Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Effectiveness of Disseminating Traveler Information on Travel Time Reliability: Implement Plan and Survey Results Report


  1. What mode or modes did you use for this trip? (Select all that apply)
    Personal vehicle (drove alone)
    Carpool / vanpool (drove or rode with others)
    Public Transit (bus/light rail)
    Other (e.g., bicycled/walked)
  2. Did the nature of this trip necessitate arrival at a specific time?
  3. What kind of road did you use for the majority of this trip?
    Surface streets
    HOV facility
  4. How would you describe this trip?
    Familiar trip / familiar time (I know the route and am traveling at my usual time).
    Familiar trip / unfamiliar time (I know the route but am traveling at a different time than usual).
    Unfamiliar trip (I do not know the route and/or I don't typically go to this location).
  5. Did you use the Transportation Study resource provided to you to obtain information to plan your trip?
    Yes (start red text) GO TO QUESTION 6 (end red text)
    No (start red text) GO TO QUESTION 8 (end red text)
  6. Did the information you received from the Transportation Study resource alter your trip plans?
    Yes (start red text) GO TO QUESTION 7 (end red text)
    No (start red text) GO TO QUESTION 8 (end red text)
  7. How did you change your planned trip (select all that apply)?
    I left at a different time
    I took a different route
    I changed my mode of travel
    (start red text) GO TO QUESTION 9 (end red text)
  8. Why didn't you alter your trip plans (select all that apply)?
    I couldn't change my departure time.
    There was no good alternate route for my trip.
    There was no good alternate mode for my trip.
    I didn't believe the information.
    I did not understand the information.
  9. What, if any other resources did you use to obtain information to plan your trip? (If you used more than one resource, select the resource that provided you with the most information.)
    Smartphone or tablet apps
    Real-time traffic website
    MapQuest, Google Maps, Bing Maps
    Built-in GPS or Navigation Device
    Portable GPS or Navigation Device
    I did not use any resource to plan this trip.
Office of Operations