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The checklist on initial planning activities targets scenarios linked to particular planned special events that may require modifications to the traffic management plan on the day-of-event. A proactive response to such scenarios involves the development of contingency plans packaged into a scenario-based traffic management plan that provides a selection of options for a range of potential unexpected events. The figure below summarizes the types of assessments made for each of the four steps in the initial planning activities checklist:
![Image names the four steps in this activity checklist and the associated assessments for each.](images/fig1.jpg)
Step 1. Information and Data Collection
![Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 1.](images/cl1s1.jpg)
Step 2. Assessment of Event-oriented Risks
![Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 2.](images/cl1s2.jpg)
Step 3. Assessment of External Factors Affecting Scope of Event
![Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 3.](images/cl1s3.jpg)
![Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 4.](images/cl1s4.jpg)
Step 5. Event Operations Planning
![Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 5.](images/cl1s5.jpg)
Step 6. Selection of Measures of Effectiveness
![Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 6.](images/cl1s6.jpg)