United States-European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries
Research | United States |
This primer will document a range of operations, logistics, and technology strategies for implementation by the public and private sectors to improve urban freight mobility. Many of the challenges to the efficient flow of goods arise in cities, where freight movements must compete with other uses of urban roadways and curb space. As demand for freight transportation continues to rise at a disproportionate rate to freight system capacity, public-sector transportation practitioners, in coordination with private-sector freight shippers and carriers, must plan for and implement innovative solutions to ensure safe, efficient, reliable, and cost-effective delivery of goods.
Reference Guide/Research
Expected publication by mid-2017
Includes noteworthy practices from the U.S. and other countries
Tamiko Burnell
Transportation Specialist
FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations
(202) 366-1200
Alisa Fine
Community Planner
U.S. DOT Volpe Center
(617) 494-2310
The OLT Primer is expected to be an important resource for public-sector planners and engineers at the local, regional, and State levels, as well as for private-sector freight stakeholders, researchers, and academics. Specific expected outcomes include improving stakeholders' abilities to identify:
The OLT Primer will reflect input provided by a technical review panel comprised of Federal/State/local government agency representatives and private-sector stakeholders.
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |