Appendix A. Sample Special Event Permit Regulations, Applications, and Agreements
San Diego, CA: Special Event Regulations on Mitigating Public Impacts
Mitigation of Impact
As an event organizer, you are required to develop mitigating measures
to accommodate the negative impact your event may have on entities that
may be affected by your activities. Most neighborhoods and business districts
are represented by a number of community groups that are officially recognized
by the City of San Diego. These groups include, Community Planning Groups,
Town Councils, Business Improvement Districts, and Recreation Councils.
If your event venue is in an area that is governed by one or more of these
groups, you must present your event concept to these organizations
for their support or endorsement. You must also meet with
the residents, businesses, places of worship and schools that may be impacted
by the noise and street closures related to your event.
The City of San Diego requires that notices be mailed or hand delivered
two weeks prior to your event to all entities
impacted by event activities. Information in this notice should include,
but not be limited to, the date(s), day(s), time(s), location(s) and types
of activities taking place during your event. The notice must also give
detour or alternate route information if regular access is affected or
if transportation systems are impacted. The notice also must include a
telephone number where members of the public can contact your organization
if they have concerns or issues that need to be addressed.
The City of San Diego will also require you to provide advisory signs
placed a minimum of two weeks prior to your event if the event impacts
a major use roadway. Advisory signs are intended to provide advanced notice
to the regular users of a roadway of the scheduled closure.
Washington State DOT: State Highway Use During Street Use Events
Chapter 7: Special Highway Use
7.1 Bicycling, Running, Walking, Festival, and Parade Events
RCW 46.61 prescribes the rights and duties for bicycle and pedestrian
travel an highways, county roads, and city streets, With regard to bicycle
or pedestrian events, traffic control considerations are essential to
minimize potential traffic hazards.
Requests to use state highways for bicycle, running, and walking related
events require written approval from the district to the event sponsor
for events occurring within a district. Headquarters coordinates the required
activities for multi-district events, responding to the involved districts
and the State Patrol. Approvals may be granted after consideration and
documentation of the following guidelines:
- Event sponsors should be encouraged to use county roads or city streets
if at all possible.
- Where use of a highway without access control is necessary, there
should be a detour route available. The detour should be satisfactory
for through traffic and appropriately signed by the local jurisdiction(s).
Request for state highway use within incorporated areas should receive
concurrence from the affected city or town.
- Sponsor developed traffic control plans must adequately and safely
accommodate anticipated traffic conditions. Such plans must be approved
by the district traffic engineer. All traffic control devices shall
conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
- The organizers, or sponsors, will prepay all extraordinary costs for
labor and materials provided by the Department of Transportation.
- The party requesting the state highway use shall notify, at least
48 hours (preferably seven days) in advance of the event, all local
fire, ambulance, transit, law enforcement departments, and other service
oriented activities that could be affected by the event.
- The department must be included as an additional insured when highway
authorities are not specifically named within event insurance policies.
Department regulations and policies do not allow bicycling, running,
or walking related events on limited access highways except when prior
approval is granted at locations where no alternate route exists. On an
event basis, written approval by the State Operations and Maintenance
Engineer is required.
Where a limited access highway has been approved for use, sufficient
lane(s) are to be left open in each direction to allow expected volumes
of traffic to operate without serious congestion. Appropriate traffic
control plans and devices are to be used to enhance safety and to warn
event participants and vehicle drivers of each others presence.
Public information efforts should be commensurate with the anticipated
traffic impacts. The news media should be encouraged to publicize the
event and possible congestion. This can be accomplished by imposing special
requirements for public information on the sponsor, by news releases or
media contacts by WSDOT personnel, or a combination.
Provide informational copies of correspondence related to such events
to the State Traffic Engineer. When these events may affect ferry operations,
contact the Marine Transportation Division.
Virginia Beach, VA: Permit Application
Evanston, IL: Special Event Hold Harmless Agreement
Hold Harmless/Indemnification Agreement
(Name of Applicant) has requested permission to (Event Description) in
the City of Evanston. For consideration of such permission, (Name of Applicant)
hereby fully releases and discharges the City of Evanston, its officers,
agents and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including
death, damages or loss, which may arise or which any be alleged to have
arisen out of, or in connection with the event.
(Name of Applicant) further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and
defend the City of Evanston, its officers, agents and employees from any
and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages or losses,
including, but not limited to the general public, which may arise or which
may be alleged to have arisen out of, or in connection with this event.
In addition, (Name of Applicant) shall furnish two copies of certificates
of insurance with the City of Evanston named as an additional insured
in the amount of $1,000,000 unless a greater amount is warranted.
(Applicant's Company Name)
(Applicant's Name)
(Applicant's Title)
(Applicant's Signature)
Applicant's Statement of Agreement:
I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct in describing
the intent of this application.
I, (Name of Applicant), the undersigned, agree to abide by the provisions
in this application and the instructions attached hereto.
(Signature of Applicant) (Date)
Hot Springs, AR: Street Use Event Checklist
Special Requirements for Use of Whittington Avenue: Checklist
The following checklist applies to any special event permit issued for
the use of Whittington Avenue from its intersection with Ozark and Water
Streets west to Woodfin Street. A complete description of these requirements
is attached to Ordinance Nos. 4458 and 4556. Event Sponsor must comply
with the requirements as stated in Ordinance Nos. 4458 and 4556 and their
attachments. In this regard, the Sponsor must:
Provide written notification to area residents as illustrated in Exhibit
1 to Ordinance No. 4458 not less than 3 nor more than 10 days prior
to the event. |
Provide "escort passes" for residents on the boulevard section of Whittington and to the residents of Quartz Street prior to event. |
Arrange with a local ambulance service for the provision of an ambulance to be stationed in the Whittington area during the event. |
Contact the City's Engineering Office (Municipal Building, 133 Convention Blvd., 321-6860) and arrange for pickup of required signs. (A refundable deposit of $20.00 per sign must be paid at the time the Sponsor picks up the signs.) |
Install temporary signs at: (1) Park Ave. & Gulpha Gorge Rd., (2) Blacksnake Road at Bull Bayou, (3) Prospect at West Mountain Drive, and (4) east and west ends of the Whittington boulevard section. |
Install detour signs as indicated by Exhibit 3 to Ordinance No. 4458. |
Install barricades at the intersection of Whittington and Woodfin as indicated by Exhibit 3 of Ordinance No. 4458. |
Provide radio equipped marshals at all intersections along Whittington (12 minimum). |
Arrange to reopen Whittington between events, if applicable. |
Ensure that one lane of traffic on Whittington Avenue remains open at all times in the designated event area (from Ozark and Water Streets west to Woodfin). |
Any special event expected to last for a duration of two hours or more shall require the sponsor to place on each end of Whittington Park one male and one female port-a-potty. |
Remove and return all city owned signs to the City's Engineering Office (Municipal Building, 133 Convention Blvd.) within two days after the event. |
Event sponsors are responsible for providing all necessary barricades and traffic cones. (Available from rental and/or construction companies.) |
Montgomery County, MD: Special Event Traffic Control Regulations
Public Right-of-Way Permit Special Requirements, Pages 1 and 2:
(check all applicable boxes)
Checkbox 1. Signs notifying the public must be posted
a minimum of one week prior to the event on the right side of all effected
roadways where they intersect with major roadways. (see illustration "A"
for sign details).
When applicable, "Road Closed" signs must
be posted the day of the closure at the last major intersection
where motorists can detour to avoid the closure (see illustration "D")
and at the actual point of the closure (see illustration "C").
Lettering and symbols on the above described signs must
be legible for passing motorists to easily see and comprehend.
Checkbox 2. Temporary parking restriction signs must
be posted 72 hours in advance and remain posted for the duration of the
event at locations where parked vehicles would conflict with the event.
See illustration "B" for the required sign message and dimensions.
Lettering and symbols must be legible enough to be easily
seen and comprehended.
Checkbox 3. Traffic drums or cones (see illustration "E" and
"F") must be used at all points of closure—
starting areas, the crossing of intersections, locations where the route
changes directions, and all driveways (except single family homes).
Checkbox 4. For the closure of a lane or a portion of a lane along a
segment of roadway, the permittee must provide 28"
high traffic cones or traffic drums placed no further than 40' apart to
separate and define the portion of the roadway to be used for vehicle
travel from that reserved for the event.
Checkbox 5. Traffic drums or cones must be in place
just prior to the times allocated for the event (as specified herein)
and removed as soon as the last participant clears each section of the
event route (no later than the ending time as stated on the permit).
Checkbox 6. For races or moving events, a "Lead" and "Chase"
vehicles must be used in front and behind to insure the
safety of all participants during the event.
Checkbox 7. Residents and/or businesses of all properties fronting the
subject road sections and/or those whose access is directly impacted by
the event must be notified in writing by the permittee
a minimum of 72 hours prior to the event.
Checkbox 8. Vehicle access to and from properties abutting and/or directly
affected by the event must be permitted at all times: Emergency
Vehicles Shall Be Permitted Through Passage at All Times.
Checkbox 9. Permittee must secure police assistance
at locations that require complete closure of the roadway and at all signalized
and/or major intersections where the participants may be crossing without
regard to existing traffic control devices.
Checkbox 10. Competent adult monitors must be stationed
at all other intersecting roadways and/or driveways (except those of signal
family homes) not controlled by police.
Checkbox 11. Competent adult monitors must have copies
of "Detour Maps" to inform passing motorist of alternate routes
around the event.
Checkbox 12. If applicable, permittee must secure the
necessary permits from Maryland State Highway Administration and/or other
agencies or municipalities for the temporary use of their right-of-way.
Checkbox 13. The "Double Yellow Center Line" rule shall
be enforced at all times during the race. This rule also applies to any
practice runs the participants partake in prior to the race.
"The Double Yellow Center Line Rule prohibits any participant
from crossing the center line of any roadway during practice or the actual
race with the exception of the start of the race and the sprint to the
finish line at the end of the race".
Checkbox 14. A "Rolling Road Block" type of closure shall
be used during the event. At no time will any county roadways be closed
to motorists during the event, except during the start of the race and
the finish of the race.
Checkbox 15. "Practice Runs" are allowed only on the roadways
as stated in the permit and must be held on the day of
the event and only during the times as stated in the permit.
Approved: (Traffic Control and Lighting Engineering)
Date: (Date Approved)
Marco Island, FL: Special Event Directional Sign Regulations
Directional Signs in Row:
Directional signs located within the right-of-way must be a minimum of
18" x 24" and a maximum of 24" x 32". It is recommended
that the signs be blue with white lettering. The signs shall be professional
in appearance and shall include the special event permit number (can be
placed on back of sign). Signs may not be erected prior to 7 days before
the scheduled event and must be removed with 24 hours of the completion
of the event. Signs may not be located within medians, attached to traffic
control signs or other authorized highway signs. Signs shall be located
a minimum distance of 30 feet from street intersection and a minimum distance
of 6 feet from the edge of pavement or 3 feet from the back of a curb.
The bottom of all signs shall be a minimum of 12 inches above existing
ground and the top of the sign shall not exceed a distance of 5 feet above
the existing ground.
Walworth County, WI: County Code Section 10-28, Recovery of Expenses
Incurred for Providing Extraordinary Governmental Services
Extraordinary services means reasonable and necessary services
provided by the County above and beyond its normal capabilities and requirements
of providing for public health and safety that cause a measurable burden
upon the County. Such services shall include extra police protection,
traffic control or refuse collections and the administration of this Ordinance.
Sec. 10-28. Recovery of expenses incurred for providing extraordinary
governmental services.
- As a condition of any license granted hereunder, the licensee shall
be responsible for reimbursing the County for the cost of providing
extraordinary governmental services required as a result of the licensed
event as provided in this section.
- There shall be a charge for each ticket sold, as shall be determined,
from time to time, by the Executive Committee, which charge shall be
collected by the licensee and forwarded to the County within 30 days
after each event. The licensee shall provide the County with complete
ticket manifests for each event, and grant to the county the right to
audit attendance figures for each event within one (1) year following
the date of the event.