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Active Traffic Management Feasibility and Screening GuideChapter 3. Assess Agency Policies and Capabilities for Active Traffic ManagementThe activities associated with this step are shown in Figure 5. The initial activity shown is ensuring that ATM concepts and strategies help achieve regional goals and objectives, as discussed in the previous chapter (Sections 2.1 and 2.2). The other activities are discussed below. This step can occur either concurrently with, or upon completion of the "Get Started — Preparation" step. FIGURE 5. FLOWCHART. ASSESSING AGENCY POLICIES AND CAPABILITIES FOR ACTIVE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (ATM) 3.1 Define Applicable ATM Strategies in Terms of Network Features, Project Scope, Agency Policies, and Legal ConsiderationsThis step involves several activities and considerations as noted below. 3.1.1 Roadway Network and Facility TypeThe types of roadway facilities included in the network that will be analyzed can potentially filter out some of the ATM strategies. For example, if the network only includes limited access roadways (as may be the case if this ATM screening process is being performed by a state DOT), then ATSC and TSP may be eliminated from consideration. Similarly, if the network being analyzed consists of only arterials, then some of the more-freeway oriented strategies (e.g., dynamic shoulder lanes, queue warning, dynamic speed limits) may not be appropriate (although not necessarily). 3.1.2 Agency Policies and PracticesAnother important consideration includes the agency's operations and facility policies—both formal and informal ones—and practices. These may eliminate one or more ATM strategies. For example, some agencies have tended to avoid ramp metering or shoulder use due to earlier unsuccessful deployments or because agency management is unconvinced of the benefits or perceive high public resistance. Nevertheless, it still may be worthwhile to include such strategies in this initial screening as a way to show the possible benefits (and making a business case) for moving forward. The practitioner needs to be sensitive to such informal policies and high resistance to some ATM concepts and strategies and gauge whether it is worth eliminating them from the process at this point. 3.1.3 Legal ConsiderationsIn addition to any policy considerations, state and local laws and regulations should be reviewed to determine whether some ATM strategies are even possible and/or how they might need to be implemented. This effort may result in initiating the process to modify certain laws and regulations to better accommodate ATM. Possible legal and regulatory restrictions might impact the following ATM strategies:
3.2 Confirm Supporting Institutional Framework Is in PlaceHaving the appropriate institutional framework in place to support ATM operations (as well as other TSM&O activities) is very important. The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) has found that reaching the full potential of TSM&O is not primarily a "technology" issue or knowledge of best operations practices. The key is to put in place and manage specific supportive business and technical processes and supporting institutional arrangements—in essence, to “mainstream operations” into the institutional framework of the transportation agency. The SHRP2 L06 product,(22) Institutional Architectures to Advance Operational Strategies, identifies the following six dimensions of organizational capability:
For each of these six dimensions, four levels of capability maturity have been defined, where the term "maturity" is related to the degree of formality and optimization of these processes in support of effective operations, with the maturity increasing from level 1 (Performed), to level 2 (Managed), to level 3 (Integrated), and to level 4 (Optimized). FHWA is currently developing capability maturity frameworks for various operations activities, including incident management, work zone management, special event management, road weather management, traffic signal management, and traffic management. These frameworks should be available soon on the FHWA Planning for Operations website. Per a beta version of the matrix for assessing the capability maturity framework for "traffic management," proper deployment of ATM strategies as defined herein, with their dynamic nature and reliance on automation, would place an agency at Level 4 for the “Systems and Technology” dimension, which reads as follows: "Automation of traffic management processes is based on historical, current, and predicted data. New and emerging technologies are deployed on a continuous basis to improve system efficiency." Accordingly, it may be best for any agencies wishing to pursue ATM (and any ATDM-related activity for that matter) to be moving towards Level 2, and preferably Level 3, for several of the dimensions defined under the "Traffic Management Capability Maturity Framework."7 Relevant examples of these capability maturity levels—per the draft traffic management framework— are described below:
It is probably not essential for agencies to be at these traffic management capability maturity levels to pursue ATM, but it will likely make the life-cycle process and management of ATM strategies much easier and more effective. 7 This should not be confused with the more general TSM&O program-oriented CMM framework that several DOTs and other transportation entities are using as part of a FHWA/AASHTO SHRP-2 Implementation program. This broad CMM framework addresses the institutional aspects of an agency's program. The Traffic Management Capability Maturity Frameworks uses the same six CMM dimensions but provides more focused agency guidance for traffic management. |
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |