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United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables

Singapore Urban Freight and Heavy Vehicle Study

Urban freight movements are associated with a series of negative externalities (congestion, safety, pollution, etc.). This project takes a holistic view to characterize and derive insights on how to minimize externalities. Research objectives: (a) Data Collection: the research team applies the behavioral laboratory Future Mobility Sensing (FMS) to collect data on (i) establishments' characteristics and shipment flows; and (ii) heavy vehicles routes, parking locations, stop details, and truck driver preferences. Data collection methods include GPS tracking of freight vehicles and shipments, and surveys on truck drivers and establishments; (b) Modeling and Analysis: Collected data is used for freight behavioral model development and subsequent integration with the SimMobility simulation laboratory, an agent-based model of passenger and freight transportation suitable to assess urban freight services/policies and their impacts; (C) Decision and Policy-Making: the research team demonstrates the potential of simulation to inform the design and evaluation of policies related to traffic management, land, and freight infrastructure planning.

Project Types

Research, Policy.

Period of Performance

May 2016 - present.

Project Site

Singapore, Singapore.


Lynette Cheah
Assistant Professor
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Singapore, Singapore
+65 6499-4740

Topics Addressed

  • Curbside delivery.
  • Land use interaction.
  • Last mile delivery.
  • Logistics/distribution.
  • Mobility/congestion.
  • Modeling.
  • Off-hours delivery.

Expected Outcomes

At its completion, this study expects to contribute to freight survey methods knowledge base, develop behavioral model formulations, and make local freight policy recommendations.

Stakeholder Involvement

Research team: Singapore University of Technology and Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology; partner government agencies: Urban Redevelopment Authority, Land Transport Authority, JTC Corporation. All agencies provide key inputs into the policies being analyzed throughout the study as well as support for the data collection efforts.

  Last modified: April 13, 2020  
Office of Operations