Maryland State Highway Administration Pilot of the Data Business Plan Guide for State and Local Departments of Transportation: Data Business Plan
Appendix A. Stakeholder Registry
Stakeholders include any internal or external person or organization that collects, owns, maintains, uses, interfaces with, accesses, or benefits from roadway travel mobility data. Internal stakeholders may include those involved in traffic operations, traffic safety, roadway design, pavement design, maintenance, air quality, modal, and connected vehicle capture activities. External stakeholders may include State and local transportation agencies, traffic management centers, transportation system managers, Corridor Coalitions, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, researchers, freight operators, private data providers (e.g., Inrix, Nokia-NAVTEQ-HERE, TomTom, TrafficCast, etc.), neighboring State DOTs, media providers, the traveling public, and FHWA. Site stakeholders should also include the individuals who will fulfill various data governance roles identified in the Guide:
- Data Governance Council—Senior level managers across business areas responsible for roadway travel mobility data.
- Data Stewards—Individuals responsible for ensuring data is collected, maintained, and used in accordance to the policies established by the data governance council.
- Data Business Owners—Individuals responsible for establishing business requirements for the use of roadway travel mobility data in their business area.
- Data Custodians—IT staff responsible for data system support.
- Working Group—Collective group of internal and external stakeholders responsible for collecting and providing data and establishing business rules for roadway travel mobility data systems.
- Community of Interest—Collective group of internal and external stakeholders who are users of roadway travel mobility data.
Table 5 identifies specific stakeholders engaged in each step of the DBP development.