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8. Integration of TDM at the Local Planning Level
Travel demand management is very often implemented at the local level, especially as it relates to site-level programs (employment sites, new developments, sporting venues). Local planning is generally associated with municipal governments, (i.e., city planning activities), but sometimes TDM is planned at a local level outside the institutional framework of city government (e.g., TMAs or sub-regional planning activities). Municipalities play a very important part in TDM planning, because they are often the key actors in program implementation. For example, municipal land use and parking policies are very important mechanisms for influencing demand. As corridor-level transportation management strategies are developed, effects on parallel arterials and city streets are vital considerations. Finally, the implementation of some specific TDM strategies, such as bicycle and walk infrastructure, transit signal prioritization, carsharing, and parking management, are within the purview, plans, and budgets of municipalities. Some of the most successful TDM programs are planned and implemented in high-growth cities. The negotiating leverage of these cities to mitigate the traffic impacts of this growth via TDM is key. Finally, some of the most innovative demand management strategies have been implemented by cities, namely cordon pricing (London and Stockholm), demand-based parking pricing (Redwood City, CA), growth management (Portland, OR), and pedestrian/bicycle prioritization (New York City).
8.1 What Plans Should TDM be Included In?The integration of TDM into local planning practices can occur as part of a wide variety of local planning activities, as enumerated in Table 8.1.
TDM is often used as a mitigation strategy to minimize the impacts of new traffic generated by new or expanded development. Many cities have codified the role of TDM in the site plan review process via trip reduction ordinances or more informal, negotiated processes. Some cities have codified the review process into a Transportation Management Plan requirement for new, major trip generators (e.g., San Francisco, Seattle). Trip reduction requirements are often supported by regional plans and policies that promote good practice and model ordinances. Major development areas sometimes prompt a specific plan for a planned unit development or major employment center. To ensure that integrated strategies are developed for the entire area, these plans often include a comprehensive TDM element to mitigate traffic impacts and "build" TDM into the travel choices for future tenants and visitors. 8.2 What Is Your Capability with TDM at the Local Planning Level?This desk reference will be utilizing the guidance based on different levels of existing experience with TDM and transportation planning. Table 8.2 provides examples of how local planning agencies might integrate TDM into their corridor or regional planning processes. This should assist users in determining the nature and location of key guidance within this section. Three levels of TDM integration are presented: ad hoc, defined, and optimized. As explained earlier in this desk reference, these levels correspond to the Institutional Capability Maturity Model proposed by FHWA in its Guide for Improving Capability for Systems Operation and Management.139
Municipalities and local agencies with minimal experience in integrating TDM (ad hoc level) into their plans and policies might only be viewing TDM as a mitigation strategy for addressing the impact of traffic generated by new development. Moving to the next level (defined), a city might include TDM in most plans and policies as a means to increase travel choices and meet certain policy objectives, such as circulation or livability. In this case, TDM is likely one element of the overall general plan. Finally, when TDM becomes optimized (Level 3), TDM may become a central focus of sustainability or climate change plans if the city council adopts an overall "philosophy" of managing demand and encouraging sustainable transport. Table 8-2 provides specific examples of how localities might work to integrate demand management into regional transportation planning efforts. This matrix is intended to assist the reader in determining where his or her organization fits in terms of the capability levels described above. Once the reader has determined his/her agency's capability level and identified the critical step on which the agency is focused, specific actions to move from one level to the next are suggested in the next section. In general, TDM is being integrated into existing plans and planning processes. TDM is often mentioned in General Plans or Comprehensive Plans for cities as part their routine updating process. This is where the relationship between land use, parking, and TDM can be defined and exploited. As such, no new or specialized planning process needs to be developed. However, in the case of stand-alone TDM or climate action plans, a process may need to be established for the review and approval of the new plan. This may even require the appointment of new committees and advisory bodies. Some plans are developed through unique public/private partnerships, such as the plans directing the activities of TMAs or the development of a Transportation Management Plan for major developments or trip generators (e.g., hospitals, special event venues, stadia, etc.). It is also important that municipal TDM planning efforts be coordinated with regional or corridor-level TDM planning. Municipal programs (e.g., parking) and policies (e.g., site review) can be very important aspects of broader TDM strategies at the corridor or metropolitan level. Cities with active TDM policies and plans can encourage neighboring cities within their region to integrate TDM into their plans. Municipal efforts to manage demand can also be important mechanisms for realizing objectives with other metropolitan area plans, such as the Congestion Management Process. Other processes can be somewhat less formal, such as the role of TDM in the site review process. Many cities that allow and encourage TDM as a mitigation strategy do so via trip reduction or TDM ordinances that set the ground rules for negotiated or regulated TDM planning activities. As such, TDM plans are not developed until requested by city review staff or as proffered by developers. One lesson from many years of experience with this process is the need for well-established and documented guidelines. Developers and their agents are more willing to plan and implement meaningful TDM strategies when the process for developing these measures is transparent and fair. The process for developing TDM plans as part of the development review process can also be aided by other tools, such as the TDM planning simulation workshop process developed in Europe, part of the guidance on TDM and land use within the European Platform on Mobility Management (EPOMM).140 8.3 Actions to Move Local Planning Process from Level 1 to Level 2Several specific actions can be suggested to move an agency's local planning process from Level 1 (ad hoc integration of demand management) to Level 2 (defined integration). For each action, the rationale, an explanation, and examples are provided where available. Table 8.3 indicates the relative ease or difficulty of implementing each action.
Action 1 – Solicit broad stakeholder input into role of TDM in local plans and policies
Example – The Heathrow Transport Forum (UK) was formed to address growing traffic and access issues around the expanding airport. As part of a surface access strategy required by the national government, the Forum was comprised of adjacent municipalities, airport employers and operators, transportation providers, and other interests. The Forum was instrumental in developing a package of TDM strategies for airport employees that were available to area residents as well.141 Action 2 – Educate local traffic commission and city council staff on TDM Example – Many local planning and municipal organizations offer training and technical assistance on various initiatives, such as TDM. For example, the League of California Cities offers sessions on TDM planning as part of its various conferences and workshops. Action 3 – Developing SMART objectives for TDM Example – The Washington State 2006 CTR Efficiency Act continued a state mandate that goes back to 1991. Cities and counties are able to set their own specific goals and targets for employee commute trip reduction, as long as they met the minimum state targets of a 10% reduction in single occupant commute trips by 2011 to address congestion and a 13% reduction in VMT to address GHG emissions. In the first three years of the program, 154 million VMT have been reduced at over 1,000 worksites, representing over a half a million commuters. This is estimated to have reduced highway delay by 8% in the Central Puget Sound region and almost 70,000 metric tons of GHG statewide. While the state legislation behind the CTR Efficiency Act was a major policy effort, the need for and ability to set quantifiable targets was fairly straightforward. Action 4 – Integrate TDM into TOD, smart growth, and complete streets initiatives Example – Planning for transit improvements and transit-oriented development in the Dulles Corridor (Virginia/DC) includes aggressive employer-based TDM, parking management, and trip reduction requirements for new large-scale commercial developments. Action 5 – TDM performance measures shift from outputs to outcomes Example – The NYSDOT has developed new guidance for local TDM programs to develop outcome-based performance measures and related program objectives therein. Action 6 – Draw upon existing tools to improve TDM modeling and analysis Example – Chapter 9 includes a description of several existing tools aimed at allowing for the quantification of TDM impacts for various strategies and packages of strategies. This includes the FHWA TDM Evaluation Model and the TRIMMS available from the CUTR (see more discussion in Section 9 on Tools and Techniques for Evaluating TDM). Action 7 – Assess impact of TDM beyond specific sites Example – The Washington State CTR law requires worksites in urbanized counties to reduce vehicle trips and VMT. Standardized surveys, data collection, and analysis allow CTR results to be reported by city and county. Action 8 – Update plan review process and requirements for new developments Example – Several cities have recently updated their TDM ordinances, including Pasadena, California, and Fairfax, Virginia. In both cases, TDM requirements were modified to reflect empirical evidence on effectiveness of various TDM strategies and enhanced reporting and enforcement. Action 9 – City assumes larger role by establishing a TDM fund, providing improved travel choices and related services Example – The City of Rockville, Maryland, maintains a TDM fund that generates about $200,000 per year, from a transportation improvement fee levied on new development. The fund supports activities included in the city's transportation demand management plan.143 Many cities have assisted with or provided carsharing services, such as CityCarShare in Berkeley, California. Action 10 – Strengthen TDM performance evaluation and monitoring methods and means to report impacts Example – Many TDM programs are monitoring travel behavior change through the use of commuter calendars, completed by commuters themselves and validated by supervisors. Many of these automated calendars are used to qualify users for incentives and giveaways. 8.4 Actions to Move Local Planning Process from Level 2 to Level 3Several specific actions can be suggested to move an agency's local planning process from Level 2 (defined integration of demand management) to Level 3 (optimized integration). Table 8.4 highlights the relative ease or difficulty of implementing each action in moving from Level 2 to Level 3. Action 1 – TDM becomes a primary means to improve livability, health, and quality of life Example – Many cities cite the health benefits of walking and bicycling in their efforts to promote city- provided facilities and programs. However, a growing number of TDM programs are citing the health benefits of all sustainable modes, in terms of reduced stress and improved personal safety (lower risk of accidents). Action 2 – Include TDM in efforts to integrate land use and transportation Example – Land use plans and policies seek to balance the desire for growth while minimizing its negative consequences. As such, TDM is a valuable and well-used tool for reducing traffic generated by new development. While some TDM plans for new development are based on desired mode split or proportion of projected vehicle trips reduced, some (as seen in the City of Irvine, CA, example below in section 8.5) are simply based on setting a cap on trip generation and monitoring of compliance. TDM strategies included in traffic mitigation plans are often based on the known or expected impacts of various strategies, but require periodic monitoring to assess whether agreed-upon targets are met. Action 3 – TDM becomes key part of city's sustainability initiative Example – The City of San Francisco's Sustainability Plan includes a transportation element. The plan defines a sustainable transportation system as one in which people's needs and desires for access to jobs, commerce, recreation, culture, and home are accommodated using a minimum of resources. Applying principles of sustainability to transportation is anticipated to reduce pollution generated by gasoline-powered engines, noise, traffic congestion, land devaluation, low density development, economic segregation, and injury to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. In addition, the costs of commuting, shipping, housing, and goods also will be reduced. Ultimately, the plan foresees that "in a sustainable San Francisco, almost all trips to and within the City will be on public transit, foot or bicycle."144
Action 4 – TDM not viewed as counter to economic development goals Example – The City of Lund, Sweden, implemented a more environmentally friendly transport plan in the mid-1990s that included bus rapid transit, TDM, and bicycle improvements. The goal was to maintain vehicle traffic levels at 1995 levels while allowing the city to grow. This was accomplished through the success of the plan and fact that travel demand growth was accommodated on alternative modes, rather than by driving.145 Action 5 – TDM performance measures are linked to sustainability and livability Action 6 – Develop objectives and performance measures that include influence of parking
Many of these strategies can serve to manage travel demand by discouraging car use at certain times of day, in certain areas, or overall. Parking management has been shown to influence mode shift, especially transit use. From this, specific performance measures can be established to gauge the success of parking management policies and strategies in influencing travel demand. Most parking data are observed (occupancy, turnover, etc.) and this is a good source for assessing the temporal and spatial characteristics of parking use, but in order to get at mode shift, surveys of parkers or travelers are needed to assess how and why behavior changed. Example – Parking policies, in conjunction with a comprehensive TDM program, in the Lloyd District near downtown Portland, OR, have resulted in a reduction of the drive-alone rate and an increase in transit use by 20 percentage points, as shown in Figure 8.1.146 Figure 8.1: Mode Shift from Lloyd District TDM Program (1997-2004) Action 7 – Assess impact of local TDM activities on corridor and region Example – Using VMT reduction, volumes and speeds, estimates of reduction in delay can be derived. Going one step further, the CUTR has developed a methodology that merges mode shift data with a highway micro-simulation model to graphically show how employer trip reduction programs can reduce delay for a given highway segment.147 This research and examples of the graphic displays are shown earlier in this document. Action 8 – Develop new tools/approaches to incorporate all travel choices into the analysis process Example – The traditional four-step travel demand modeling process can be used to evaluate TDM strategies that can be analyzed in terms of time and cost variables. However, many off-model tools have been developed to analyze congestion pricing strategies, bicycle and walk strategies, and other strategies that cannot be expressed in terms of time and cost indicators. As mentioned above, a good discussion of the means to incorporate TDM into regional travel demand models is provided by CUTR in a report entitled "Incorporating Assumptions for TDM Impacts in a Regional Travel Demand Model." This approach, which was developed for WSDOT, includes a specific TDM Assessment Procedure that uses the CUTR TRIMMS model and processes resulting TDM impacts through standard trip tables.148 In fact, the use of the TRIMMS model itself to perform cost/benefit analysis for TDM strategies could represent a significant movement toward mainstreaming TDM integration. Action 9 – Develop long-term funding strategy for TDM Example – Many counties in California have a voter-approved ½ to 1 cent sales tax dedicated to transportation. Most of these funding programs include a broad set of roadway, transit, and TDM projects. The TransNet 20-year program in San Diego provides funding for transit and bicycle facilities. Measure M in Riverside County helps pay for TDM services and incentives. Action 10 – Adopt or develop a standardized approach to reporting TDM performance Example – The MAX-SUMO monitoring and evaluation approach developed in Europe is easily adaptable to the U. S. experience for many TDM strategies. The methodology is described in Section 9 and graphically depicted in Figure 9.1. 8.5 Best Practice Examples: Local Level TDM IntegrationTwo examples of municipal or local TDM planning efforts and results are provided here: Irvine, California and Redmond, Washington. The Irvine case relates to the planning of TDM measures for new developments. The Redmond case involves the role of the city in both offering TDM services and managing demand at new or expanding developments. ![]() The Irvine Spectrum is a very large commercial and retail development in Orange County in southern California. It is a 5,000 acre business park and high-density development, which is now home to over 3,600 companies employing in excess of 65,000 people. In 1986, the Irvine Company gained final development approval by the City of Irvine following an extensive consultative process and development of a transportation management plan. Transportation management goals and use provisions were assigned to the development permit. Planning requirements and goals were established in meeting the City of Irvine's vision for successful development mitigation. Several demands were placed upon the developer including the establishment of a multi-modal transportation system including rail, bus, car- and vanpooling, and preferential parking within the development. These permit provisions established goals and requirements for land use design that considered and planned for alternative transportation modes. Additionally, the development was permitted with trip generation targets and assigned permitted future growth planning goals. A TMA, Spectrumotion, was chartered to provide ongoing management of the transportation plan for the development and its tenants. The Spectrumotion TMA is charged with implementing the planning requirements through transportation goal attainment, alternative mode promotion and program development, and follow-up surveys and evaluations. The Irvine Company is responsible for permit compliance; it raises funding through tenant assessments to pay for programs and improvements. Tenant employee travel behavior and trip counts are made on a regular basis to assess fulfillment of the mitigation targets, especially on trip generation. There are five sectors within the Spectrum development. Spectrum 1, 3, 4, and 5 are covered by the permit. Each sector represents a phase of development, and the trip reduction requirements are different for each, both in terms of targets, and also performance measures. Some use average vehicle ridership; others use a trip limit per usable square footage. Key findings conclude that mode shift is occurring as planned and goals established in the growth and planning projections are being met. The permit trip generation caps have never been exceeded and are well within established limits. 149 ![]() The City of Redmond, Washington, near Seattle, has used TDM as a key strategy to address municipal policies for over 20 years. The stated mission of TDM is to "improve mobility and achieve greater efficiency on the arterial system by offering and promoting alternatives to single occupant vehicle travel." The City's TDM program is the principal means to achieve the mode split goals established in the overall city Master Plan. The city assists employers located within its boundaries to comply with the state CTR law, as well as state mandates on environmental protection and growth management. Redmond also helped found and fund the Greater Redmond TMA, which represents most of the city's large employers and developers and is now self-sufficient through membership dues. Redmond requires Transportation Management Programs of new and expanding development sites and sets targets based on parking allowances and the proportion of commuters who travel using alternative modes. These requirements also mandate specific supportive physical improvements at development sites, including preferential parking for carpools and vanpools, bicycle lockers and racks, employee showers and lockers, on-site connectivity to transit stops, and internal sidewalks and trails. One unique feature of Redmond's TDM efforts, as described in the TDM element of the Master Plan, is R-TRIP (Redmond Trip Resource and Incentive Program). R-TRIP is aimed at reducing congesting and improving air quality by offering incentives to those who agree to use commute alternatives. It is open to anyone who lives or works in Redmond and offers a one-time financial incentive (cash, bus pass, or vanpool incentives) for those who participate and then a chance at prize drawings thereafter. Commuters keep track of their daily travel on the on-line incentive calendar (www.gortrip.com) shown in Figure 8.2. Figure 8.2: City of Redmond TDM Online Incentive Calendar The results of Redmond's TDM efforts are reported in the 2005 Transportation Master Plan TDM element and state that the R-TRIP program reduced over 2 million miles of travel in 2004 (more recent figures are several times that amount annually) and that employers complying with state CTR mandates had removed 19,000 peak period trips from roads in and around Redmond. 150 The TDM element of the Redmond Master Plan called for four new or expanded strategies:
139 SHRP II, Guide for Improving Capability for Systems Operation and Management, TRB, prepared by Parsons Brinkerhoff, Report S2-L06-RR-2, 2011. PDF files can be viewed with the Acrobat® Reader®. |
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