Organizing for TSMO
Case Study 1: Business Processes – Optimizing Existing Planning and Implementation Processes with TSMO
Executive Summary
Transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) provides tools for transportation managers to address safety, system performance, and reliability. TSMO is "an integrated set of strategies to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure through the implementation of multimodal and intermodal, cross-jurisdictional systems, services, and projects designed to preserve capacity and improve security, safety, and reliability of the transportation system.1" Through participation in the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) workshops, transportation agencies are working to better support TSMO programs. Deploying intelligent transportation systems (ITS), hiring internal information technology staff, and using performance measures for data-driven decisions are just a few examples of the many activities a TSMO program can support.
Given the varying stages of TSMO adoption and advancement, the Federal Highway Administration identified the need for case studies to provide examples of common challenges and best practices for transportation agencies to learn from each other. This is one of 12 case studies developed to support organizing for TSMO. This case study focuses on business processes.
Four agencies with mature business processes were interviewed: Florida Department of Transportation District 5 (FDOT D5), Iowa Department of Transportation (IowaDOT), Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), and North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG). Each agency provided information on how they improved their business processes, challenges, lessons learned, and the next steps to continually improve this dimension. Some of the best practices identified include:
- NCTCOG's development of a financial group to assist with implementation. Often, agreements needed to deploy TSMO strategies require additional administrative support. Planning for these challenges enables operational staff to focus on mobility.
- MAG's investment priorities as a structure for TSMO planning. Realizing financial constraints early in planning processes enables agencies to actionably deploy TSMO strategies.
- IowaDOT's integration of TSMO planning with traditional planning efforts. Realizing TSMO strategies early in project planning provides opportunities to mitigate transportation challenges in the short-term, resulting in allocated funds to be dispersed among other long-term planning efforts.
- FDOT D5's task-oriented improvement activities. Developing items with practical value promotes success in improving TSMO business processes. Development of processes can be tracked and celebrated when outcomes are clear and communicated.