Chapter Five. Event Operations
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![photo of a meeting of agency representatives to plan for a planned special event](images/fig5_1.jpg) Figure 5-1. Event Planning Team Meeting
Purpose ![handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups](images/icon_sm3.gif)
This chapter presents advance planning and stakeholder coordination activities
conducted for a specific planned special event. It represents the first
of three successive chapters on the event operations planning phase. The
primary, interrelated products of the event operations planning phase
include: (1) feasibility study, (2) traffic management plan, and (3) travel
demand management initiatives. This chapter describes initial planning
activities, summarizes feasibility study analysis steps
specific to a planned special event, and highlights external factors
affecting the scope of event impact on transportation system operations.
Practitioners can use this chapter as a tool to: (1) establish an event
operations planning framework for guiding stakeholder activities throughout
the phase, (2) assist in deciding whether to grant or deny preliminary
approval to schedule a proposed planned special event based on predicted
transportation system impacts and (3) determine traffic and parking demand,
roadway capacity deficiencies, and unplanned scenarios that define that
scope of traffic management plan required (Chapter 6) in addition to the
need for developing travel demand management initiatives (Chapter 7).
Introduction ![handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups](images/icon_sm3.gif)
This chapter helps practitioners to hit the ground running on
advance planning for a specific planned special event. Compared to Chapters
6 and 7 which detail strategies and tactics for mitigating the impact
of planned special events on transportation system operations, this chapter
emphasizes, with supporting example case studies, the importance of facilitating
a planning structure, stakeholder coordination, and comprehensive event
assessment in generating event planning phase products that completely
and accurately guide operations activities on the day-of-event.
A section on initial planning activities describes input data requirements
for analyzing the event impact and discusses scenarios linked to particular
events that may require the development of a contingency plan(s). The
section lists transportation system performance objectives, and associated
facility-specific measures of effectiveness (MOEs), that satisfy the customer
service requirements of event patrons and other road user classes. It
presents an event operations planning schedule and lists various products
of the event operations planning phase. The section concludes by examining
situations necessitating public involvement, summarizing the feasibility
study and traffic management plan review process, and identifying successful
policies and agreements for managing and operating a planned special event.
The event feasibility study section presents travel forecast process
strategies and considerations for estimating modal split, event-generated
traffic demand, and vehicle occupancy factors. It reviews techniques for
identifying a market area and directional distribution of event-generated
traffic. The section reviews methodologies for identifying and evaluating
the sufficiency of available venue parking supply based on event parking
demand and existing conditions. It specifies traffic demand analysis and
roadway capacity analysis strategies, including the application of various
traffic modeling and capacity analysis tools. To provide a lead-in to
the following two chapters on event operations planning, the section describes
a toolbox of mitigation strategies for adjusting event traffic generation
levels as well as increasing transportation system capacity.
This chapter concludes with an examination of external factors that may
create considerable impact on transportation system operations if ignored.
A feasibility study may not account for issues such as available resources,
weather, concurrent road construction activities, and concurrent planned
special events. These factors must be accounted for early in the advance
planning process as well as in traffic management plans prepared for a
planned special event. For example, given a particular recurring event,
event patrons and non-attendee transportation system users may realize
satisfactory system operations during one event occurrence, then experience
an unacceptable level of service during the next event occurrence. Such
incidents occur when stakeholders do not account for various external
factors, through scenario-based response plans, early in the event traffic
management plan development process.