Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Bridging the Communications Gap in Understanding Road Usage Charges


Agrawal, Asha Weinstein and Nixon, Hilary, "What Do Americans Think of Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? Results from Year 10 of a National Study," Mineta Transportation Institute, Web, June 1, 2019.

Atkinson, Robert, "A Policy-makers Guide to Road User Charges," Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Web, April 22, 2019.

Singer, Nancy, "Federal Highway Administration Announces More than $14 Million in Funding to Test New Ways of Funding Highways," U.S. Department of Transportation, Web, August 30, 2016.

Singer, Nancy, "Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Awards More than $15 Million to Six States for Exploring New Ways to Pay for Highways," U.S. Department of Transportation. Web, October 6, 2017.

Singer Nancy, "FHWA Awards More than $10 Million to Seven States to Test New Ways of Funding Highways," U.S. Department of Transportation. Web, February 12, 2019.

Varn, Jake, "The Highway Trust Fund Has a Numbers Problem," Bipartisan Policy Center Infrastructure Blog, Web, May 24, 2019.

Weatherford, Brian, "Mileage Based User Fee Winners and Losers," RAND Corporation. Web, 2012.

  Last modified: November 24, 2020