special events and count of those routes with on-street parking restrictions.
- Time to clear special event parking lots following each special event.
Data Resources and Partners
- Staff time or technology would be needed to count the number of available parking spaces, assess widely used commuter routes during special events, and record clearance time for parking lots after events.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include shared parking with nearby facilities, priced parking, transportation demand management, and park and ride. These strategies could be outlined within a special event management plan.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Special Event Management: Multi-Agency Coordination and Training |
General Description
This section contains objectives that focus on efforts to improve multi-agency collaboration and training for special event management.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percentage of special event stakeholder agencies participating in a regional event management team to X percent by year Y.
- Increase the number of agencies with special event management responsibilities that use interoperable communications by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the percentage of special events that include a pre-event and post-event briefing by X percent in Y years.
- Increase the number of special event-related exercises performed among stakeholders by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percent of stakeholder agencies participating agencies in a regional special event management team.
- Number of agencies special event management responsibilities using interoperable communications.
- Percent of special events that include a pre-event and post-event briefing.
- Number of special event-related exercises performed among stakeholders.
Anticipated Data Needs
- The number of special event management stakeholder agencies and, of them, the number that participate each year in a regional event management team.
- A count of special events with pre- and post-event briefings, number of special event-related exercises, and number of special event management agencies using interoperable communication systems.
Data Resources and Partners
- The data for these objectives would need to come from the agencies involved in special event management. It could be gathered through phone calls or surveys of these agencies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider include developing a special event management plan with components on multi-agency coordination and training efforts.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Special Event Management: Use of Technology |
General Description
The objective in this section focuses on deploying and using technology to improve special event management.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percent of major special events using ITS-related assets (e.g., roadside cameras, dynamic message signs, vehicle speed detectors) to detect and manage special event entry/exit bottlenecks and incidents by X percent in Y years.
- Implement special event traffic signal timing plans at X percent of major special events each year beginning in year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of special events using ITS-related assets to detect and manage incidents/ bottlenecks at entry/exit routes of the events.
- Percent of major special events each year in which a special event traffic signal timing plan was implemented.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of special events in the region and number of special events with ITS assets used for detecting/managing bottlenecks and incidents at entry/exit routes of events.
- Number of major special events where signal timing plans were and were not implemented.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data for this measure would need to come from special event managers who would potentially use ITS for monitoring travel and disseminating information.
- State and local DOTs, ITS operators, emergency responders, and special event managers who would need to coordinate event planning, routing, and information dissemination.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include ITS deployment to support special event management, developing a special event signalization plan or special event management plan that identifies areas of the system that could benefit from technology improvements to coordinate special events, special event management planning and coordination among regional partners, monitoring and response to special event-related incidents, post-event debriefs, and implementation improvements.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Convert exclusive leading protected to exclusive lagging: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.85 with a standard error of 0.19 for all crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.23 to 0.47. For left-turn crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.51 with a standard error of 0.54. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.59 to 0.0. Source: FHWA Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, 2008. Note: A crash modification factor is multiplied by the existing number of crashes to determine the number of crashes following the implementation of a treatment.
3.3.9 Transit Operations and Management
Transit Operations and Management: Service Directness |
General Description
This sheet contains objectives on improving transit service with limiting the number and time of transfers.
Operations Objectives
- At least X percent of trips can be made with no more than Y transfers.
- Scheduled transfer times between routes should be no longer than X minutes.
Performance Measures
- Percent of trips with no more than Y transfers.
- Scheduled transfer times between routes.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Transit trip origin and destination data is needed.
- Scheduled arrival and departure times at transfer points between routes.
Data Resources and Partners
- The data resources will likely come from transit schedules and transit rider surveys for origin and destinations.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to minimize the number of transfers rely on the determination of transit trip characteristics, which allows transit routes to be adjusted to reduce the number of transfers.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Loading Standards |
General Description
This sheet contains objectives on improving transit loading standards.
Operations Objectives
- Load factors for (route type) routes at each route's busiest point should not exceed X on any vehicle (or on the average vehicle) during peak/off-peak periods.
- Passenger loads on (route type) routes at each route's busiest point should not exceed X passengers on any vehicle (or on average) during the hour during peak/off-peak periods
- No more than X standees should be present at each route's busiest point on any vehicle (or on the average vehicle) during peak/off-peak periods.
- No passenger will have to stand for more than X minutes during their journey.
Performance Measures
- Load factor.
- Maximum passenger loads.
- Maximum standees.
- Duration of standee time.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Transit ridership data is required.
- Passenger standing time.
Data Resources and Partners
- The transit agency is the key partner for these objectives.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies include strategic infrastructure improvements to match with the busiest points along transit routes.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information |
General Description
This sheet contains objectives on improving passenger shelters/platforms and amenities.
Operations Objectives
- Equip X shelters/platforms with real-time arrival displays annually.
- Increase the number of web-based trip planner requests each year by X percent.
- All stops have up-to-date schedule information available within X days of schedule changes.
- Transit traveler information is available in the region via 511 web and phone service by year Y.
- Install Wi-Fi service on X number of routes annually.
Performance Measures
- Number of shelters/platforms equipped with real-time arrival displays per year.
- Number of web-based trip planner requests per year.
- Percent of stops with up-to-date schedule information available within X days of schedule changes.
- Availability of transit traveler information on 511 web and phone service.
- The number of routes in which Wi-Fi service was installed.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Count of shelters/platforms with arrival displays.
- Web page usage statistics for trip planning requests.
- Count of stops with up-to-date schedule information (within a specified timeframe).
- Inclusion of transit traveler information on 511 services.
- Count of routes in which Wi-Fi service was installed per year.
Data Resources and Partners
- The transit agency is the key partner for this objective.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies are inherent in the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Customer Service/Safety |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on improving transit customer service, improving personal safety (e.g. reducing crime on transit vehicles that affects customer perceptions of safety), and improving security related to reducing vandalism and graffiti in a region.
Operations Objectives
- Decrease by X percent on an annual basis the number of complaints per 1,000 boarding passengers.
- Increase the number of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed by X percent in Y years on platforms, park-n-ride lots, vehicles, and other transit facilities.
- Increase customer service and personal safety ratings by X percent within Y years.
- Decrease the number of personal safety incidents by X percent within Y years.
Performance Measures
- Complaint rate.
- Number of CCTV cameras on platforms, park-n-ride lots, vehicles, and other transit facilities.
- Personal safety and customer service ratings.
- Number of reported personal safety incidents.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Count of complaints made by customers to transit agencies and number of total transit boardings by agency.
- Count of CCTV cameras on transit property.
- Customer satisfaction survey evaluating safety and customer service.
- Transit boardings.
- Reported number of safety incidents.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be provided by the transit agencies in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to improve customer service and safety could involve additional police/security staff around transit stations, improved staff/security training, better information about vehicle arrivals, and more frequent cleaning of transit vehicles and facilities.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Rapid Transit |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on improving rapid transit service in a region.
Operations Objectives
- Improve average travel speeds by X percent for specified rapid transit routes every Y years.
- Improve average on-time performance for specified rapid transit routes by X percent annually.
- Provide rapid transit travel times equal to or less than average auto travel times on same corridors/parallel corridors for X number of routes over Y years.
Performance Measures
- Average rapid transit travel speeds for specified rapid transit routes.
- Average rapid transit on-time performance for specified rapid transit routes.
- Number of rapid transit routes operating with travel times equal to or less than average auto travel times on same corridors/parallel corridors.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Travel speeds of transit vehicles for specified rapid transit routes.
- Percent of on-time arrivals/departures for specified rapid transit routes.
- Average travel time for transit vehicles on specified rapid transit routes and average auto travel time for same corridor or parallel corridor.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be provided by the transit agencies and the MPO in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to improve rapid transit service could include making improvements to existing infrastructure (stations/platforms, exclusive bus lanes, etc.), vehicles, fare collection systems, and scheduling. Also, interim improvements to existing local and express routes that include rapid transit elements while working towards full implementation.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Transit Signal Priority |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on implementation of transit signal priority systems to improve transit performance and reliability in a region.
Operations Objectives
- Increase implementation of transit signal priority strategies on X number of routes (or X number of intersections) over the next Y years.
- Decrease system-wide signal delay on transit routes by X percent per year.
- Decrease delay by X percent per year by increasing the use of queue jumping and automated vehicle location.
Performance Measures
- Number of transit routes/intersections equipped with transit signal priority capability.
- System-wide signalized stop delay on transit routes.
- Travel time delay on routes with queue jumping and automated vehicle location in use.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Count of transit routes/intersections with transit signal priority capabilities.
- AVL data with location and travel time delay.
- Signal operations/green time reports.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be provided by the transit agencies and traffic signal operating agencies in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to increase transit signal priority implementation could involve identification and prioritization of routes or transit corridors that are candidates for implementing transit signal priority systems. Another strategy may include collaboration with the traffic management agency to leverage transit signal priority implementation with traffic signal system upgrades.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Automated Fare Collection |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on implementing and integrating automated fare collection in a region.
Operations Objectives
- Implement an automated fare collection system in Y years for X percent of transit providers in the region.
- Integrate X additional modes/services into automated fare collection system by Y years.
- Increase use of system by X percent per year.
- Increase by X percentage points, every Y years, the percent of transfers performed with automated fare cards.
Performance Measures
- Percent of transit providers using the region's automated fare collection system.
- Number of additional modes/service integrated into the fare collection system.
- Percent of fares collected using automated fare collection.
- Percent of total transfers performed with automated fare cards.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of transit providers and additional modes/services implementing automated fare collection system.
- Farebox data – number of fares collected through automated system.
- Number of transfers performed using automated fare card.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be provided by the transit agencies in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to increase implementation and utilization of automated fare collection could involve integrating the system across multiple modes or services, implementing a consistent system with other connecting transit services, and implementing a marketing campaign to increase awareness and utilization.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Transit Operations and Management: Park-and-Ride Support |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on improving knowledge of, and support for, park-and-ride lot connections to transit service in a region.
Operations Objectives
- Increase traveler awareness of park-and-ride lots by X percent within Y years.
- Increase pedestrian and bicycle access to park-and-ride lots by X percent within Y years.
- Increase the number of automobile and bicycle spaces by X percent within Y years for lots currently experiencing X percent utilization.
Performance Measures
- Number of users aware of park-and-ride lots in their region.
- Percent of park-and-ride areas with pedestrian and bicycle access.
- Number of auto/bicycle spaces at the park-and-ride lots.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Customer survey measuring knowledge of regional park and ride lots.
- Number of secure bicycle storage areas.
- Number of bicycle routes.
- Number of crosswalks.
- Number of park-and-ride lots meeting ADA standards.
- Parking utilization studies for bicycle and auto spaces.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by transit agencies to determine amenities of the park-and-ride lots.
- Partners needed include departments of transportation, intermodal facility operators, and transit agencies to coordinate the expansion of park-and-ride lots, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies to consider include those that make park-and-ride lots easier to use with technologies such as electronic payment systems and park and ride space finders. Additionally, strategies that increase transit use would also increase park-and-ride lot use.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.10 Travel Demand Management
Travel Demand Management: Auto Commuter Trip Reduction Programs |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on commuter trip reduction programs for employers.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percentage of major employers (employers with at least Z employees) actively participating in transportation demand management programs by X percent within Y years.
- Reduce commuter vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per regional job by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percent of major employers with active TDM programs.
- Commuter VMT per regional employee.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of major employers with and without active TDM programs.
- Number of regional employees and total commute VMT.
Data Resources and Partners
- Department of Labor, Transportation Management Associations, Business Licensing Bureaus.
- Travel behavior surveys for commute mode choice, US Census Bureau.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies include guaranteed ride home program; commuter financial incentives (parking cash out and transit allowances); alternative scheduling (flextime and compressed work weeks); telework; bicycle parking and changing facilities at major employer locations; worksite amenities such as on-site childcare, restaurants, and shops to reduce the need to drive for errands; company travel reimbursement policies for bicycle or transit mileage for business trips; company vehicles to eliminate the need for employees to drive to work in order to have their cars for business travel; proximate commuting, which allows employees to shift to worksites that are closest to their home (for employers who have multiple work locations, such as banks and other large organizations); worksite locations that reflect location-efficient development principles; and employer strategies to encourage bicycling and walking, including safe and secure storage for bicycles and shower and locker facilities.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Travel Demand Management: Commuter Shuttle Service |
General Description
The objective in this sheet focuses on promoting commuter shuttle services.
Operations Objectives
- Annually promote shuttle service between X major activity centers and major destinations that are not already accommodated within 1/4 mile by other transit services.
Performance Measures
- Percent of residents in region receiving marketing material on shuttle service opportunities.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Shuttle service and transit route maps.
- Count of residents in applicable areas receiving shuttle marketing materials.
Data Resources and Partners
- Employers, transportation management associations, travel demand management programs, transit agencies, and State and local DOTs.
M&O Strategies to Consider
The M&O strategy is inherent in the objective.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Travel Demand Management: Carpool/Vanpool |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on carpool and vanpool travel.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the number of carpools by X percent over the next Y years.
- Increase use of vanpools by X percent over the next Y years.
- Provide carpool/vanpool matching and ridesharing information services by year Y.
- Reduce trips per year in region by X percent through carpools/vanpools.
- Create and share regional carpool/vanpool database with Z number of employers per year.
Performance Measures
- Share of household trips by each mode of travel.
- Number of trips in region.
- Availability of carpool/vanpool matching and ridesharing information services.
- Number of employers with access to regional carpool/vanpool database.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Mode share and total trips in region.
- Count of employers with access to regional carpool/vanpool database.
Data Resources and Partners
- Survey data, such as the Census Journey to Work Survey or other mode share surveys.
- Employer surveys of employee commuting patterns.
- Household surveys of travel behaviors including mode choice, frequency of trip making and vehicle occupancy.
- Partners include employers, transportation management associations, travel demand management programs, transit agencies, State and local DOTs, Commuters, non-auto advocacy groups, and research firms.
M&O Strategies to Consider
The M&O strategy is inherent in the objective.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Travel Demand Management: Walking/Bicycling |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on walking and bicycling incentives.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the number of travelers commuting via walking and/or bicycling by X percent over Y years.
- Annually update bicycle/pedestrian map for accuracy.
- Increase the number of available tools for travelers that incorporate a bicycle/pedestrian component by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Number of travelers commuting via walking and/or bicycling.
- Number of months since the last update of the bicycle/pedestrian map.
- Number of traveler tools with a bicycle/pedestrian component.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Count of commuters walking and/or bicycling.
- Date of bicycle/pedestrian map update.
- Count of traveler tools with a bicycle/pedestrian component.
Data Resources and Partners
- Employers, transportation management associations, travel demand management programs, transit agencies, and State and local DOTs.
- Commuters, non-auto advocacy groups, research firms.
M&O Strategies to Consider
The M&O strategies are inherent in the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on managing parking in support of managing travel demand.
Operations Objectives
- Implement shared parking for X communities every Y years.
- Implement parking pricing for X communities every Y years.
- Install parking meters along X corridors by year Y in the urban core/transit supportive areas.
- Increase the number of residents/commuters receiving information on parking pricing and availability within Y years.
- Increase park-and-ride lot capacity by X percent over Y years.
- Biannually increase preferred parking spaces for carpool/vanpool participants within downtown, at special events, and among major employers by X percent within Y years.
Performance Measures
- Number of communities with shared parking.
- Number of communities with priced parking stalls.
- Number of corridors in urban core/transit supportive areas with parking meters.
- Number of residents/commuters receiving information on parking pricing and availability.
- Capacity of park & ride lots.
- Number of preferred parking spaces for carpool/vanpool participants.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Count of communities with shared parking and priced parking stalls.
- Count of corridors with parking meters.
- Count of residents/commuters exposed to parking information.
- Park-and-ride lot capacity data.
- Count of preferred parking spaces.
Data Resources and Partners
- Employers, county/city staff, transit agencies, and special event managers.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies are inherent in the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:- Prohibit on-street parking: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.58 with a standard error of 0.08 for all crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 0.74 to 0.42. For injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.78 with a standard error of 0.05. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.88 to 0.68. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Convert free to regulated parking: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.94 with a standard error of 0.08 for injury crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.10 to 0.78. For non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.81 with a standard error of 0.05. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.91 to 0.71. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Implement time-limited parking restrictions: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.89 with a standard error of 0.06 for all crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.01 to 0.77. For parking-related crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.21 with a standard error of 0.09. Therefore the range of the crash modification factor is 0.39 to 0.03. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: A crash modification factor is multiplied by the existing number of crashes to determine the number of crashes following the implementation of a treatment.
Travel Demand Management: Marketing |
General Description
The objectives in this sheet focus on using marketing and communications to manage demand for travel.
Operations Objectives
- Develop and provide travel option services to X identified communities and audiences within Y years.
- Construct visitor information centers in X communities by year Y.
- Create a transportation access guide, which provides concise directions to reach destinations by alternative modes (transit, walking, bike, etc.) by year Y.
- Develop and enhance (e.g., through ease of navigation techniques) X number of web-based traveler information tools.
Performance Measures
- Number of communities receiving travel option services.
- Number of communities in which visitor information centers are constructed.
- Implementation of transportation access guide.
- Number of web-based traveler information tools developed or enhanced.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Count of communities with travel option services and visitor information centers.
- Count of web-based traveler information tools.
Data Resources and Partners
- Employers, transportation management associations, travel demand management programs, transit agencies, and State and local DOTs.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies are inherent in objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
3.3.11 Travel Weather Management
Travel Weather Management: Clearance Time (Weather-Related Debris) |
General Description
The intent is to improve the time needed to clear the transportation system of weather-related debris (fallen limbs and trees, snow and ice, power lines and poles, etc.) so that safe and efficient travel can resume.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce average time to complete clearing (mode, hierarchy of facilities, or sub area of region) of weather-related debris after weather impact by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce average time to complete clearing (interstates, freeways, expressways, all roads, main tracks, and main sidewalks) of weather-related debris after weather impact by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Average time to clear selected surface transportation facilities of weather-related debris after weather impact.
Anticipated Data Needs
- The data needed for this objective would be the time in which the transportation facility surface has been impacted by the debris and the time required to clear selected facilities and restore them to full operation.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data needed for this performance measure would come from road or rail weather sensors, observations from meteorologists, or road maintenance staff on the roads. Data on the time to clear would need to be obtained from road maintenance managers and staff.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider in the quick clearance of roads impacted by weather would include pre-positioned debris removal vehicles, collaboration with weather forecasting services, dissemination of weather information to travelers, and preventative techniques such as spreading de-icing material prior to storm.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Raise standards for winter maintenance: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.89 with a standard error of 0.02 for all crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 0.93 to 0.85. For non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.73 with a standard error of 0.02. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 0.77 to 0.69. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: A crash modification factor is multiplied by the existing number of crashes to determine the number of crashes following the implementation of a treatment.
- Raise the state of preparedness for winter maintenance: Appears to have no effect on crash frequency. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Apply preventive chemical anti-icing during entire winter season: The safety impact is potential reduction in injury crashes. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Travel Weather Management: Detours for Impacted Roadways |
General Description
This category addresses making improvements in helping travelers avoid sections of roadway that are dangerous and would cause them substantial delay.
Operations Objectives
- Increase by X percent the number of significant travel routes covered by weather-related diversion plans by year Y.
- Increase the percent of agencies that have adopted multi-agency weather-related transportation operations plans and that are involved in transportation operations during weather events to X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of significant travel routes covered by weather-related diversion plans.
- Percent of agencies involved in transportation operations during weather events that have adopted multi-agency, weather-related transportation operations plans.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of weather-related division plans.
- Total number of agencies involved in transportation operations during weather events and the number of those agencies that have adopted multi-agency diversion plans.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partners needed for collecting data would be the operators (including public safety) of the impacted roads and owners of the diversion plans.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Successfully developing plans for alternate routes during weather events requires significant preparations and collaboration between jurisdictions and modes.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Travel Weather Management: Disseminating Information |
General Description
The objectives in this category focus on getting relevant information to travelers as soon as possible regarding the impact of weather on travel in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce time to alert travelers of travel weather impacts (using variable message signs, 511, road weather information systems, public information broadcasts, the agency's website, Web 2.0 technologies, etc.) by X (time period or percent) in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Time from beginning of weather event to posting of traveler information on (variable message signs, 511, Road Weather Information Systems, public information broadcasts etc.).
- Time from beginning of weather event to posting of traveler information on agency website.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Data required for these performance measures include the time of the start of a weather event and the time in which information is given to the traveler by various methods (variable message signs, 511, road weather information systems, public information broadcasts, agency website).
Data Resources and Partners
- Partners needed to collect this data would include those with information on the timing and trajectory of weather events such as the National Weather Service, transportation agencies (DOTs, transit agencies, ports, etc.), and broadcasters that disseminate traveler information using different technologies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies include variable message signs on key corridors, 511 systems, road weather information systems, agency websites, and communication links with broadcasters.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable fog warnings signs: The safety impact is the potential for a reduction in crashes during fog conditions on freeways. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Travel Weather Management: Road Weather Information System Coverage |
General Description
The intent is to increase coverage of the road system with weather sensors and communications systems. This approach can be applied to the transit system and has the potential for application to regional bicycle facilities.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percent of major road network (or transit network or regional bicycle network) covered by weather sensors or a road weather information system (RWIS) by X percent in Y years as defined by an RWIS station within Z miles.
Performance Measures
- Percent of major road (transit or bicycle) network within Z miles of an RWIS station.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Data needed for this performance measure would be the deployment locations of each RWIS station in the region and location and length of major road (transit or bicycle) network.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partners needed for this data would be the agencies responsible for deployment of the RWIS stations and those responsible for maintaining an inventory of the roadway (transit or bicycle) network. This information is often stored in GIS or other mapping database, in a central data repository for sharing with all public agencies and public broadcasting groups involved with weather information dissemination.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Strategies include maintaining and sharing current information on the extent of the system (roadway, transit, bicycle), the location of weather sensors, the sharing of weather data, the installation of additional sensors, and the sharing of operational actions related to a weather event.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Travel Weather Management: Signal Timing Plans |
General Description
The intent is to improve the management of traffic signal systems during inclement weather conditions.
Operations Objectives
- Special timing plans are available for use during inclement weather conditions for X miles of arterials in the region by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Number of miles of arterials that have at least one special timing plan for inclement weather events.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Reports from operating agencies on signal retiming, signal capabilities, and special timing plans.
Data Resources and Partners
- Partner agencies that operate arterials in the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies directly flow from the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
No known safety benefit.
3.3.12 Traveler Information
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination |
General Description
This sheet contains objectives for improving the delivery of traveler information to the public, businesses, and other users of the transportation system.
Operations Objectives
- Increase number of 511 calls per year by X percent in Y years.
- Increase number of visitors to traveler information website per year by X percent in Y years.
- Increase number of users of notifications for traveler information (e.g., e-mail, text message) by X percent in Y years.
- Increase number of Web 2.0 (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) followers by X percent in Y months.
- Increase the accuracy and completeness of traveler information posted (on variable message signs, websites, and/or web 2.0 technologies) by reducing the number of incomplete and inaccurate reports by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Number of 511 calls per year.
- Number of visitors to traveler information website per year.
- Number of users of notifications for traveler information (e.g., e-mail, text message) per year.
- Number of Web 2.0 (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) followers.
- Number of complaints received from system users about inaccurate or missing information.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Data for these performance measures would be a count of users for the traveler information dissemination channels.
- Number of customer complaints regarding incomplete or inaccurate traveler information.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be gathered through call logs, website logs, and other systems that record information on its access history or membership.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to improve information dissemination include polling target audiences to determine the more effective ways to reach them with information and providing accurate, timely, and useful information.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Traveler Information: Trip Planning Tools |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on promoting system awareness among users so they have direct knowledge and awareness of current and forecasted system operating and safety conditions, route choices, and mode choices.
Operations Objectives
- Enhance regional multimodal trip planning tools to X data sources by year Y.
- Increase the ease of use of trip planning tools by X percent by year Y.
- Increase the number of uses of multimodal trip planning tools by X percent by year Y.
Performance Measures
- The number of data sources providing information for multi-modal trip planning tools.
- Trip planning tools ease of use rating.
- Number of uses of trip planning tools.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Identification of all multimodal trip planning tools and their data sources.
- Trip planning tool ease-of-use rating obtained by customer survey.
- Number of uses of trip planning tools.
Data Resources and Partners
- All operating agencies within the region.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategy is inherent in objective.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Traveler Information: Data Collection and Sharing on Travel Conditions |
General Description
This sheet contains objectives on improving the detection of travel conditions by operators and sharing traveler information between jurisdictions and modes.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the percent of the transportation system in which travel conditions can be detected remotely via CCTV, speed detectors, etc. to X percent by Y year.
- Increase the percent of transportation facilities whose owners share their traveler information with other agencies in the region to X percent by Y year.
- Increase the percent of modes in the region that share their traveler information with other modes in the region to 100 percent by Y year.
Performance Measures
- Percent of the transportation system in which travel conditions can be detected remotely via CCTV, speed detectors, etc.
- Percent of transportation facilities whose owners share their traveler information with other agencies in the region.
- Percent of modes in the region that share their traveler information with other modes.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of miles of roads or rails that are covered by remote detection.
- Number of the transportation facilities in the region.
- Count of jurisdictions sharing traveler information with other agencies in the region.
- Count of modes in the region sharing traveler information with other modes.
Data Resources and Partners
- The data for these performance measures would come from querying each of the transportation facility owners/operators in the region on their detection systems and information sharing practices.
M&O Strategies to Consider
The M&O strategies to consider are inherent in the objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Traveler Information: Customer Satisfaction |
General Description
The objective in this sheet focuses on improving customer satisfaction with the timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of traveler information in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Increase customer satisfaction rating of the timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of traveler information in the region by W, X, and Z percent, respectively, over Y years.
Performance Measures
- Customer satisfaction ratings of timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of traveler information.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Customer ratings of traveler information per year.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be gathered through surveys among the public and businesses that use the transportation system to move goods and deliver services.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to improve customer satisfaction with traveler information include increasing the detection of travel conditions, improving multi-agency, multi-modal sharing of travel data, and relying on convenient, accessible means of information distribution such as cell phones and websites.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies, and their safety impacts include:
- Install changeable "Queue Ahead" warning signs: The crash modification factor for this treatment is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.1 for rear-end injury crashes. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.04 to 0.64. For rear-end non-injury crashes, the crash modification factor is 0.84 with a standard error of 0.2. Therefore, the range of the crash modification factor is 1.24 to 0.44. Source: HSM, First Edition. Note: A crash modification factor is multiplied by the existing number of crashes to determine the number of crashes following the implementation of a treatment.
3.3.13 Work Zone Management
Work Zone Management: Travel Time Delay |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on reducing travel time delay for travelers within work zones in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the person hours (or vehicle hours) of total delay associated with work zones by X percent over Y years.
- Increase the rate of on-time completion of construction projects to X percent within Y years.
- Increase the percentage of construction projects that employ night/ off-peak work zones by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Person hours (or vehicle hours) of delay associated with work zones.
- Percent of construction projects completed on-time according to established schedule.
- Percent of construction project employing night /off-peak work zones.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Total travel time in person hours (or vehicle hours) of travel impacted by work zones.
- Traffic volume in select work zones.
- Travel times in select work zones.
- Length of work zones.
- Number of constructions projects employing night/ off-peak work zones.
- Number of construction projects completed on time.
- Total travel time in person hours (or vehicle hours) of travel during free-flow conditions.
- Similar data (volume, times, length) of work zones during non-work time periods.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by agencies responsible for maintenance and operation of the roadways.
- Partners needed include public safety, departments of transportation, contractors, and utility companies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Regions can reduce travel time delay in work zones by shortening lane closure time (particularly during high-traffic hours) and providing travelers with ahead-of-time and realtime information to avoid the work zone.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Work Zone Management: Extent of Congestion |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on reducing the extent of congestion for travelers within work zones in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce the percentage of vehicles traveling through work zones that are queued by X percent in Y years.
- Reduce the average and maximum length of queues, when present, by X percent over Y years.
- Reduce the average time duration (in minutes) of queue length greater than some threshold (e.g., 0.5 mile) by X percent in Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percentage of vehicles experiencing queuing in work zones.
- Length of average and maximum queues in work zones.
- Average duration in minutes of queue length greater than X miles.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Number of vehicles traveling through work zones.
- Number of vehicles traveling through work zones experiencing queuing.
- Average and maximum length of work zones.
- Duration of queue length greater than X miles.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by agencies responsible for operation of the roadways.
- Partners needed include public safety, departments of transportation, contractors, and utility companies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Regions can reduce the extent of congestion in work zones by shortening lane closure time (particularly during high-traffic hours) and providing travelers with advance notice and realtime information to avoid the work zone.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Use crossover closure: There is a potential negative safety impact of using this strategy: there is an increased likelihood of severe crashes and head-on collisions. Source: HSM, First Edition.
- Use single lane closure: There is a potential negative safety impact of using this strategy: there is an increased likelihood in all crash types, particularly fixed object crashes. Source: HSM, First Edition.
Work Zone Management: Travel Time Reliability |
General Description
Objectives in the area of travel time reliability in work zones aim to reduce the variability in travel time so that transportation system users experience a consistent and predictable trip time.
Operations Objectives
- Reduce vehicle-hours of total delay in work zones caused by incidents (e.g., traffic crashes within or near the work zone).
Performance Measures
- Vehicle-hours of delay due to incidents related to work zones.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Traffic volume through work zones.
- Hours of incident-related delay in work zones.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by agencies responsible for operation of the roadways.
- Partners needed include public safety, departments of transportation, contractors, and utility companies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
Regions can improve travel time reliability in work zones by shortening lane closure time (particularly during high-traffic hours) and providing travelers with advance notice and realtime information to avoid the work zone. Proper temporary traffic control devices and practices minimize the opportunity for crashes, and therefore shortening the incident-related delay in work zones.
Safety-related Impacts
A select example of an associated M&O strategies, and its safety impacts include:
- Use dynamic message signs in work zones: The safety impact is potential speed reduction in congested flow conditions, but not during uncongested flow. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 17.
Work Zone Management: Construction Coordination |
General Description
Objectives in the area of construction coordination in work zones aim to reduce the potential overlap in construction projects so that transportation system users are not burdened with significant increases in travel time due to multiple construction projects along the same or parallel routes or corridors.
Operations Objectives
- Increase the number of capital projects reviewed for regional construction coordination by X percent in Y years.
- Decrease the number of work zones on parallel routes/along the same corridor by X percent in Y years.
- Establish a work zone management system within X years to facilitate coordination of work zones in the region.
Performance Measures
- Percent of capital projects whose project schedules have been reviewed.
- Percent of work zones on parallel routes/along the same corridor.
- Presence of an established work zone management system.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Capital projects submitted for review.
- Capital project anticipated and actual schedules.
- Map of work zones along area maps.
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by agencies responsible for maintenance and operation of the roadways.
- Partners needed include public safety, departments of transportation, contractors, and utility companies.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies are implied in the operations objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Work Zone Management: Traveler Information |
General Description
Objectives in the area of traveler information for work zones aim to inform transportation system users of ongoing work zones along routes and corridors in order to reduce the impacts of travel-time delay on travelers.
Operations Objectives
- Provide traveler information regarding work zones using variable message signs (VMS), 511, traveler information websites, and/or Web 2.0 technologies for at least X percent of work zones on major arterials, freeways, and transit routes over the next Y years.
- Provide travelers with information on multimodal alternatives to avoid work zones for at least X percent of work zones on major arterials, freeways, and transit routes over the next Y years.
- Provide work zone information (for upcoming and ongoing construction projects) to all impacted businesses or tenants of business centers with X employees or more by year Y.
Performance Measures
- Percent of work zones on major arterials, freeways, and transit routes for which traveler information is available via variable message signs (VMS), 511, traveler information websites, and/or Web 2.0 technologies.
- Percent of work zones on major arterials, freeways, and transit routes for which information on multimodal alternatives to avoid work zones is available to travelers.
- Number of impacted businesses or tenants of business centers of X employees or more receiving work zone information (for upcoming and ongoing construction projects).
Anticipated Data Needs
- Availability of traveler information for work zones (including multimodal travel alternatives).
Data Resources and Partners
- Data would need to be collected by agencies responsible for the maintenance and operation of roads and transit routes.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies are implied in the operations objectives.
Safety-related Impacts
Direct safety impacts not identified within referenced safety documents.
Work Zone Management: Customer Satisfaction |
General Description
The objectives in this section focus on improving customer satisfaction with work zone management in the region.
Operations Objectives
- Increase customer satisfaction with region's work zone management by X percent over Y years.
Performance Measures
- Percentage of customers satisfied with region's work zone management practices.
Anticipated Data Needs
- Customer satisfaction surveys.
Data Resources and Partners
- This data would be gathered through surveys among transportation system users who had used the system while an active work zone was in place.
M&O Strategies to Consider
M&O strategies to consider when looking to improve customer satisfaction with work zones include extensive traveler information in advance of the work zone and minimizing the effect on travelers during periods when work zones are active.
Safety-related Impacts
Select examples of associated M&O strategies and their safety impacts include:
- Use dynamic message signs in work zones: The safety impact is potential speed reduction in congested flow conditions, but not during uncongested flow. Source: NCHRP 500 Volume 17.
11 For more information on crash modification factors and standard error, see the FHWA crash modification factor Clearinghouse 2009, at http://www.cmfclearinghouse.org. [ Return to note 11. ]
12 For more information go to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Surface Transportation Efficiency Analysis Model (STEAM) page: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/steam. [ Return to note 12. ]
13 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Monitoring Urban Freeways in 2003: Current Conditions and Trends from Archived Operations Data, FHWAHOP-05-018 (Washington, DC: December 2004). http://mobility.tamu.edu/mmp/FHWA-HOP-05-018/data.stm. Accessed on October 20, 2009. [ Return to note 13. ]
14 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Travel Time Reliability: Making It There On Time, All The Time, December 2005. https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/tt_reliability/TTR_Report.htm. Accessed on October 20, 2009. [ Return to note 14. ]
15 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Travel Time Reliability: Making It There On Time, All The Time, December 2005. https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/tt_reliability/TTR_Report.htm. Accessed on October 20, 2009. [ Return to note 15. ]
16 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Travel Time Reliability: Making It There On Time, All The Time, December 2005. https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/tt_reliability/TTR_Report.htm. Accessed on October 20, 2009.[ Return to note 16. ]
17 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Travel Time Reliability: Making It There On Time, All The Time, December 2005.https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/tt_reliability/TTR_Report.htm. Accessed on October 20, 2009. [ Return to note 17. ]
18 Some operations objectives have been derived from the 2007 National Traffic Signal Report Card – Technical Report by the National Transportation Operations Coalition. [ Return to note 18. ]
19 See http://www.transportation.org/sites/ntimc/docs/Anatomy%20of%20a%20Traffic%20Incident.pdf for information on the stages of traffic incident management. [ Return to note 19. ]
20 Transportation Research Board, NCHRP, NCHRP Report 606: Forecasting Statewide Freight Toolkit, (Washington, DC: 2008). Available at: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_606.pdf, last accessed February 25, 2010. [ Return to note 20. ]
21 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Monitoring Urban Freeways in 2003: Current Conditions and Trends from Archived Operations Data, FHWAHOP-05-018 (Washington, DC: December 2004). http://mobility.tamu.edu/mmp/FHWA-HOP-05-018/data.stm. Accessed on October 20, 2009. [ Return to note 21. ]
22 U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Travel Time Reliability: Making It There On Time, All The Time, December 2005.https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/tt_reliability/TTR_Report.htm. Accessed on October 20, 2009. [ Return to note 22. ]
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