Good Practices
The Big Picture
- Created an evacuation plan for downtown for the DNC. Now using that to build a citywide all-hazards evacuation plan. (2008 DNC, The 2008 DNC - Lessons Learned for Emergency Management, IAEM Annual Conference)
- Have the EOC create a log of all events/steps taken. (Various events in Houston, NSSE Web Conference)
Lessons Learned
The Big Picture
- Develop an after-action review of each special event, both to identify shortcomings as well as to determine what worked well so successful practices can be expanded or used for other events. An after-action or post-event review provides an opportunity to receive feedback from people involved in all facets of a planned special event, from on-site field staff, to TMC staff, to the general public. Such reviews also enable event planners to identify any underutilized capacity and think about how to utilize that capacity to its fullest for the next event. (ITS for Planned Special Events: A Cross-Cutting Study)
- Denver prepared a major after-action report (AAR) that would be of help to any city hosting a future convention. (2008 DNC, The 2008 DNC - Lessons Learned for Emergency Management, IAEM Annual Conference)
May 2011
Publication #FHWA-HOP-11-012