Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Operational Behavior and Traffic Regulations Information – Proof-of-Concept Demonstration Report

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

December 2021


Table of Contents

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Regulations Data Framework
Challenges and Limitations on Framework Design
Design Features and Attributes
Blockchain Implementation
Prototype User Interface
Administrative User Interface
End-user Interface
Prototype Application Programming Interface
Prototype Framework Repository
Simulation Platform – CARLA
Simulation Testing Workflow and Interfaces
Access Regulation Data
Maintain a Regulation List for the Current Location
Generate Regulation Action Vector for Automated Driving System Regulations
Vectorize the Vehicle’s Intention as Intention Action Vector
Determine the Vehicle Behavior’s Legality
Testing Scenarios and Results
Demonstration Workflow
Automated Driving System Testing Results
Intersection Right Turn on Red
Freeway Left Lane Use
Simulation Repository

List of Figures

Figure 1. Illustration. Automated driving systems regulations data concepts
Figure 2. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface home screen and login
Figure 3. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface for addition of a new jurisdiction
Figure 4. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface for addition of regulatory references
Figure 5. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface for addition of situational instructions
Figure 6. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface for addition of situations
Figure 7. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface for addition of traffic control device types
Figure 8. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface displaying jurisdictions and instructions (sections)
Figure 9. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface displaying the text of regulations
Figure 10. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface displaying the association of situations with jurisdictions
Figure 11. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface displaying the text of regulations for a particular jurisdiction and situation
Figure 12. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface displaying the association of jurisdictions and traffic control types
Figure 13. Screen Capture. Automated driving systems regulations user interface displaying a traffic control image associated with a jurisdiction
Figure 14. Illustration. CARLA Core Simulator and Python® application programming interfaces
Figure 15. Illustration. Automated driving system latform architecture with traffic regulations database
Figure 16. Diagram. Workflow for accessing regulations data
Figure 17. Diagram. Workflow for maintaining legal regulation list in automated driving systems for current vehicle location
Figure 18. Diagram. Generate regulation action vector for automated driving system regulations
Figure 19. Diagram. Vectorize the vehicle’s intention as an intention action vector
Figure 20. Diagram. Workflow for determining the vehicle behavior’s legality
Figure 21. Illustration. Intersection right-turn-on-red demonstration
Figure 22. Illustration. Freeway overtaking demonstration