Does Travel Time Reliability Matter? - Flyer
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Federal Highway Administration
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Travelers depend on the U.S. transportation system every day to meet commitments for work and friends and family, acquire/deliver goods and services, and respond to emergencies. If the system operates as expected and enables travel within a predictable amount of time, we can rely on it. When it doesn't, we can't. This lack of reliability affects our health, jobs, families, relationships, cost of consumer goods, and the amount of time we have for other things.
How the Lack of Travel Time Reliability Affects Me and My Community
This infographic provides examples of how travel time reliability affects people and their communities. It includes the following five categories: 1. Emergency: Reduces survival rates. First responder response time is one of the most decisive factors that determines mortality rates. During cardiac arrest, survival rate decreases by 7 to 10 percent for every minute of delay. 2. Freight: Increases cost of consumer goods. Shippers and carriers value transit time at $25 to $200 per hour, which can increase by 50 to 250 percent during unexpected delays. In Washington State, 60 to 80 percent of these costs are transferred to consumers. 3. Transit: Impacts public transportation costs. Over the course of a year, the monetized opportunity cost of an unreliable transit service in the Dash route in Denver, CO, was estimated to be $699.40 per user. 4. Commute: Harms worker performance. Per recent studies, unpredictable travel time can adversely affect worker performance, including tardiness, absenteeism, decrease in concentration, exhaustion, and stress. 5. Family: Disrupts time with family and friends. Recurring and non-recurring delays in 2014 caused urban Americans to travel an additional 6.9 billion hours annually, over 51 hours per commuter. All photos © Adobe Stock
How do we create a reliable transportation system?
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