Behavioral/Agent-Based Supply Chain Modeling Research Synthesis: Data ChallengesPrintable Version [PDF 1.1 MB] U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA-HOP-18-006 March 2018 BACKGROUND AND CHALLENGEAcquiring the data and finding the resources required to support a behavioral supply chain model is often challenging, given the privacy and confidentiality issues surrounding supply chain data. Many data sources exist for estimating, calibrating, validating, and forecasting a freight modeling system. Advanced freight travel demand modeling in the United States use publicly available data sources to model freight movements such as the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF)1. Publicly available data sources are often sufficient for applying the behavioral supply chain models, but not for development, calibration or validation, where additional data sources are needed. DATA AVAILABLE FOR MODEL INPUTS AND ESTIMATIONBehavioral supply chain freight models typically require the following eight types of model input and estimation data:
Data for estimating behavioral supply chain freight model parameters requires disaggregate data, which is difficult to obtain. Data from national, state, or regional commercial vehicle surveys is difficult and costly to collect. Thus, these data are collected infrequently or with small sample sizes. National surveys commonly used for model estimation of behavioral supply chain models include the following:
Several states and regional transportation agencies have conducted establishment surveys, but only the establishment surveys that are combined with commercial vehicle diary surveys can be used effectively to estimate model parameters for behavioral supply chain models. Passively collected GPS data offer a partial solution to the challenge of collecting data on commercial vehicles. GPS data typically includes data on travel time, origin-destination, and time of travel. Private vendors (e.g., American Transportation Research Institute, Streetlight) offer large samples of GPS data with these data and some vendors (i.e., EROADS, INRIX) provide additional attributes on commercial vehicle travel, such as truck type, commodity or industry group, and weight. DATA FOR MODEL CALIBRATION AND VALIDATIONTravel demand modeling best practice includes selecting different data sources for model calibration and validation than those used in model estimation. This practice has not always been possible given limited data availability for the development of behavioral supply chain freight models. Available data sources identified for model calibration and validation typically fall into five categories:
If multiple datasets are available, then the best practice is to select one dataset of a single type for model estimation and a second dataset for model calibration and validation.
DATA AND RESOURCE ASSESSMENTThere are multiple potential data sources used by agencies to estimate, calibrate, and validate the forecasting of a freight modeling system. Table 1 summarizes primary data sources used for behavioral supply chain freight models and includes details on each data source. The table does not include observed data (e.g., truck counts, WIM data) or local survey data available from local agencies. DATA PRIVACY AND SHARING ISSUESThe internal and external sharing of data is crucial to most business operations. It forms the basis for most business decision-making processes and models. Conversely, the protection of this data, which is often proprietary in nature, is essential to reducing both personal and professional risk and liability. The data management landscape has changed greatly over the last decade. Technological advances associated with collecting business information have been exponential, leading to a massive increase in the amount of data that is generated, stored and distributed. Maintaining business confidentiality and data privacy is a well understood necessity for firms competing in a free market. Data privacy and sharing issues include:
Learn more about the SHRP2 program, its Capacity focus area, and Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement (C20) products at The second Strategic Highway Research Program is a national partnership of key transportation organizations: the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the Transportation Research Board. Together, these partners conduct research and deploy products that help the transportation community enhance the productivity, boost the efficiency, increase the safety, and improve the reliability of the Nation’s highway system. 1 [Return to Note 1] 2 [Return to Note 2] 3 [Return to Note 3] 4 [Return to Note 4] 5 [Return to Note 5] 6 North American Industry Classification System [Return to Note 6] 7 The latest detailed (by six-digit NAICS) Input-Output table available is for 2007. [Return to Note 7] 8 Major updates to the FAF data are performed using the CFS data (every five years) and the latest is available for 2012. [Return to Note 8] 9 Standard Classification of Transported Goods [Return to Note 9]10 Standard Transportation Commodity Code [Return to Note 10] 11 Bureau of Economic Analysis [Return to Note 11] |
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |