Model Systems Engineering Documents for Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) SystemsExecutive SummaryThis guidance document for procuring Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) Systems is part of a series of Model Systems Engineering Documents. The model systems engineering documents provide a framework for agencies to clearly articulate their needs, and specify succinct and comprehensive system requirements to guide the procurement and implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Target procurements include those projects that:
These model documents make it possible for agencies to develop meaningful systems engineering documents that will effectively support procurements and reduce risk for smaller, more routine ITS implementation projects. Using these documents will support an agency's compliance with 23CFR940.11. Part of an ITS Implementation ProcessA DMS implementation project will be part of an overall ITS implementation strategy to support the agency's operations planning. The user will be able to identify the goals, objectives and activities from those planning efforts to select the appropriate needs within the Model Concept of Operations. During the project phase, this Concept of Operations will support documentation of system requirements to a level of detail necessary for clarity during a DMS system procurement. Verification and Validation will confirm that the system fulfills the requirements and successfully meets the agency's needs. Demonstrably meeting needs ensures that the agency will attain the operations objectives driving the project. What the User will DoThe user will review sample statements that reflect each of the agency's needs related to their operations objectives. Following this guidance, the user will tailor these sample statements to address specific situations. Selecting and tailoring user needs in the Concept of Operations will link to a set of clear and concise requirements. This guidance leads the user to develop the following systems engineering documents:
Procurement SupportDMS systems procured using traditional low-bid processes impose an unnecessary risk on project success. A number of studies and experience has demonstrated that Intelligent Transportation Systems, including DMS systems are complex and require sufficient integration and customization that are difficult to anticipate and manage effectively within a low-bid process. This guidance includes a discussion of procurement processes that make effective use of systems engineering documents to minimize project risk and comply with Federal procurement regulations. When Federal funds are involved in a project, the systems engineering documents are subject to review by the appropriate Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Division Office, and must follow State procedures as determined between the FHWA Division office and the State transportation agency. |
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |