Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Construction of e-Permit/VWS Model Sites: Project Summary Report
Laurel, Kentucky and Unicoi, Tennessee

Chapter 4. Test Plan (Task 3)

This chapter summarizes the Test and Implementation Plan for the model sites in Kentucky and Tennessee. The purpose of the Test and Implementation Plan was to outline the test objectives, approach, key specifications, test metrics, and operational testing plan for this project. By documenting these items in advance, this document ensured a successful test that met the needs of all stakeholders and placed the Laurel County, KY and Unicoi County, TN sites in service as virtual weigh stations (VWS) for the duration of the test.

The goal of the operational tests was to successfully demonstrate the design, planning, and deployment of the two e-Permit/VWS 'Model Sites' and show that they are fully responsive to the functionality outlined in the Architecture for Electronic Permitting (e-Permit)/Virtual Weigh Stations developed by USDOT and published in 2011. The sites will be compatible with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Commercial Motor Vehicle Technical Corridor (CMVRTC) and the Smart Roadside Initiative (SRI). Proposed functionality includes the ability to:

  • Obtain unique identifying information for CMVs passing by the sites.
  • Identify CMVs by cross-referencing the identifying information with relevant State and Federal databases, such as the Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) Program Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window (CVIEW).
  • Collect vehicle measurements, including weight, axle spacings, truck classification, and length while the truck is in motion.
  • Correlate vehicle measurements to the trucks identified.
  • Conduct automated screening based on agency business rules.
  • Alert enforcement staff of any suspected violators, based on screening results.
  • Capture enforcement actions taken (e.g., citations, out of service orders).
  • Update State back office systems (e.g., CVIEW) as required.

Additionally, the Laurel County, KY site will be able to trigger a Wireless Roadside Inspection.

Test Environment and Approach

The project team provided all necessary hardware for both sites (e.g., ALPR, AUNR, cameras, WIM, and Smart Roadside cabinet with all electronics) and both the Kentucky and Tennessee sites utilized electronic screening system software to automatically identify and flag potentially unsafe commercial vehicles for advanced roadside screening.

Enforcement staff will be able to connect to the system and view vehicle details in real-time. At the Tennessee site, this will consist of enforcement officers parked at the Unicoi County VWS site (which has a pull-in area for trucks) who will view a live feed on their laptops via a cellular modem. In Kentucky, screening data will be automatically transmitted to the commercial vehicle inspection station located on I-75 in Laurel. Staff at the station will be able to take enforcement action for commercial vehicles using U.S. 25 to bypass the northbound inspection station.

Testing began once several entry criteria were met, including USDOT approval of the Test and Implementation Plan, installation and functionality of all hardware and software at both sites, confirmation that data is being transmitted to appropriate State systems and enforcement staff, successful installation, calibration, and functioning of the WIM, and confirmation that all metrics were being measured and provided for test and evaluation purposes. Testing was considered complete when all equipment was active and functioning properly for a period of four weeks. As noted above, the Kentucky and Tennessee e-permit/VWS deployments were fully compatible with the features/functionality described in the Electronic Permitting/Virtual Weigh Station Architecture.

Test Management

To manage the operational testing, the project team employed four main strategies:

  • Engage stakeholders throughout the process, including pre-deployment testing of the VWS functions to ensure the system met user needs.
  • Hold user training sessions for both sites to walk staff through software applications.
  • Detect reporting, tracking, and resolution during the test.
  • Monitor test participants' use of the applications during the test, and taking corrective action if needed to boost participation.

Test Metrics

Table 3 below shows all the systems implemented at the Laurel County, Kentucky and Unicoi County, Tennessee sites and the respective metrics from each source.(1)

Table 3. e-Permit/virtual weigh station architecture metrics and verification.
Source Metric Implemented
WIM Gross vehicle weight (GVW) Yes
Total vehicle length No
Number of axles Yes
Individual axle weights Yes
Individual axle spacings Yes
Transponder Transponder ID N/A
PRISM Vehicle license plate Yes
Vehicle license plate issuing jurisdiction Yes
Vehicle PRISM target file indicator Yes
Vehicle carrier ID number Yes
Carrier ID number Yes
Carrier name Yes
Carrier PRISM indicator Yes
Carrier MCSIP level Yes
Carrier MCSIP date Yes
Safety Data (from carrier/vehicle systems) Carrier ID number N/A
Driver's license number and State N/A
Shipping document ID N/A
Tire measures N/A
Vehicle position N/A
Weight N/A
Lighting status N/A
Safety belt status N/A
EOBR data N/A
CVIEW/SAFER Carrier ID number Yes
Carrier name Yes
Carrier DBA name No
Carrier safety rating No
Carrier IRP account number Yes
Carrier IRP status Yes
Carrier Safestat category Yes
Carrier liability insurance status Yes
Carrier registration status No
Carrier IFTA account number Yes
Carrier IFTA status Yes
Total number of inspections (24 months) No
Number of carrier OOS inspections Yes
Number of vehicle inspections No
Number of OOS vehicle inspections No
Number of driver inspections No
Number of OOS driver inspections No
Number of hazmat inspections No
Number of OOS hazmat inspections No
Vehicle license plate number Yes
Vehicle license plate issuing jurisdiction Yes
Vehicle registration status Yes
Vehicles carrier responsible for safety Yes
Vehicle IRP base State Yes
State/Local Permits License plate No
Vehicle permit type No
Vehicle permit number No
Vehicle permit issuing authority No
Vehicle permitted weight No
Vehicle permitted dimensions No
Vehicle permit indicator No
Vehicle permit validity period No
Vehicle permit status No
Vehicle permit restrictions No
Vehicle permitted route No
Carrier ID number No
Vehicle Dimensional Measurement (VDIM) Vehicle dimensions (length, width, and/or height) N/A
Office of Operations