Primer for Improved Urban Freight Mobility and Delivery
Operations, Logistics, and Technology Strategies
5. Planning and Funding Operations, Logistics, and Technology Strategies
Implementing OLT strategies in urban areas involves two key actions: planning for and documenting the problem, and securing funding to solve it. Documents produced as part of the broader transportation planning process—Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan and the Metropolitan Transportation Plan—may have sections dedicated to freight concerns. State Freight Plans and Regional or City Freight Plans can assess urban freight mobility needs, and define freight planning activities and investments to address those needs. These plans can help identify OLT strategies that may be eligible for funding through Federal formula and grant programs. Figure 2 illustrates how planning for, documenting, and securing funding for OLT strategies is embedded in the existing transportation planning process.
Figure 2. Integrating Freight into the Transportation Planning Process