Operation Performance Management Primer: From Performance Measures to Performance Management
List of Acronyms
AASHTO—American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
CDOT—Colorado Department of Transportation
CMF—Capability Maturity Frameworks
CMP—Congestion Management Plans
DOT—Department of Transportation
DSS—Decision Support Systems
FHWA—Federal Highway Administration
IT—Information Technology
ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems
LHL—Lane-Hours Lost
LRTP—Long-Range Transportation Plan
MAP-21—Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
MPO—Metropolitan Planning Organization
MRCC—Metro Regional Centerline Collaborative
OPMM—Operations Performance Measures and Management
PBPD—Performance-Based Practical Design
PBPP—Performance-Based Planning and Programming
PennDOT—Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
PM3—Third Performance Management Rulemaking
SHRP 2—Strategic Highway Research Program 2
STIP—Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs
TPM—Transportation Performance Management
TSMO—Transportation Systems Management and Operations
VMT—vehicle-miles traveled