Chapter Six. Traffic Management
Page 5 of 9
Pedestrian Access Plan ![handbook section pertains to transportation engineer, law enforcement officer, and event planning user groups](images/icon_sm3.gif)
A pedestrian access plan provides for the safe and efficient movement
of pedestrians within the immediate area of the venue. This includes accommodating
pedestrian trips to/from several mode transfer points in a planned special
event activity network. These points, shown for example in Figure 6-18,
include site parking areas, transit stations, express/charter bus stations,
shuttle bus stations, and pick-up/drop-off areas. Moreover, some event
patrons may make their entire trip, originating from home or work, on
foot. In meeting the managing travel for planned special events goal of
ensuring safety, the event planning team must develop a plan
that: (1) accommodates pedestrians accessing an event via a network of
safe walking routes and (2) minimizes pedestrian/vehicular conflicts.
Figure 6-18. Mode Transfer Point
As with planned special event travel demand, peak event-generated pedestrian
demand rates vary by event category:
- A discrete/recurring event at a permanent venue is characterized by
high peak pedestrian arrival and departure rates. Maximum pedestrian
demand occurs after the end of a discrete event, and the high demand
level meters pedestrian flow to event parking areas and transit/shuttle
stations, thus metering vehicle departures from the venue area.
- High attendance at continuous events and street use events yields
high pedestrian traffic traversing the adjacent street system for a
sustained period of time.
Existing pedestrian facilities, namely sidewalks and crosswalks as illustrated
in Figure 6-19, can not adequately accommodate pedestrian traffic in the
vicinity of a planned special event venue during ingress or egress. If
stakeholders fail to implement proper pedestrian control measures, then
pedestrians will risk exposure to moving traffic and traverse travel lanes,
causing traffic congestion, under heavy flow conditions. Also, the popularity
of planned special event transit service requires advance consideration
of moving pedestrians between an event venue and nearby transit stations.
Figure 6-19. At-Grade Pedestrian Crossings Adjacent
to a Venue Gate
A successfully implemented pedestrian access plan for planned special
events permits rapid dispersion of pedestrian flow. Although
high pedestrian volumes encompass the immediate venue area during ingress
and egress, the plan effects efficient access through a radial network
of pedestrian routes. It also includes time-sensitive strategies to minimize
overcrowding conditions at venue gates and mode transfer points. The plan
also considers a continuous shuttle bus service operations detail to handle
event patrons destined to/from satellite parking areas and transit stations
not easily accessible by foot.
Pedestrian Control
Pedestrian access routes are comprised of two components:
- A routing component, consisting of sidewalks or paths between
street intersections.
- A crossing component, consisting of infrastructure or other
vehicle control measure that allows pedestrians to cross a street safely.
Planned special event pedestrian management involves the implementation
of integrated control tactics to facilitate pedestrian routing and crossing
between a mode transfer point and the event venue. Key considerations
Figure 6-20. Pedestrian Crossing Barrier
- Pedestrian access route capacity represents the smallest of its routing
and crossing component capacities.
- In a radial network, where pedestrian volume is highest at the center
or venue, the event planning team should design pedestrian access routes
to provide increasingly greater capacity from site area to venue.
- Another important planning and operations consideration involves preventing
the intersection of pedestrian access routes. This results in overcrowding
at the intersection point and compromises pedestrian safety, particularly
if two streams of pedestrians intersect at a street crossing.
- Practitioners should design each access route to exclusively serve
a venue gate and implement control tactics to prevent routes from converging
until reaching the event venue.
- Associated tactics include erecting pedestrian crossing barriers,
as shown in Figure 6-20, at street intersections and deploying roving
law enforcement patrols for pedestrian protection and crowd control.
- Use of bicycle, equestrian, or all-terrain vehicle patrols allow officers
to conveniently access and travel on streets, pedestrian access routes,
and parking areas.
- A traffic operations agency can assist law enforcement in maintaining
orderly pedestrian flow through the site area by using CCTV to monitor
pedestrian travel and operations at critical crossing points. Shown
in Figure 6-21, stakeholders managing travel for major events at the
Daytona International Speedway successfully used portable CCTV cameras
to monitor the pedestrian egress flow rate from the venue in addition
to operations at several nearby street crossings.
Figure 6-21. Pedestrian Traffic Monitoring Via CCTV
Pedestrian Routing
Two strategies for managing pedestrian flow on walkways during planned
special events include:
- Locating access route termini.
- Providing additional, temporary pedestrian walkway capacity.
Key design aspects to consider include:
- The event planning team and parking area operators should avoid having
a pedestrian access route and parking area access point intersect.
- Vehicle turning movements in and out of access driveways impact pedestrian
safety and flow, and the implementation of special traffic control measures
reduces vehicle arrival rate to parking areas and may create congestion
on parking area access roads. Instead, stakeholders should provide an
uninterrupted pedestrian walkway, connecting a pedestrian access route
to parking areas, and station volunteers inside parking areas to prevent
pedestrian/vehicular conflicts.
- To effect pedestrian dispersion in the immediate area of the venue,
locate temporary transit stations a sufficient distance away from venues
while still affording event patrons a convenient walking distance. As
a result, potential station overcrowding during event egress does not
impede pedestrians from accessing routes leading to other mode transfer
points. This tactic also benefits transit users as traffic management
team personnel can better manage station queues by cordoning loading/unloading
areas and closing street curb lanes to furnish additional queuing area
not available adjacent to the venue.
Obtaining additional pedestrian walkway capacity involves increasing
walkway width. Tactics for achieving increased width include: (1) removing
movable sidewalk obstacles, such as news racks and benches and (2) closing
the adjacent street curb lane for pedestrian traffic. Key considerations
Figure 6-22. Pedestrian Access Route and Emergency
Access Route(8)
- Consider implementing the latter tactic between the event venue and
access points to parking areas and pick-up/drop-off areas, but terminate
the lane at street intersections if turning traffic can traverse the
pedestrian-designated curb lane.
- Use barricades and drums, coupled with law enforcement patrol, separate
traffic and pedestrian flow.
- To satisfy both public safety agency and pedestrian accommodation
needs, consider closing street segments adjacent to an event venue.
For example, as shown in Figure 6-22, a closed street can function as
a pedestrian access route and emergency access route.
Pedestrian Crossing
Table 6-15 describes tactics for improving the safety and capacity of
pedestrian street crossings.
Table 6-15. Pedestrian Crossing Tactics
Tactic |
Application |
Temporary pedestrian bridge |
- Provides uninterrupted flow.
- Achieves total separation of pedestrians and vehicles.
- Enhances pedestrian safety.
Street closure |
- Provides uninterrupted flow.
- Accommodates very heavy pedestrian volume.
- Allows pedestrian dispersion.
- Requires officer control.
Mid-block street crossing |
- Provides interrupted flow.
- Avoids pedestrian conflict with turning vehicles.
- Requires officer control.
Staffed crossings |
- Provides interrupted flow.
- Accommodates light pedestrian volume.
Figure 6-23. Temporary Pedestrian Bridge
Use of a temporary pedestrian bridge represents an effective tactic for
crossing wide streets or roadways where traffic throughput is emphasized.
Advantages include safety and minimal traffic management team staffing
requirements. Disadvantages include cost and the lack of access for disabled
persons. Figure 6-23 shows a temporary, pre-fabricated pedestrian bridge
that was successfully deployed during the 1995 U.S. Golf Open as a pedestrian
crossing, over an arterial roadway and the Long Island Rail Road, between
the event venue and two mode transfer points (transit station and VIP
parking area).
Temporary street closures during event egress allow the venue to empty
faster and permits pedestrians to disperse to a number of adjacent mode
transfer points and pedestrian access routes. Recognize that heavy pedestrian
flow on street crosswalks near venue gates significantly reduces traffic
turning movement capacity. Therefore, total street closure mainly impacts
cross street through traffic flow, traffic that can be diverted away from
the immediate venue area. The traffic management team reopens the street
when traffic signal phasing can accommodate remaining pedestrian demand.
As shown in Figure 6-24, law enforcement may close a road segment(s) adjacent
to the main gate of a continuous event to alleviate the need to staff
multiple at-grade crossings as patrons arrive and depart throughout the
event day.
Figure 6-24. Road Closure Adjacent to Event Venue
Figure 6-25 shows a staffed, mid-block pedestrian crossing. Mid-block
crossings not only reduce the likelihood of vehicle-pedestrian collisions,
but accident severity as well. As with all staffed crossings, traffic
management team supervisors should establish the relative priority of
competing pedestrian and traffic movements and communicate that priority
to officers controlling such crossings.
Practitioners should analyze the level of service of major pedestrian
access routes and crossings, first and foremost to ensure anticipated
pedestrian demand levels do not exceed available capacity at any time
during event ingress and egress. Overcrowding on pedestrian facilities
compromises the safety of pedestrians and may interfere with adjacent
street traffic flow.
Figure 6-25. Staffed Mid-block Crossing
The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) includes procedures for computing capacity
and level of service for various types of pedestrian routes and crossings,
summarized in Table 6-16.(9)
With regard to capacity, a Level of Service E indicates design volumes
approach the limit of facility capacity. The HCM also discusses characteristics
of pedestrian flow and various performance measures.
Table 6-16. Pedestrian Facilities Covered in the
Highway Capacity Manual
Facility Type |
- Walkways and sidewalks
- Pedestrian queuing areas (e.g., transit/shuttle stations and
street crossing areas)
- Pedestrian crosswalks at signalized and unsignalized intersections
- Pedestrian facilities along urban streets (e.g., extended pedestrian
facilities with both interrupted and uninterrupted flows)
Disabled Accessibility
The pedestrian access plan must accommodate disabled event patrons arriving
via all travel modes serving a planned special event. This involves examining
all routes that a disabled event patron may traverse and, in turn, ensuring
the patron has an unimpeded path from mode transfer point to venue seat.
Accessible pedestrian routes must: (1) maintain a minimum path width,
(2) include curb cuts and temporary ramps for negotiating grade separations,
and (3) conform to local Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations.
If a particular route (e.g., from express/charter bus station or transit
station) does not meet accessibility requirements, then accessible shuttles
must operate between affected mode transfer points and accessible pick-up/drop-off
Permanent venue parking areas have designated accessible parking and
pick-up/drop-off areas that provide disabled event patrons with unobstructed
access to event venue gates. This does not apply for temporary venues
or locations of street use events. Disabled parking spaces at municipal
and private parking areas serving continuous events and street use events
may be located too far a distance from venue gates or event viewing areas.
Each individual special event parking area includes a minimum number of
disabled parking spaces to meet ADA regulations, thus rendering an on-demand,
accessible shuttle operation from the lot impractical. As a result, the
event planning team should sign and staff one parking area, nearest to
venue gates or prime event viewing areas, for disabled parking. Figure
6-26 shows an access point to a municipal lot designated a disabled parking
area for a downtown planned special event at a temporary venue.
Figure 6-26. Special Event Disabled
Parking Area Access Point
Shuttle Bus Service
A shuttle bus service should be operated continuously within the venue
site area during event ingress and egress, with the service schedule revolving
around event patron arrivals and departures. Common shuttle service to/from
a planned special event venue include: (1) satellite parking area service,
(2) transit station service, and (3) employee parking area service. A
particular planned special event may involve multiple private and public
(e.g., transit agency) shuttle service operators, all of whom must coordinate
with the event planning team on service details and station locations.
The shuttle bus service planning process should incorporate the considerations
listed in Table 6-17. These considerations impact the overall travel choice
utility associated with the activity network supported by a shuttle bus
service. Its design and operation on the day-of-event must satisfy a range
of user needs, summarized in Table 6-18. These needs pertain to service
and station provisions. Successful shuttle bus services positively influence
the travel mode or destination (e.g., off-site) choice made by persons
traveling to and from a planned special event. As illustrated by the event
website promotion displayed in Figure 6-27, an event public information
campaign may spotlight shuttle bus operations to promote alternate travel
options, such as transit use or parking at a satellite parking area.
Table 6-17. Considerations in Shuttle Bus Operations(10)
Consideration |
- Travel time
- Directness
- Avoidance of traffic problem areas
- Separation of shuttle buses from event traffic
- Boarding locations
- Ability to load/unload passengers simultaneously on several
- Pedestrian routing
- Neighborhood impacts
Table 6-18. Shuttle Bus Service User Needs(11)
Need |
- Have less than a 5-minute wait time.
- Have a short or moving embarking queue.
- Have an on-time arrival.
- Be free of confusion.
- Be protected from weather conditions.
- Have less than a quarter-mile walk to/from the shuttle station.
Figure 6-27. Shuttle Bus Service Promotion
(Graphic courtesy of The Ohio State University.) D
Service Design
The end result in shuttle bus service design involves determining the
required number of buses to meet expected ridership levels. Based on event
category and associated operations characteristics, the number of shuttle
buses needed during event ingress and egress may vary. Discrete, recurring
events at a permanent venue demand maximum service at the end of the event.
Primary service design inputs include event patron arrival and minimum
service headway (e.g., time between bus arrivals). To estimate the magnitude
and rate of arrival, consult parking demand analysis and travel forecast
results applicable to the mode transfer point(s) (e.g., parking area or
transit station) to be serviced by the shuttle bus. Utilize vehicle occupancy
figures referenced in the event feasibility study to convert vehicle-trips
to person-trips in order to develop shuttle ridership estimates. The shuttle
bus service will serve approximately the same number of persons during
egress operation as it does during ingress operation. As previously noted,
demand rates likely may vary. On the day-of-event, service operators should
utilize ingress passenger counts to reevaluate service needs before the
planned special event ends.
Minimum service headway represents a function of route service time.
The following equation defines route service time:
Route service time = (Round-trip travel time) + (Number
of shuttle bus stations on route) * (Average passenger loading time at
one station + Average passenger unloading time at one station + Average
dwell time at one station)
Travel time estimates must reflect day-of-event operations and may vary
depending on transit accommodation strategies contained in the event traffic
control plan. The following equation defines minimum service headway:
Minimum service headway = (Route service time) / (Number
of shuttle buses operating on a specific route at any given time)
The following steps describe how to determine the required capacity to
successfully operate a shuttle bus service on a particular route:
Figure 6-28. On-Site Shuttle
Bus Station
- First, design the shuttle bus fleet size based on the criteria of
providing a minimum service headway less than the maximum desired user
wait time. Using the above equation for minimum service headway: (1)
substitute the maximum desired user wait time for minimum service headway,
(2) insert the route service time, and (3) solve for the number of shuttle
buses required on the route, rounding up to account for the user wait
time criteria. Note that the service headway between successive shuttle
buses may be greater than the minimum service headway if the fleet of
buses assigned to a particular route are not perfectly staggered to
yield equal headways between buses.
- Second, compare the event patron rate of arrival to the rate of available
shuttle bus seats per unit of time. To accommodate pedestrian flow during
peak periods of ingress and egress, practitioners should consider a
sub-hourly analysis (e.g., peak 15 or 30 minutes) using the highest
anticipated event patron arrival rates. For analysis purposes, arrival
rate refers to the rate of pedestrians arriving to a shuttle bus station
at a parking area/transit station and at a venue during event ingress
and egress operations, respectively. Practitioners should increase the
number of shuttle buses serving a particular route, as necessary based
on analysis results, to meet peak event patron arrival rates and avoid
overcrowding at shuttle bus stations.
- Third, account for dwell time and event patron demand at all shuttle
bus stations serviced by a particular shuttle route.
Station Design
A temporary shuttle bus station will exist at both a mode transfer point
and at the event venue. Station design and operations should facilitate
the rapid loading and unloading of shuttle passengers without impacting
adjacent traffic operations and pedestrian movement. Because of the high
concentration of pedestrian traffic at the event venue during ingress
and egress, venue station design is critical. On-site shuttle bus stations
should: (1) facilitate easy shuttle bus access, (2) provide a defined
passenger waiting area, (3) promote an orderly queue formation, and (4)
shield waiting passengers from adjacent vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Figure 6-28 shows an on-site shuttle bus station located adjacent to a
roadway designated exclusively for bus use during a rural planned special
event. Table 6-19 summarizes key considerations that surround shuttle
bus station design.
Table 6-19. Considerations in Shuttle Bus Station
Consideration |
Tactic |
Benefit |
Location at venue |
- Designate an exclusive curbside bus lane on a road segment adjacent
to the venue.
- Locate station adjacent to bus lane but away from venue gates.
- Design bus loading areas and turnarounds by using appropriate
bus turning templates.
- Layout bus turnarounds in the field and use the selected bus
size for a test drive to assure U-turns can be accommodated without
requiring the bus to back-up.
- Avoids pedestrians using shuttle from crossing streets.
- Assures safe and efficient design for bus movements.
Pedestrian management |
- Connect stations to planned pedestrian access routes.
- Enclose passenger waiting area with temporary barriers (e.g.,
snow fencing or barricades)
- Improves passenger safety.
- Minimizes conflict with other pedestrian traffic.
Shuttle loading |
- Designate sections within passenger waiting area that correspond
to different shuttle bus destinations (if any).
- Erect signs disseminating information on fare structure, ticket
purchasing, and important regulations.
- Deploy volunteers to answer questions and assist passengers
in shuttle embarking and disembarking.
- Create ability to load/unload several buses simultaneously.
- Reduces shuttle loading time.
- Eliminates passenger confusion.
Passenger comfort |
- Provide shelter over station (e.g., tent).
- Creates a landmark for identifying the station.
- Keeps passengers protected from weather conditions.
Shuttle bus service operators should have access to pertinent traffic
management team radio communication channels and/or consider stationing
a supervisor in the event command post. Station volunteers can monitor
passenger queuing and loading/unloading times. Bus operators can monitor
passenger volume and communicate bus travel time and location. The service
supervisor, in turn, directs service response to schedule delays, bus
breakdowns, station overcrowding, and traffic incidents blocking service
Shuttle bus operation contingency plans should include alternate shuttle
routes in the event of a traffic incident occurrence. The alternate route
should traverse a completely different set of streets than the preferred
route. Service operators should maintain an operations and route detail
for any parking areas denoted as an alternate (e.g., for overflow or weather
reasons) to the primary lot served by the service. Other applicable contingency
information includes temporary service locations for bus maintenance and
The operation of a shuttle bus service likely will realize greater efficiency
for discrete events compared to continuous events such as fairs and festivals.
Funding is obtained through satellite parking area fees, corporate sponsorship,
or general event revenues. In some cases, parking is free, and the shuttle
service charges a nominal fare to passengers. This arrangement may cause
delays during passenger embarking, particularly if the bus operator must
collect fares. Shuttle users likely will resist any fare charged for shuttle
bus service from a transit station. Therefore, a fare-based shuttle service
could significantly impact the utility that event patrons assign to transit
when considering planned special event travel options.
Plan Specifications
Table 6-20 lists pertinent pedestrian access plan informational elements
of interest to event patrons and participants. A traffic flow map or traffic
control plan, prepared as a traveler information tool, may contain callouts
to pedestrian facilities and day-of-event control tactics. Traffic management
team personnel will require an implementation plan tailored to each pedestrian
management initiative.
Table 6-20. Pedestrian Access Plan Checklist
Element |
- Show recommended pedestrian access routes.
- Show pedestrian bridges and tunnels.
- Indicate special pedestrian crossing tactics (e.g., street closure
or mid-block crossings)
- Show shuttle bus route, direction of travel, stop locations,
and loading and unloading areas.
- Show vertical connections between infrastructure levels (e.g.,
stairs, escalator, elevator, ramps).
- Show designated pedestrian crossings at street use event venues.
- Indicate special regulations.
- Highlight pedestrian access routes and crossings suitable for
disabled event patrons.