a collage of eight photos showing a stakeholder meeting, people boarding a bus, a changeable message sign displaying the message race traffic, cars traversing a roadway where barricades delineate travel lanes, a closed-circuit television camera, a crowd of people standing near a train and traversing a pedestrian overpass, two implementation plans, and three traffic management team personnel gathered around a laptop computer

Managing Travel for Planned Special Events

Chapter Twelve. Continuous Event

photo of the outdoor Summerfest Music Festival showing patrons walking among large tents

Figure 12-1. Continuous Event: Summerfest Music Festival in Milwaukee, WI (Photo courtesy of the Wisconsin DOT.)

Purpose  handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups

In order to assist the user in planning for a particular planned special event, this chapter describes an advance planning and travel management process and considerations specific to a continuous event. It summarizes recommended policies, guidelines, procedures, and resource applications that were previously discussed in the first ten chapters of this technical reference. This chapter presents these guidelines and procedures in tables, flowcharts, and checklists that can be followed to help guide the user through all the stages of a planned special event of this category for a particular locale. Although Chapter 3 presents all the steps necessary to manage travel for a planned special event, this chapter provides a roadmap to help guide the user through all five phases of managing travel for planned special events, identifying issues, analysis, and products applicable to continuous events. To further guide readers, this chapter specifies references to data, special considerations, and best practices relating to this event category.

Introduction  handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups

In order to guide the user, this chapter addresses four key topics, corresponding to five phases of managing travel for planned special events, including: (1) event operations planning, (2) implementation and day-of-event activities, (3) post-event activities, and (4) program planning. The final section on program planning highlights issues to consider, that evolve from and/or pertain to continuous events, in planning for all planned special events within a region or jurisdiction. By following each one of the steps and procedures, the user will have identified and covered all the significant aspects that are necessary to result in successful management of travel for a planned special event with characteristics specific to a continuous event.

Table 12-1 indicates different types of planned special events classified as a continuous event. This category includes events that occur in urban and metropolitan areas, and the rural event category includes continuous events that take place in rural areas. Aside from conventions and state/county fairs, many continuous events take place at a temporary venue, a park, or other large open space. These venues host planned special events on a less frequent basis than permanent multi-use venues, and planned special event permitting typically governs whether a temporary venue can adequately handle the transportation impact of a particular continuous event. Table 12-2 lists key characteristics of a continuous event.

Table 12-1. Types of Continuous Events
Event Type
  • Fairs
  • Festivals
  • Conventions and expos
  • Air and automobile shows

Table 12-2. Distinguishing Operating Characteristics of a Continuous Event
  • Occurrence often over multiple days
  • Arrival and departure of event patrons throughout the event day
  • Typically little or no advance ticket sales
  • Capacity of venue not always known
  • Occurrence sometimes at temporary venues

Special Considerations

In light of the characteristics of a continuous event, special considerations when planning such an event include:

  • Daily attendance, a key input in the travel forecast analysis process, is often difficult to estimate, and day-of-event weather conditions may significantly affect it.
  • The traffic generation characteristics and market area of different continuous events may vary considerably, thus limiting the transfer of historical data between non-identical special events.
  • Most events do not have an attendance capacity or defined "sell-out."
  • Venues may have limited access to transit stations and adjacent high-capacity arterial roadways and freeways.
  • High attendance events in downtown areas require extensive planning for parking and travel demand management.
  • Major continuous events typically generate trips from a multi-county region.
  • Potential weather impacts require the consideration of a wide range of contingency plans relative to site access, parking, pedestrian access, traffic control, and traffic incident management.
  • Continuous events held at temporary venues may significantly impact nearby neighborhood residents and businesses.

Event Operations Planning  handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups

Because of the contrasting characteristics of different continuous events and the respective venues hosting these events, the event planning team should develop (1) a feasibility study, (2) a traffic management plan, and (3) travel demand management initiatives (as necessary) in the event operations planning phase. The stakeholder composition of an event planning team varies by event, as some continuous events represent community or not-for-profit events while others involve commercial dealings. Recurring continuous events, such as an annual fair or air show, permit stakeholders to reference a past feasibility study and traffic management plan, coupled with operations successes and lessons learned, when conducting advance planning activities for a future event. However, due to the significant time between recurring continuous events, the event planning team must anticipate (1) changes in the operations characteristics of a future event, (2) modifications to the transportation system serving the event, and (3) changes in the community (e.g., land use, socioeconomic, regulations, etc.).

Figure 12-2 presents 31 steps in the event operations planning process for all planned special events. The flowchart covers development and integration of the phase's aforementioned three products. Table 12-3 complements the flowchart by providing step-by-step guidance on issues and recommended analyses for a continuous event. The table also presents reference information contained in this handbook that is specific to continuous events. While all of the major handbook topics under event operations planning apply to a continuous event, Table 12-3 indicates data, planning considerations, and agency example applications (e.g., via narratives or photos) within the context of this event category. In turn, practitioners can use example applications presented for a continuous event to manage travel for other categories of planned special events.

flowchart illustrating 31 steps in the event operations planning process for all planned special events

Figure 12-2. Event Operations Planning Process Flowchart D

Table 12-3. Event Operations Planning Steps: Continuous Event
Step No. Page Event-Specific Issues Event-Specific Reference Information: Topic Event-Specific Reference Information: Page
1 5-20 empty cell
  • Example: Appendix D – Internet-based event patron evaluation survey.
2 7-9
  • Potential financial incentive for transit service to provide express/charter service.
empty cell empty cell
3 5-21
  • Variation in daily attendance on each day of a multi-day event.
  • Impact of weather on attendance (if open-air venue).
  • Data: Daily attendance split for multi-day continuous events.
  • Special consideration: Estimating daily attendance.
3 5-21
  • Variation in daily attendance on each day of a multi-day event.
  • Impact of weather on attendance (if open-air venue).
  • Data: Vehicle occupancy factor; Table 5-14.
4 5-22
  • Peak rates may increase if event features headline entertainment.
  • Impact of weather on time of arrival and/or departure (if open-air venue).
  • Data: Traffic arrival rate characteristics; Table 5-15.
  • Special consideration: Using historical data to estimate traffic arrival rate.
5 5-25
  • Use of travel time or distance analysis if no advance ticket sales.
  • Market area includes the community or region the event is staged for.
  • Special consideration: Recommended market area analysis methodology.
  • Special consideration: Market area analysis.
6 5-27
  • Continuous turnover during event.
    Use of off-site parking areas.
  • Special consideration: Parking demand analysis.
6 5-27
  • Continuous turnover during event.
    Use of off-site parking areas.
  • Example: Designated event off-site parking area; Figure 5-11.
7 5-29
  • Analysis of conditions prior to, during, and after event.
empty cell empty cell
8 5-30
  • Possible composite traffic volume peak during the event.
empty cell empty cell
9 6-32
  • Design of service to operate throughout the event.
  • Increased round-trip travel time if loading occurs both at parking areas and at venue.
  • Special consideration: Shuttle bus service cost.
10 6-13
  • Secure of lease or agreement for off-site lots.
empty cell empty cell
11 6-38 empty cell empty cell empty cell
12 6-38
  • Consideration of ingress and egress operations during the event.
empty cell empty cell
13 6-40 empty cell empty cell empty cell
14 6-41 empty cell empty cell empty cell
15 6-43 empty cell
  • Example: Accommodation of traffic destined to major generators; Figure 6-35.
16 6-45 empty cell empty cell empty cell
17 6-49 empty cell empty cell empty cell
18 6-51 empty cell empty cell empty cell
19 6-57 empty cell empty cell empty cell
20 6-16
  • Two-way traffic during event.
empty cell empty cell
21 6-20
  • Potential use of unpaved parking areas.
empty cell empty cell
22 6-23
  • Variation of parking occupancy during the event.
empty cell empty cell
23 6-28
  • Two-way pedestrian traffic during event.
  • Special consideration: Pedestrian traffic.
23 6-28
  • Two-way pedestrian traffic during event.
  • Example: Pedestrian access route and emergency access route; Figure 6-22.
23 6-28
  • Two-way pedestrian traffic during event.
  • Example: Road closure adjacent to event venue; Figure 6-24.
  • Example: Staffed mid-block pedestrian crossing; Figure 6-25.
24 6-32
  • Strong consideration for temporary venues.
  • Special consideration: Disabled parking spaces.
  • Example: Special event disabled parking area access point; Figure 6-26.
25 6-9
  • Analysis of peak period during event as well as peak ingress and egress.
  • Consideration of detailed analysis (e.g., table-top exercises) for temporary venues.
empty cellempty cell empty cell
26 7-2 to 7-14
  • High applicability of HOV incentives, bicyclist accommodation, public transit incentives, and express/charter bus service to this event category.
  • Example: High occupancy vehicle incentive; Figure 7-2.
26 7-2 to 7-14
  • High applicability of HOV incentives, bicyclist accommodation, public transit incentives, and express/charter bus service to this event category.
  • Example: Bicycle parking area; Figure 7-6.
26 7-2 to 7-14
  • High applicability of HOV incentives, bicyclist accommodation, public transit incentives, and express/charter bus service to this event category.
  • Example: Express bus service.
27 7-6 empty cellempty cell empty cell empty cell
28 6-72 empty cellempty cell empty cell empty cell
29 6-61
  • Emphasis on portable roadside traveler information devices for temporary venues.
empty cell empty cell
30 6-70
  • Emphasis on portable closed-circuit television, field observation, and/or aerial observation for temporary venues.
empty cell empty cell
31 7-14
  • Key step for infrequent events.
  • Example: Traffic information dissemination via public agency website; Figure 7-7.
31 7-14
  • Key step for infrequent events.
  • Example: Appendix L - Event-specific website.

The flowchart in Figure 12-2 represents a suggested order of event operations planning activities. However, as noted below, the event planning team can modify activities to create a dynamic and more effective planning process tailored to the scope of a specific planned special event:

  • A jurisdiction planned special event permit process and requirements will scope, schedule, and direct event operations planning activities for continuous events.
  • Links between process steps are two-way as stakeholders evaluate alternative strategies and/or integrate traffic management plan components.
  • The event planning team can develop different traffic management plan components concurrently.

The event operations planning process references information and concepts contained in the advance planning section of this handbook, and it directs the user to recommended guidelines, procedures, strategies, and resource applications for managing travel for a specific planned special event. When following the process, practitioners should review:

  • Advance planning and travel management process and considerations provided in Chapter 11, as appropriate, for continuous events that occur at a permanent venue (e.g., stadium, arena, amphitheater, and convention center).
  • Important advance planning considerations and external factors, summarized in Chapter 5, that influence planning activities. For instance, effective and rapid stakeholder review of event operations planning products requires: (1) an annotated planning timeline, (2) a review process, and (3) performance standards.
  • Traffic management plan components in Chapter 6 that provide an overview of various principles driving plan development in addition to a contingency plan checklist.

Implementation and Day-of-Event Activities  handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups

Implementation activities represent an essential phase in advance planning for continuous events. The traffic management team involves new interagency relationships, and it requires an event-specific implementation plan to communicate specifics of the new traffic management plan prepared by the event planning team. Because particular continuous event types occur infrequently, stakeholder simulation exercises prove valuable in assisting traffic management team personnel understand the roles and responsibilities of participating stakeholders in addition to the actions taken on the day-of-event. Equipment testing marks another key consideration. These intensive stakeholder activities reflect the typical unfamiliarity with managing travel for a continuous event coupled with the fact that transportation management activities, on the order required for a planned special event, may not regularly take place in the vicinity of the event venue.

Table 12-4 presents a checklist of implementation and day-of-event activities for stakeholders to consider regarding any continuous event. As indicated in the table, the event planning team must determine, based on various event operations characteristics (e.g., event type, event location, event time of occurrence, attendance, market area, etc.) and other external factors, what unique set of activities apply in handling a specific special event. The table facilitates fast access to handbook sections providing detailed guidance, including recommended strategies, protocol, and resource applications, required by users to plan and execute these activities.

Table 12-4. Checklist of Implementation and Day-of-Event Activities for Continuous Events
Handbook Page Action
checked checkbox
  • Develop an implementation plan.
blank checkbox
  • Conduct a stakeholder simulation exercise(s).
blank checkbox
  • Test equipment resources slated for use on the day-of-event.
blank checkbox
  • Recruit and train volunteers to fulfill personnel resource needs.
blank checkbox
  • Implement a traffic management team management process.
blank checkbox
  • Designate a multi-agency command post.
blank checkbox
  • Conduct a traffic management plan evaluation(s) during the day-of-event.
blank checkbox
  • Establish protocol for traffic management team officials to consider and implement changes to the traffic management plan to accommodate real-time traffic conditions.
blank checkbox
  • Establish interagency communication protocol.
blank checkbox
  • Review communication equipment compatibility.
blank checkbox
  • Use the media to communicate with event patrons and other transportation users.
blank checkbox
  • Perform traffic monitoring on the day-of-event.
blank checkbox

Some distinguishing considerations of this event category during the day-of-event activities phase include:

  • The scope and duration of continuous events, especially those that occur over multiple days, demand a significant level of personnel resources. Supplementing traffic management team personnel with temporary staff and volunteers may represent a necessary action to meet daily staffing requirements. However, many volunteers have no past experience in tasks associated with traffic and pedestrian control and parking operations. As a result, volunteer training becomes paramount to the success of day-of-event operations. Chapter 8 contains checklists and relevant considerations for assessing personnel resource needs and using volunteers on the day-of-event. The chapter also specifies volunteer training activities and summarizes basic functions required of all volunteers.
  • The traffic management team likely includes stakeholder representatives involved in managing travel for a particular continuous event type for the first time. To ensure successful traffic management plan deployment, the traffic management team must adopt a formal management process and establish an interagency communication structure and protocol to support day-of-event operations.
  • Other essential team management considerations involve (1) the designation of an Incident Commander for the planned special event and (2) the set up of a temporary, multi-agency command post at or near the event venue.
  • Traffic management team officials should anticipate enacting modifications to the traffic management plan throughout the duration of the continuous event.
  • Surveillance information and performance evaluation data define transportation operation conditions and, thus, influence decision-making at a day-of-event briefing.
  • Multi-day continuous events should include: (1) a traffic management team meeting at the end of each day's activities to review the traffic management plan and team performance and/or (2) a traffic management team meeting before the start of the next event day.
  • The collection and evaluation of transportation system performance data proves valuable in guiding decision-making not only on the day-of-event but also for recurring continuous events. Stakeholders can archive raw data for use in future feasibility studies, and various evaluation measures can identify specific areas that require improvement for future, similar events at the subject venue.
  • The traffic management team must exercise great care in collecting performance evaluation data in order to ensure data quality and consistency.

Post-Event Activities  handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups

All of the primary products of this phase (e.g., participant evaluation, post-event debriefing, and post-event report) have a high level of applicability to continuous events. Given the infrequent occurrence of continuous events coupled with the scarcity of travel forecast data, post-event activity results represent a key resource in planning for future continuous events in a region.

Table 12-5 presents a checklist of post-event activities for continuous events. The post-event activities section of this handbook provides detailed information on common techniques, special considerations, and recommended protocol that facilitate the activities listed in the table.

Table 12-5. Checklist of Post-Event Activities for Continuous Events
Handbook Page Action
checked checkbox
  • Review measures of effectiveness identified in event operations planning phase.
blank checkbox
  • Compile agency measures of effectiveness.
blank checkbox
  • Compile performance evaluation data.
blank checkbox
  • Conduct stakeholder participant debriefing.
blank checkbox
  • Conduct event patron survey.
blank checkbox
  • Conduct public survey.
blank checkbox
  • Conduct a post-event debriefing meeting.
blank checkbox
  • Prepare a post-event report.
blank checkbox

Some distinguishing considerations of this event category during the post-event activities phase include:

  • In regard to participant evaluation, continuous event patron travel surveys yield important information and statistics that can assist practitioners in (1) improving the accuracy of future continuous event travel forecasts and (2) developing travel demand management incentives (e.g., public transit incentives and express/charter bus services) for similar events.
  • Periodic public surveys warrant consideration for special events under this category as event performance evaluation data fails to assess all community impacts. Survey results alert special event stakeholders of impacts to affected residents and businesses, in addition to non-attendee transportation system users, that may continue to occur with each successive special event at a particular venue location. As a result, stakeholders can develop and implement appropriate strategies (e.g., enforcement, etc.) to mitigate the identified impact(s) for future planned special events.
  • Post-event debriefings represent a common and recommended stakeholder activity for continuous events.
    • On a regional level, such meetings may coincide with a regular traffic incident management team meeting.
    • A key aspect of a post-event debriefing for continuous events involves preparing detailed meeting minutes that include the identification of key successes and lessons learned.
    • Considering the potential significant time between similar event types, stakeholders must chronicle participant survey results and debriefing meetings so that those stakeholders charged with managing travel for future continuous events can tap the wisdom of past participants.
  • The occurrence of a major, recurring continuous event warrants development of a post-event report. In turn, the report can serve as a working document to assist in advance planning for the next (year's) event.
  • A post-event report for a recurring continuous event should include an operational cost analysis to assist stakeholders in identifying potential cost-saving resource deployment strategies for the next event occurrence.

Program Planning  handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups

Program planning activities involve the development of policies, programs, and initiatives that facilitate improved planning and management of travel for future planned special events.

Program planning for continuous events include activities, as summarized in Table 12-6, on both a regional and local level.

Table 12-6. Program Planning Activities for Continuous Events
Product Topic Page No.
Institutional frameworks
  • Creation of a regional transportation committee on planned special events (e.g., oversight team).
Institutional frameworks
  • Development of a formal planned special event permit program.
Institutional frameworks
  • Creation of a transportation operations task force for a recurring continuous event.
Institutional frameworks
  • Development of a joint operations policy.
Policies and regulations
  • Traffic and parking restrictions.
Policies and regulations
  • Public-private towing agreements.
Infrastructure deployment
  • Planned alternate route for diverting background traffic around a venue.
Infrastructure deployment
  • Portable traffic management system.
Infrastructure deployment
  • Express, charter or shuttle bus service.
Infrastructure deployment
  • Telephone information systems.
Infrastructure deployment
  • Public information campaign.

Some distinguishing considerations of this event category during the program planning phase include:

  • A regional transportation committee on planned special events considers the planning and resource requirements of continuous events in connection with managing all planned special events in a region. A primary committee focus concerns facilitating interagency coordination and collaboration. For instance, a task force may exist for a specific large-scale, recurring continuous event that works throughout the year to integrate past event successes and lessons learned into future event planning.
  • Two or more stakeholders, representing multiple jurisdictions and/or disciplines, may establish a joint operations policy for managing travel for all planned special events in a region.
  • Because continuous events occur infrequently and occasionally at temporary venues, an infrastructure needs assessment on the program planning level should focus on equipment and technology applications transferable to managing all planned special events in a region and/or day-to-day transportation system operations.
  • A planned special event permit program proves particularly effective for continuous events that, because of such characteristics as event attendance and event location, may (1) conflict with municipal or state guidelines and regulations and (2) impact transportation operations and the community. The program specifies a permit process, coupled with supporting restrictions and requirements, that allows stakeholders to plan and assess all types of continuous events within a common framework. A section on program planning for local planned special events in Chapter 4 provides complete and in-depth coverage on developing a permit program applicable to continuous events.
  • Funding represents a key public agency consideration for continuous events in the program planning phase.
    • Commercial events may involve event organizers and participants from outside the community hosting the event.
    • Prior to initiating event operations planning activities for a specific continuous event, stakeholders should establish a funding mechanism for recovering costs incurred in providing services during the event operations planning phase and resources on the day-of-event.
    • Funding often represents a requirement of a comprehensive planned special event permit program.
  Last modified: February 1, 2017